Lahari Krishna Consciousness

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God has come down to earth in Humble Human Form. This is for real. His original name is Shri. Lahari Krishna commonly called as Sreeman Narayana or Allah or Christ Jesus. Get Peace and Eternal Life by sincerely meditating on the physical original indestructible Human Form of Lord Narayana and surrender your lives totally (100%) to Him and Him Alone without joining any Religious Denominations but only Loving God Alone whole-heartedly.

May the Supreme Lord Narayana himself reveal to each and every one of you this great truth about his final appearance on Earth (in his own human-form) as Gurudev Shri Lahari Krishna who is our Creator God and Eternal Guru.

God Bless You.
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God has come down to earth in Humble Human Form. This is for real. His original name is Shri. Lahari Krishna commonly called as Sreeman Narayana or Allah or Christ Jesus. Get Peace and Eternal Life by sincerely meditating on the physical original indestructible Human Form of Lord Narayana and surrender your lives totally (100%) to Him and Him Alone without joining any Religious Denominations but only Loving God Alone whole-heartedly.

May the Supreme Lord Narayana himself reveal to each and every one of you this great truth about his final appearance on Earth (in his own human-form) as Gurudev Shri Lahari Krishna who is our Creator God and Eternal Guru.

God Bless You.

Help! I'm being witnessed at! :D
God has come down to earth in Humble Human Form. This is for real. His original name is Shri. Lahari Krishna commonly called as Sreeman Narayana or Allah or Christ Jesus. Get Peace and Eternal Life by sincerely meditating on the physical original indestructible Human Form of Lord Narayana and surrender your lives totally (100%) to Him and Him Alone without joining any Religious Denominations but only Loving God Alone whole-heartedly.

May the Supreme Lord Narayana himself reveal to each and every one of you this great truth about his final appearance on Earth (in his own human-form) as Gurudev Shri Lahari Krishna who is our Creator God and Eternal Guru.

God Bless You.

FYI, I kind of agree with you but you kind of sound like the Borg in Startrek.

It has always been my assumption that if the Lord ever showed up on earth, we`d be all trying to kill him, for reasons of being a threat to national security. I`m not kidding..
And a threat to the adherents who suddenly find the image they construction of Him is just a social projection, and one He is likely to challenge!

After all, the accounts of Jesus don't start with "Hey, dudes, thanks for keeping everything ready for me and looking after you people!" but instead "You b*stards, you messed it all up and I'm going to have to clean up the mess!". Odds on that if we ever had a second coming that the second would be the result. :)

More seriously, though, seems every great mythical or semi-mythical leader always promises to return - it's a core element of folklore - but as we see all the time, it follows a pattern without eventual satisfaction.
And a threat to the adherents who suddenly find the image they construction of Him is just a social projection, and one He is likely to challenge!

After all, the accounts of Jesus don't start with "Hey, dudes, thanks for keeping everything ready for me and looking after you people!" but instead "You b*stards, you messed it all up and I'm going to have to clean up the mess!". Odds on that if we ever had a second coming that the second would be the result. :)

More seriously, though, seems every great mythical or semi-mythical leader always promises to return - it's a core element of folklore - but as we see all the time, it follows a pattern without eventual satisfaction.

Everything follows cycles including the appearance of conscious influences. The end of an age or an "aeon" is the completion of a cycle. it is like throwing a rock into a pond. It makes ripples and stirs things up. After a while it returns to as before. It is the same with an initial conscious inflfuence. It serves to awaken people. After a while it becomes absorbed by earthly influences and loses its potency. Then it is dead and another influence returns when universal laws allow for it.
More seriously, though, seems every great mythical or semi-mythical leader always promises to return

Yes, except for Mohamed, I think he said he was the last prophet.

I`ve been wondering about this for some time. If he meant that there was going to be something other than prophets sent, of if he really meant there wasn`t going to be anyone after him.