Religion search engine


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Dear forum members,

we have launched a religion search engine and we would like to get some comments on speed, usability ...

Short info:
Religion Explorer is a crawler based search engine that searches only in religion related sites.
Our goal is to provide the freshest indices with the most powerful search features which will allow anyone to find any information about religion faster than with any other search engine. offers you:
-searching religion related sites only
-browsing directory with religion related categories
-searching and browsing for religion related books
-latest religion related news

Thanks for your time!
Well, on the one hand it is spam. On the other hand, we are pretty well ranked for a couple of key terms I have us in for Google and Yahoo!, so I'll let it go this time. :)

As a search engine it doesn't actually seem to be too bad.
Very welcome notice

pedja said:
Dear forum members,

we have launched a religion search engine and we would like to get some comments on speed, usability ...

Short info:
Religion Explorer is a crawler based search engine that searches only in religion related sites.
Our goal is to provide the freshest indices with the most powerful search features which will allow anyone to find any information about religion faster than with any other search engine. offers you:
-searching religion related sites only
-browsing directory with religion related categories
-searching and browsing for religion related books
-latest religion related news

Thanks for your time!
Thanks for your notice. And God bless you all guys doing this site. Tell me though, if I may be inquisitive, what's in it for you? Are you also seeking to earn some revenues with ads. That's legitimate.

Susma Rio Sep
Thanks Brian for not deleting this topic, I am aware that this topic is "almost" spam.

Susma thank you for your blessing! At this moment I don't have any "money" plans for ReligionExplore, maybe in future I will go for google ads... With other words you can see this as kind of hobby.
Knowledge is good!

pedja said:
Thanks Brian for not deleting this topic, I am aware that this topic is "almost" spam.

Susma thank you for your blessing! At this moment I don't have any "money" plans for ReligionExplore, maybe in future I will go for google ads... With other words you can see this as kind of hobby.

I am glad to be of encouragement to anyone doing anything in the way of advancing knowledge. Of course there are people who fear that all knowledge is not all wholesome knowledge. That's true, in the sense that some people might and did and will use knowledge to destroy and kill instead of building and enhancing life. However, I believe that the history of mankind so far tells us that knowledge has been more to man's advantage than the opposite.

So I congratulate you for your website, and I have used it -- Very good.

This might be simplistic, but it is people like you who are bringing in the era of universal understanding and peace. And of course also Brian, owner/adminstrator of the present site.

More power to you!

Susma Rio Sep
Heh, simply entering a forum, then posting a link to another site, is usually taken as spamming. :)

However, if a post is relevant I see no harm in letting it stay. :)

I am deeply curious as to how your search engine works, though - does it rank by it's own algo, use it's own spiders, etc - or does it take results from a third party and filter them? In case you didn't know, SEO is my business occupation, so I do take some real interest in this issue. A considered reply may be a good way to showcase your engine. :)
Thanks again Susma for this beautiful words.
I am a little bit short on words because English is not my native language,thus everybody sorry for bad English.

And now a few technical details for Brian:
-I have own spider named "" how originally :)
-our algo is based on few things:
+kind of pagerank (number of links)
+font size
+text position

Of course you can understand that I can't explain whole algo in public :)

pedja said:
Of course you can understand that I can't explain whole algo in public :)

I don't mind at all - I was particularly curious as to whether you actually used a third party search engine to filter your results from. Obviously, you do not. I am satisfied. :)
Zdrastvuitsye, hola, shalom, salaam, Dia dhuit, namastar ji, hej, konbanwa, squeak, meow, :wave: pedja.

Originally posted by pedja
I am a little bit short on words because English is not my native language,thus everybody sorry for bad English.
Don't apologize, pedja. Your English is better than some native speakers' I hear every day on my way to school. In fact, your apology makes me fondly recall the first time one of my favorite instructors apologized for his English. He told the class that he pretty much taught himself, and he's originally from the Ukraine and got his doctorate at Moscow University.

by the way, what is your native tongue? I kinda "collect" languages. :D ;)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Serbian is my native language but I am also good in Dutch.


your effort is really appreciated.

I WAS looking for such an search engine....

and yours is one step in this regrad....

LOL too tired to Use google....and then filter....