Recent content by Saltmeister

  1. Saltmeister

    Something Bad Jesus Did

    I would like to hear what this offer is. It better not be the usual stuff, because as you would know, the usual stuff is not the solution. The world population was never big enough for so many people to die over "religion," and if you were to take into consideration the social, political...
  2. Saltmeister

    Is there a true Church in this world today?

    I wasn't at all saying there were no "true Christians" in the world. That's a completely different issue entirely, although people tend to think that you can't have "true Christians" without the true church. I was talking about the "true church" as a Sanhedrin-like body for Christians. Without...
  3. Saltmeister

    Something Bad Jesus Did

    Surely Servetus, aren't you being a bit too meticulous and pedantic?
  4. Saltmeister

    Something Bad Jesus Did

    I find it strange of you to be nitpicking your own posts.:eek: Why don't you let Ben call it out first?
  5. Saltmeister

    News on Bob X

    So, he's not dead or stranded in hospital?
  6. Saltmeister

    But Really, Why Was Jesus Crucified?

    Who do you mean by Cartman? Do you mean the guy in South Park? Southpark Cartman respect my authority - YouTube A.W.E.S.O.M.-O is awesome HD - YouTube The Real South Park (English) - YouTube
  7. Saltmeister

    Paul, the Cuckoo Bird

    This is what makes Paul's ideology controversial. Is Reform Judaism right, or is Orthodox Judaism right? Orthodox Jews accept and obey halakha. Reform Jews accept it but don't believe they need to follow it. Neglecting the things you've said that make you sound like a Karaite or Sadducee, I...
  8. Saltmeister

    A New Beginning

    Who's been giving you trouble? I'll deal with them for you!!!! I am actually quite curious as to the nature of the offence. Authority is unavoidable when you need someone to make the decisions. I think ideology is unavoidable too when people get political and idealistic. Ideology...
  9. Saltmeister

    God & god - "Know ye not that ye are gods?"

    Petrol? You don't call it gasoline? I had the impression you were American.
  10. Saltmeister

    Something Bad Jesus Did

    I see. Have you ever stepped outside Israel to see what Christianity and Islam were really like outside of Israel? You may find that the boundaries of religion are not that solid. That's not my definition and as far as I am concerned there was never an official, divinely sanctioned...
  11. Saltmeister

    Paul, the Cuckoo Bird

    Perhaps I should add that I addressed this recently in another thread.
  12. Saltmeister

    Paul, the Cuckoo Bird

    As far as I'm concerned, Paul's position in Galatians is more like that of Reform Judaism -- something had changed, the Jewish people no longer have to live in "bondage," the old traditions are still valuable, but the requirements are no longer valid. That is not Replacement Theology, but...
  13. Saltmeister

    But Really, Why Was Jesus Crucified?

    What's the point of opening up those graves if the people don't come back to life? They might as well remain underground. To say that God can open up graves but not bring people back to life is quite bizarre. Why wouldn't God go the whole way and resurrect them? I would have thought these dead...
  14. Saltmeister

    Something Bad Jesus Did

    I think you should be careful what you call "Christianity." The word "Christianity" is a blanket term for a lot of things Christian-related. Before I proceed, let me say first that I do not necessarily agree with everything Paul says. Now let me begin. For a start, I do not agree with what...
  15. Saltmeister

    Paul, the Cuckoo Bird

    What's irksome about "replacement theology" is that I do not believe Paul was the one who proposed it. I don't think Paul would have gone that far. Paul proposed a "liberal ideology" comparable to Reform Judaism -- that Jewish halakha shouldn't be binding, at the very least to Gentiles but...