thoughts and actions


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Somewhere over the rainbow
I have been musing just lately over the conflict that we sometimes experience between our thoughts and our actions that can at times cause a lack of clarity in our lives. Is it more likely do you think, that the opposite is true — and that is more likely to be the lack of clarity that creates the conflict between our ‘thoughts and actions?’

Thought and action could be perceived as being the two different dimensions of who we are: the mental and the physical. But there are other dimensions… ‘There is the emotional and the spiritual elements to us as well’ which allow us to see situations from other perspectives.

The way I see it is that we need to continually ponder on what our feelings say about the conflict and what our conscience is telling us.

I hope I am not confusing you all here…I suppose what I am trying to say is that when we put all four of these dimensions together and collect input from all of them: the physical, the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual, we have a lot more information about our problem, seeing all four sides instead of just two.

Just thoughts….

I guess I have always been of the opinion that when our thoughts are in conflict with our actions it is because we have lacked the courage of our conviction. So in that, I would have to disagree with your idea about a lack clarity creating conflict between thought and action.
I guess I somewhat tend to agree with Einstein, that problems cannot be solved at the same level on which they were created. Taking a step "up" from the problem will move one from the physical to the emotional, from the emotional to the mental plane and from mental to soul plane. If I, for instance, am having an emotional crisis, I focus my consciousness on the mental plane, as high in the head as possible, and become the observer of what is going on in the lower plane. As soon as I have made that focus strong enough the crisis dissipates and I can move forward. This is not a difficult technique, though it takes practice. I have too many questions at times, so try to be patient with me....still trying to find answers that fit.

Peace to you Bow...

This sounds like a good approach, since in every case of conflict or difficulty, there is always a `Higher Power' or greater level of spiritual authority, inspiration & insight that can be brought into the personality. :)


christine.P said:
I have been musing just lately over the conflict that we sometimes experience between our thoughts and our actions that can at times cause a lack of clarity in our lives. Is it more likely do you think, that the opposite is true — and that is more likely to be the lack of clarity that creates the conflict between our ‘thoughts and actions?’

Thought and action could be perceived as being the two different dimensions of who we are: the mental and the physical. But there are other dimensions… ‘There is the emotional and the spiritual elements to us as well’ which allow us to see situations from other perspectives.

The way I see it is that we need to continually ponder on what our feelings say about the conflict and what our conscience is telling us.

The trick is to keep all of our voices in harmony, not ignoring some while letting other get too strong. But sometimes our life, our work, can take us away from where our heart lies, and then there is conflict. That will keep nagging away until we resolve it by bringing our life back into line with our heart.