Amed Deedat's passing...


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United States
I was surfing youtube for a minute and, I somehow ended up coming across a video of Ahmed Deedot, before he died. And, Ahmed Deedot was crying.

I remember watching Ahmed Deedat in debates with Christians. I was watching as I have been searching for information that would help me be free of my fear of not believing in Jesus as the only way.

As I was watching him cry, I was wondering why he was crying? Was he afraid that he was about to die? Was he regretful of everything he said and did and wished he never said it like, "I was wrong. Jesus is the son of God. I have to believe in him to be saved before I die but, my pride won't let me, I will die a Muslim. I am going to hell but, I will not repent. This is horrible." Was it a combination of things?

Then someone posted: "This [bleep] was crying because he knew he's going to hell for believing in a satan Allah for a God."

I then thought, "Oh my, such unkind words. Oh my gosh."

I understand we are not perfect and we are free to do anything we want, whenever we want but, this life we are living, we really are in this together. We are born together, we live together, we marry to each other's children, our love ones die, and then we die. Despite this being true, we continue to be mean to each other. I mean, who are we kiddin?

Let us consider what Jesus or Buddha taught. They taught us to treat others as we would like to be treated. to love our neighbor. This is something they both taught. It is a golden rule found in almost any system of thought.

No matter who is right or wrong, let us have the courage to be kind to each other, to forgive each other, and have the courage to forgive ourselves for every action of misconduct.

May all beings who are about to die at this moment and future moments, find relief from all the difficulties we share together in life. May that what awaits them and all of us right here right now, may that we go somewhere peaceful. May nobody goes to hell. Not the Buddhists, the Atheists, the Muslims, the Jews, and people who reject Jesus. May that, no matter what you believe or do not believe, at the time of your death, find freedom from all insecurities about having to die, and that after their physical body ceases to function, that whatever happens after that is positive and peaceful. May we all cherish our common destiny.

Loving Kindness
As I was watching him cry, I was wondering why he was crying? Was he afraid that he was about to die? Was he regretful of everything he said and did and wished he never said it like, "I was wrong. Jesus is the son of God. I have to believe in him to be saved before I die but, my pride won't let me, I will die a Muslim. I am going to hell but, I will not repent. This is horrible." Was it a combination of things?

I do not know how the pain of human beings ... or the moments of painful death indicate that he is a man regretful or evil or afraid?:eek:

His son Yusuf said that the cause of his death was heart failure.
The family was not in a state of shock, said Yusuf. “As Muslims we believe that every soul shall taste death.”
Even the prophets ( peace upon them) suffered from the pain of death.

Remember that Christians believe that Jesus suffered very much in his last moment before death, and tortured ...Do you agree with his enemies that he deserved revenge and punishment???​

I don't compare between our Prophet Jesus (PUH) and Dedat ,but only for the analysis of the situation .​
Ahmad dedat was Just person from millions of people and he isn't prophet or especial ... .

Ahmed Deedat in the years of his illness was connect with the world through the computer ,and he was able to declare repentance ... If he regretful ... But he was re-watched his lectures and videos conversations and has been taking notes and he called his pupils to follow up his way.

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - - Politics in Depth

Ahmed Deedat son display the story of his father

IslamicTube :: My Father Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - by Yousuf Deedat (2/7))
Thank you so much for sharing that one clip with me. I haven't watched all the clips but I watched a clip of him debating or explaining Islam to a large group of Christians. He was brave and did a good job of explaining the point of view of Islam by himself to a large group of Christians. People may walk around and think they know the Bible but, Ahmed Deedat, really knew a lot. If we really want to understand the Bible. We really gotta read it.

A lot of examples he pointed out about Jesus and Christianity made sense. For whatever reason, I may still not believe that Jesus was a Muslim but, I better understand and respect the Muslim point of view of Jesus. I also have a more understanding and respect of Islam and Muslims just from watching this set of clips. Why do Muslims pray the way they do. What do they do when they pray. It is actually very beautiful and peaceful.

I also just want to say that, in this post 9/11 world, may Muslims every where are able to live at peace with fellow neighbors, be they Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Atheists, and so on.

I think, we can debate and debate, and debate, about the correct interpretation of the Bible, Jesus, and God. However, let us never forget the importance of love, forgiveness, reconciliation, respect of others, and kindness.

May all sentient beings every where, big and small, young and old, happy or sad, doing good deeds or bad deeds, born or yet to be born, seen or unseen, are happy, well, safe, and free from all fears, insecurities, and difficulties.

Peace to all of you

Loving Kindness
There may be a thousand reasons why a man cries. He was paralyzed at the end of his life, so may be he was fed up with it. Or may be he was so happy with his life that he cried thinking of the blessings of God that he was going to get. He helped many people in saving themselves from sinister missionary tactics in South Asia, South East Asia & Sub-Saharan Africa. He was more like an allergic reaction to missionary zeal, who studied bible by himself & gave muslims solid answers to counter missionary questions, insults & dis-information. I really don't think he was scared of "not believing" "Constantine's official religion".

As far as "Son-ness of jesus" is concerned, if one look into its origins & evolution, things become very clear. Its not even in the NT as "spoken word of Jesus". Paul "allegedly" wrote these things, semitic words were interpreted according to Greek/Roman world view, & then it all evolved in the direction of other near-west religions. This concept has no foundation in the Abrahamic tradition, as son-ness throughout the history of Judaism was taken metaphorically. Lateron in Islam, this term was changed with "friend of God (Auliya)".

Many Christians outside the domain of Byzentine empire remained distant from this creed, & afterwards slowly converted to Islam, since it was perfectly compatable to the original teachings of Jesus, son of Mary.

For whatever reason, I may still not believe that Jesus was a Muslim
Well, that depends upon how you define "muslim". Muhammaden version of Islam is based on a metaphysics that is 99.9% Mosaic & 100% Abrahamic. The only difference between Mosaic & Muhammaden metaphysics is that Jews (ethnicaly defined) considered themselves as people of God. While Muslims (Faith based Identity) consider everybody who comes within their faith's fold as "man of God". The Mosaic & Muhammaded Sharia are also very much similar. Jesus' whole career was about rescuing Mosaic law from the tyranny of priestly class. He saw himself as the revival-er of "the law of prophets".

More or less the same thing was done by Muhammad. Jesus'/Moses' message was basically for bani-israel, Muhammad's message was for bani-adam. So the main difference between them is that of extent, not essence.


A lot of Deedat's debates are available here

Welcome to TRUTHWAY TV

Lots of his debated are available on youtube too. Try this one for a start (Although it showcases Gary Miller's craft more that Deedat's)

YouTube - Islam and Christianity -Ahmed Deedat and Gary Miller (1/18)

His legacy is continued by his student, Zakir Naik.
First of all, some Christians claim that Allah is the Devil. When infact, they do not read their own book. Jesus once said, the devil cannot be anything more then the devil, otherwise his kingdoms will fall. So that has been refuted via their own book.

On his death Bed, he continued to receive hundreds of letters of support from around the world, but was a target to many missionaries who tried to convert him to Christianity, to which he replied -via head and eye movements- with verses from the Bible.

Many missionaries tried to convert Deedat, but he refuted all of them. So how then can he be crying about him knowign he will go to hell? These Christian Evangalist are nut cases lol...
Death is scary for all of us. Just because a person cries on his/her deathbed does not mean that he/she is regretting something. For me, I would be scared and I would think that I did not do enough good in this world after me. I personally feel that that would be my biggest fear about death, because doing good is what Allah SWT has commanded all of us.
Deedat was a good man. He had many years before him to change his mind about Islam and islamic teachings about Jesus pbuh, and yet, Deedat decided to keep championing Islaam in his life. And he did. I hope Allah Almighty will give him heaven.