Ramadan Mubarak


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Salaam Allahikum all,

Just wanted to stop in and wish everyone a blessed Ramadan.
Greetings. Hearing of Ramadan I am attempting to undersand the traditon and what it represent. Ramadan is a month of fasting from sunrise to sunset. It is the holy month of when the prophet was delivered. I do not know much and fear offending someone with my intrepretations of what I read on web with thanks to google... So I write an open invitation to share your tradition of Ramadan with me. I am intrigue with the high discipline needed, and how the experience effects you. I am not even quite sure if one can discuss, being a sacred personal experience perhaps?
Salaam Allahikum wa rahmuttalah (Peace and Blessings of Allah Be upon you)

Hearing of Ramadan I am attempting to undersand the traditon and what it represent. Ramadan is a month of fasting from sunrise to sunset.
Just because I'm a stickler for correctness, it is from first light to sundown.

It is the holy month of when the prophet was delivered.
Actually this is entirely wrong, but to be fair not far off. Ramadan is the Month in which the Quran was revealed (or delivered) to Prophet Mouhammed (PBUH).

I do not know much and fear offending someone with my intrepretations of what I read on web with thanks to google...
Questions don't offend most of us, it's when people shove false words in our mouth.

So I write an open invitation to share your tradition of Ramadan with me. I am intrigue with the high discipline needed, and how the experience effects you. I am not even quite sure if one can discuss, being a sacred personal experience perhaps?
As I stated, Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed. Allah instructed us to observe an obligatory fast during the hours specified above. In doing so we deny ourselves Food, Drink, and Sexual intercourse during the hours of fasting. Allah also has stated that our good deeds are Multiplied this month, so people push to be on their best behavior, offering extra Prayers and being extra generous. We avoid being rude even more than normal and do our best to get away from anger. It is said that Allah locks Shaytan (Satan in the English Biblical language) up in Hell for the month so that we cannot blame him for our bad deeds. This also provides some ease with the fast as we aren't tempted by Shaytan or his evil Djinn. From fasting many of us learn and practice self-control, and remember the poor's struggle by feeling hunger and thirst. Recently there has been several other benefits discovered to fasting, Both mental and physical health is beneficially affected.

Please feel free to ask of any or our customs or beliefs, anytime. I'd prefer you to learn from a Muslim than someone who is out there telling lies.
Thank you, Joe. I am a catholic by nature.... and respect all faiths. Is 'Allah' an Arabic term? Both faiths are monotheism. The Quran is a 'scripture' after the Bible and supports the bible.... or more correctly does not contradict.... would this be correct. I was awed to read how the Quran was revealed and the timing.... beginning with messages to Adam and through the angel Gabriel. Muslim faith also support the resurrection of Christ? In my limited reading thus far, I am getting a sense the Quran as simply an additional scripture.... but I suppose it is the source of the Quran that comes under question for acceptance to the Catholic faith. One question I wonder...Prophet Mouhammed.... I would expect the name to be sacred, yet the name Mouhammed appears common in mideast.... or perhaps different spelling?
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Is 'Allah' an Arabic term?
yes, It roughly translates to THE GOD.
Both faiths are monotheism.
although it is debated highly amongst all the Abrahamics that Catholicism is Monotheistic (some say all Christianity) I would agree, with a slight cringe.
The Quran is a 'scripture' after the Bible and supports the bible.... or more correctly does not contradict.... would this be correct.
Mostly Correct. It supports the Bible, but we must actually define what the Bible is first. It supports the original texts, and for the most part is a rehashing of a lot of it. It is a scripture that is both attached and detached. For instance the NT cannot really work without the context of the OT, but the Quran can stand without the OT or NT. The infallibility of the Bible is contested amongst many Muslims, and there are many reasons why. What I find when I read the Bible with the knowledge I gained from the Quran is that a lot of the sources of disagreement are clarified and if one tries hard, one can see how the author was simply not skilled enough to convey such a heavy message. This is justified in our view knowing that the best copies of the original books are 3rd and 4th revisions at best, and most are copies of copies of 3rd and 4th revisions. (I'm not asking you to accept any of this, just informing you on our view.
I was awed to read how the Quran was revealed and the timing.... beginning with messages to Adam and through the angel Gabriel.
It is quite wonderful how eloquently it all lines up. Adam (PBUH) being the first Prophet, and so on with thousands coming to all people. Gabriel (ABP) relayed the portions to prophets (PBUTA) that Allah instructed. Among other angels to various other prophets (PBUTA) and other important people.
Muslim faith also support the resurrection of Christ?
again Debated, in content, outcome is same. Most Muslims believe Jesus (PBUH) was spared the Crucifixion and another person either inhabited his body or was made to look like him. Others believe his body was killed but Allah did not allow him to die, but appear so. Either way we agree Jesus (PBUH) showed up a couple days later and conveyed a message and then ascended to heaven and he waits there for his proper time to return, nearing judgement day.
In my limited reading thus far, I am getting a sense the Quran as simply an additional scripture.... but I suppose it is the source of the Quran that comes under question for acceptance to the Catholic faith.
yes, for a Catholic to approve of the Quran as an additional scripture would require an acceptance that Mouhammed (PBUH) was at least A prophet of God, therefor his message that God is 1 not 3 nor 3 in 1 would be true. Also, one would have to accept that the source is not Mouhammed (PBUH), but rather the one he claimed it came from which is Allah, simply because a prophet cannot lie (I'm sure you can find Biblical sources to that one).
One question I wonder...Prophet Mouhammed.... I would expect the name to be sacred, yet the name Mouhammed appears common in mideast.... or perhaps different spelling?
Mouhammed (PBUH) was a prophet, to be respected and sacred which is why we always place wishes and prayers of peace upon his name as we do with all the other Prophets of God (PBUTA) . People who use these names do so in respect that the name is the best, usually their firstborn son receives that name, while subsequent ones may recieve other prophets' (PBUTA) names. It is not uncommon to hear Isa (Jesus) (PBUH) or Yahyah (John) (PBUH) or any other prophet's names used for males. Names you may be familiar with such as Maryam (Mary) are used for females as they represent the best of women such as the Mother of Isa (PBUH) being Maryam (ABP). Not all Muslims use these names, and there is no problem with naming children anything the parents choose as long as it is not a name against Islam.

I pray Allah allows you to find the right path, whichever that may be.
ctually this is entirely wrong, but to be fair not far off. Ramadan is the Month in which the Quran was revealed (or delivered) to Prophet Mouhammed

Slaam ,

The Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad peace upon him within a period of 23 years ,,,
And The imposition of fasting for Muslims was in the second year of migration, and thus became the fourth pillar of the pillars of Islam .This migration of Prophet Muhammad (PUH) that were from Mecca to Madina to begin the formation of the Islamic community away from the disbeliever of Quraysh threats .
Some verses of the Qaran was revealed to the Prophet in Mecca before the Prophet's migration and some are in the city (Almadina) after the Prophet's migration ,But Muslims believe that the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad was in this month ( Ramadan)
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Greetings. Hearing of Ramadan I am attempting to undersand the traditon and what it represent. Ramadan is a month of fasting from sunrise to sunset. It is the holy month of when the prophet was delivered. I do not know much and fear offending someone with my intrepretations of what I read on web with thanks to google... So I write an open invitation to share your tradition of Ramadan with me. I am intrigue with the high discipline needed, and how the experience effects you. I am not even quite sure if one can discuss, being a sacred personal experience perhaps?


According to me as Muslim fasting is a spiritual period when you are closer to your God and away from life issues .. think how you can meet your creator (Allah) while he satisfied upon your life works (In the afterlife ) .

just to sum it up. Circumcision is required (although some cultures wait a few years), but there is no ceremony upon birth save some general duas for the child's health, piousness, etc.

Baptism, While the water baptism can be related to the bath or shower one is encouraged to take after taking Shahada for the first time, symbolic of washing his/her prior sins, also cleansing oneself in preparation to establish prayer. Baptism is more literally when you accept Allah as the Master and yourself his slave, your heart is washed of all bad.
ramadan mubarak to all; have a happy one everyone, even the non-muslims! :); this is a month of mercy for all! :)
Happy Ramadan to everyone. May this month bring happiness, prosperity, health, joy and whatever you like in your life.