Wiccan spells and destiny


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If spells have the ability to change the course of events in someone's life, what do you think are the potential effects of doing this? I'm just wondering, and don't mean any disrespect in posting this question here--I've just been thinking, if we're meant to go through experience A to get to experience B, but instead, a spell intercedes and we don't even to experience "B" at all, but something else completely different instead, what are the implications of doing this?

Thank you--your thoughts will be most welcomed!
I suppose it depends if one believes that our lives are pre-destined...

If you do believe this, then yes, i suppose it can have a more substantial affect on the outcome of ones life. If not, then not!!

With regards to spells, i would never do one if it envolved someone else without their permission, becasuse of the questions you have asked! If they do believe in this way of life, then they may not want me potentially screw things up for them!! :D

Ryuuko said:
If spells have the ability to change the course of events in someone's life, what do you think are the potential effects of doing this? I'm just wondering, and don't mean any disrespect in posting this question here--I've just been thinking, if we're meant to go through experience A to get to experience B, but instead, a spell intercedes and we don't even to experience "B" at all, but something else completely different instead, what are the implications of doing this?
Ryuuko said:
How can we know that we have changed the course of events in someones life. If we used a spell for that person, how can we know that the spell was effective or if the person would have changed of their own accord in the direction of our desired outcome for them. It could be that fate has a part to play in this scenario, this could raise endless questions and prompt some heavy theories me thinks. Tricky one this !

With or without spells, I believe intent is everything, even to the point where we don't need spells, just good intent with your heart behind it. Again, how can we guage the effects ?.........

Consider this........... if you work with spells you can never be happy because you can not measure the effect of a spell. If you wish someone well and instead they fall ill, then the best you can feel is guilty. If you wish someone well and they become well, how can you know it was your spell that did it, LOL, A no win situation
Ryuuko said:
If spells have the ability to change the course of events in someone's life, what do you think are the potential effects of doing this? I'm just wondering, and don't mean any disrespect in posting this question here--I've just been thinking, if we're meant to go through experience A to get to experience B, but instead, a spell intercedes and we don't even to experience "B" at all, but something else completely different instead, what are the implications of doing this?

Thank you--your thoughts will be most welcomed!

If a life is truly predestined then you were never meant to get to point B in the first place.
That, again, depends on if you believe if life is predestined!

If you do believe it, then you believe that you are meant to do the work to help the person/s on the way to their predestined path, as a part of the inevitable plan!

If you do not believe it, then you do it to help the person/s, believing that it will be make the difference is assiting them to find their path.

Hope that makes sense?!? :D

Hmmm, reorganizing the plan of the fates? Let's consider the following.

I am charged with going to a man's hotel room to collect some paperwork. Upon arriving, I find out that his room is on the fifth floor, and there is no working elevator. Well, my legs are killing me from all the walking I've been doing, so I go outside to consider alternatives. I see window-washers at one side of the building, and ask them if they can hoist me to the balcony of this particular room. They are happy to assist me, and drop me right on the balcony. I tap at the sliding glass door, and am immediately met by three shotgun blasts, knocking me off the balcony and to the ground below. Now, had I known this was a mafia informant who had planned on slipping the documents under the door once I identified myself, I might have lived.

In any case, that's just my long-winded example of how taking a different approach can certainly yeild an unexpected result. Taking shortcuts is fine sometimes, but there are never assurances that the short, easy way is the best way.

Just my thoughts,
-- Druweid
If spells have the ability to change the course of events in someone's life, what do you think are the potential effects of doing this? I'm just wondering, and don't mean any disrespect in posting this question here--I've just been thinking, if we're meant to go through experience A to get to experience B, but instead, a spell intercedes and we don't even to experience "B" at all, but something else completely different instead, what are the implications of doing this?

Thank you--your thoughts will be most welcomed!
You can't change the future because it hasn't happened yet...there is nothing to change.

You can change the present and thereby affect the future through cause and effect.

If a man is predestined to miss his flight, and I tell him that...he'll still run and try to catch his flight, won't he?