Christianity originally an egyptian sect?

Apologies for dredging up this post, but I can't believe no-one mentioned a book called 'Sleeper in the Sands' by Tom Holland.

Without going into too much detail, this novel draws quite heavily on this idea. It starts off as Howard Carter is just about to unearth Tutankhamen's tomb, and then takes a potted tour of history with heavy doses of imagination and fantasy thrown in.

Depending on whether you like Tom Holland, it may be worth reading the book.
Sorry to jump right into your convo, i've just joined the forum to expand my research on the process of metempsychosis used by the ancient Egyptian's, especially the Yoking mechanism used by Any the priest, author of The Book Of The Dead, 1250 BC.

The origin of the word 'Aten' is just an abreviated way of saying 'brain stem', where there is a very high heat exchange of neural activity flowing up and down neuron highway in the spinal cord.
Yes, that really is fascinating. :D I hope to hear more about that.
Raison Detre said:
The origin of the word 'Aten' is just an abreviated way of saying 'brain stem', where there is a very high heat exchange of neural activity flowing up and down neuron highway in the spinal cord.
Seems an odd idea - somehow I'd become used to the association with the Sun disc. Do you have a source for the brain-stem origin?
It's the implosion process that occur's in the brain stem, and associated with the mechanism that result's in metempsychosis, the seperation of the soul body from the body of flesh. Dan Winter has some research on the net about this process originating from Sacred Geometry, and it's connection with the pineal gland.
The symbolism of ancient Egypt is easy to follow, especially with the technology we have today. Take the Winged Scarab brooch, found wrapped in Tutankhamun's mummified body, then have a good look at an MRI scan of a head taken through the bridge of the nose to the back of the skull, and see if you can see any difference between the two scarab's your looking at? The only difference i see between them, is that the Scarab's wing's are open, and our eye's are closed, hense the roundness of the eye socket's representing the wing's of the Scarab either side of the nasal bone cavity. All you have to do is work out the spectrum light rout's through the eye's, which then show's you the Solar Plexus nerve rout connection represented by the Sun-Ray Collar.
Well being a Roman Catholic, I was astounded to hear an arceologist (sorry spelling) say that something had been found in egypt that dated back to 7000 BC that made him believe if any religion to be true it would be the Roman Catholic Faith. He didnt go into details

New to this Game, a couple of days in fact!

I have been doing a little investigation and I have found many Christian and Jewish themes running through these ancient religions. For example Ra is considered to be the Creator and the God of Gods and Father of the universe.

You have Isis who is representive of the "Eternal Mother"

Orisis who died because of the evil of Set and was ressurected by Ra,
who becomes horis who was concieved by the spirit in the womb of ISIS (the eternal mother)

Set represents Satan, he is the god of disorder and evil, Set is still worshipped today by devil worshippers.

the story also highlights the battle in the spirit world between the "gods" which is much the same as the rebelion led by Satan, it is the evil of Set that creates this battle.

Horis the Son of Ra Finally defetes Set to reclaim the kingship of the earth but lets him live, eventually Horis will do a final battle where Set will be banished into the darkness.

The Ankh Cross also interested me, it was the major religious symbol of ancient Egypt, it represents water which is believed to regenerate life (same as baptism) and Air or wind wich is closely related to the Holy Spirit. It is often held against the lips of the kings, it confired the "breath of life" on them, as God breathed the breath of life into mankind through Adam.

Just as Orisis died at the hands of Set so to the Child of God, Adam died at the hands of Satan, Just as Horis was the ressurection of Orisis So to through Jesus Christ the children of Adam are ressurected. Horis was taken away by Isis into a different land to protect him from being killed

The "T" or Tau of the ankh is representive of Life and a human being with arms outstreached and the loop represents Eternity and divinity, eternal life through the outstreached arms of a divine human being. In Egyptian art the ankh is often found being "carried" by all of the Gods, but is most strongly linked to Orisis, Isis and Horis

The loop is also considered to represent a sterile or virgin womb

The Chosen people, Isreal, were held captive in egypt, moses was brought up an egyptian, but when he found out he was Jewish, God commanded he lead his people out of egypt and he did where God then Gave him the Commandments and the law or the torah, through these people came many prophets who testified to the comming of the Son of God etc, then Jesus was concieved In the womb and Born to the Blessed virgin Mary, he was taken into egypt to protect him from being killed, his kingship was bestowed upon him by a cross which he "Carried" and was crucified with his arms outstreached, he is the divine human being that was ressurected by The Creator, the Father, through him Eternal Life came to be, it is a historical fact that a man claiming to be the son of God and done many "wonders" Named Jesus Of Nazareth was crucified. I propose that it is that same divine human being that the ancient religions of both Egypt, Isreal and Africa fortold.

God Bless
As far as i've been able to research into the elimental metaphore's for each Egyptian god's birth name's and throne name's, the one that relate's to the Hebrew "Breath of God" is Shu, the primeval god of the air, in the Egyptian pantheon, Moab in the Bible, and vapour in modern day science. It's just the way the languedge's link up, like the Old Testament Edom, is the New Testament Thomas, and both mean twin's, one in Isreal, and one in Wales with 8 millenia between the first and last of a circuit of communication around the globe.
I said:
Heh, Akhenaten is one of my favourite ancient topics - but, alas, there is little definite to read on the actual comparative theology of the event. I've seen Akhenaten made contemporary to Moses or Solomon - and this is a key issue on the matter. After all, if Moses was the contemporary, then there's a possible comparative argument of the effect of the Aten on Judaism. However, if Solomon is the contemporary, then there remains a no less intriguing, but far less powerful connection. Of course, there could have been neither as contemproary to Akhenaten. There are hints, but, alas, without further discoveries the entire matter has to remain in the arena of speculation.

There is another possibility; That Akhenaton was the pharoah of the Joseph Story. I have read a book recently that discusses this in detail; It equates Joseph with an egyptian vizier named Yuya (Yusef-YHWH: the egyptianized name of Joseph). The book is buried in a box in my room somewhere, and it frustrates me to no end that I can't find it. I'd especially like to know if the author is considered a credible historian/anthropologist/archeologist. I'll post more when I find this.

Another Book whose information I am more confident of, "Reading the Old Testament" by Lawrence Boadt. Of the effect of Akhenaton it says this:

"We can guess that this short-lived attempt at monotheism must have affected the Egyptians profoundly. The priests of the temple of Amun and the rulers who succeeded Akhenaton wiped out every trace of the heretic religion...Their hatred shows what a threat it posed to Egypt's traditional way of life..."

The book goes on to theorize that the foreigners enslaved in Egypt, about 12 distinct but similar cultures, banded together under Moses, who brought them the God "YHWH" from the desert of Midian (just East of the Sinai Peninsula). These groups became the 12 tribes of Israel, and later equated themselves as one people having the common ancestor of Israel.

Of course, things could be just as the bible said too, I'm not trying to discount anyone's faith here...
These are the origins of monotheism:
1480 BC: Moses: YHWH
1350 BC: Ahen-Aton (useful to Aton): Aton
600 BC: Zarathustra: Ahura Mazda

Abraham, who is usually placed around 2100 BC, probably wasn't a historical figure. He was invented afterwards, as the common forefather of all jews.
Moses was the real founder of monotheism. That was also my reason to start a thread about "When did Moses live?" (judaism section). If Moses lived around 1250 BC, like the old encyclopedias say, then Ahenaton was first. However, I think the above dating is better, so judaism was first.
When Zarathustra lived is another hard question, but there is a Greek text that places him "250 years before Alexander" (thereabout). 600 BC was also the start of the great Persian empire, so it's probably correct.