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  • The existence of enemies means that our friendliness has not been sufficient enough.
    "A Friend Come's in Time of Need" Enemies Exist so that the Lord may work it's way. "Having Good Commerce is a Desirable Thing" Without Virtue their is no Soul. "By an Alternative Attempt to Find Peace with All Men" : Live Life and Let Life as guiding principles. ― Minart Youn

    'Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah' - Non-injury is the highest religion.”
    ― Virchand Raghavji Gandhi
    To Break the Bond of Non-Injury Ego Must be Detached; Ego of the Self and Ego of the Enemy. This is to Dismiss the Ego that Roams within Both; Doing so will be faulted with aggression in Terms to Enemies/Fren. So "A Clash May Come" Depended on one's Loving Kindness it is associated to. Wherein by Calm or By Coal; Sparks Ignite.
    ..Without Virtue it is but a Superficial Thing. Unless the Son of Man Opens; Non Can Shut; and unless he shuts, Non Can Open: Revelation 3:7

    Thought you'd be interested in knowing this. FYI a fr-end to man.

    Instead, "ye ought to say:", If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. YAQUB 4:15
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