Drugs and the Baha'i perspective


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Hey, since the Baha'i Faith prohibits its members from smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, I was wondering if the Baha'i Faith also prohibits weed and shrooms. So does it?

My friend is into the Buddha's teaching and was very curious about the Baha'i Faith. Before he heard of my religion, he hit on many concepts that the Baha'i Faith believes in, but after telling him abou the Faith, I told him that I am not aware of the Baha'i Faith's position on this particular drug issue. He does not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol, but experiments with weed and shrooms for different mind state purposes.
Like far out man!! Feel them trails.The most striking impression I have had so far in the Baha'i is a profound conservatism. I do not think they would appreciate being passed the bong.
Like far out man!! Feel them trails.The most striking impression I have had so far in the Baha'i is a profound conservatism. I do not think they would appreciate being passed the bong.

Fom what I understand about the Baha'i perspective on drugs, Baha'is ban toxic drugs. Also, didn't Baha'u'llah use to smoke? I recall that He quit smoking. I guess the Baha'i Faith would be a good religion to look into for people who desire to quit smoking! We have a role model here.

Marijuana use is not toxic. Basically it just alters your mindstate.

However, I am clueless on shrooms. Are shrooms toxic? I am reading about shrooms now.

His experience was strange to hear. He was saying that his first time using shrooms was 2 months ago, and he is looking forward to using it again in the near future. Interestingly, he described his joyous rapture, which incorporated the fact that he felt one with the earth when he touched the earth. The environment became wavy. Whatever that means! It could not be put into words. It was like they were the same substance or whatever. Also, he could not lie. I asked, during this state of mind, could you possibly do work, such as building a frame for a house? Nope. He said he would have no desire to do that. He told me that couples do it together too. When he said do it, I thought he meant they were having sex while being high on shrooms, but he specifically meant the drug only. He also said that he did not desire to have sex with his girlfriend either. There would be no desire to eat too. What is this thing about ego death? For example:
In 2006, the U.S. government funded a randomized and double-blinded study by Johns Hopkins University which studied the spiritual effects of psilocybin mushrooms. The study involved 36 college-educated adults who had never tried psilocybin nor had a history of drug use, and had religious or spiritual interests; the average age of the participants was 46 years. The participants were closely observed for eight-hour intervals in a laboratory while under the influence of psilocybin mushrooms.
One-third of the participants reported that the experience was the single most spiritually significant of their lives and more than two-thirds reported it was among the top five most spiritually significant experiences. Two months after the study, 79 percent of the participants reported increased well-being or satisfaction; friends, relatives, and associates confirmed this.
Despite highly controlled conditions to minimize adverse effects, 22% of subjects (8 of 36) had notable experiences of fear, some with paranoia. However, the authors reported that all these instances were "readily managed with reassurance". [17] It should also be noted that subjects in this study received psilocybin randomly, without prior notice, in one of three scheduled sessions.

Strangely, he said he did not have obsessive thoughts cluttering his mind. I guess he felt like the witness of his thoughts. The word "strange" keeps on reappearing in my mind for some reason. . .:)eek:).
Alcohol, Tobacco and unprescribed drugs

Thanks for posting on the Baha'i forum!:)

For Baha'is smoking tobacco is not actually prohibited but it is not encouraged either... Abdul-Baha encouraged the friends not to smoke calling it a reprehensible habit.

Alcohol is forbidden and cannot be used in cooking.

Psychedelic drugs...marijuana and such are forbidden..

So that's the short answer to your questions.

Here are some quotes:

'Abdu'l-Bahá has written:

Regarding hashish you have pointed out that some
Persians have become habituated to its use. Gracious God! This
is the worst of all intoxicants, and its prohibition is explicitly
revealed. Its use causeth the disintegration of thought and the
complete torpor of the soul. How could anyone seek the fruit of the
infernal tree, and by partaking of it, be led to exemplify the
qualities of a monster? How could one use this forbidden drug,
and thus deprive himself of the blessings of the All-Merciful?

Alcohol consumeth the mind and causeth man to commit
acts of absurdity, but this opium, this foul fruit of the infernal
tree, and this wicked hashish extinguish the mind, freeze the
spirit, petrify the soul, waste the body and leave man frustrated
and lost.

It should be noted that the above prohibition against
taking certain classes of drugs does not forbid their use
when prescribed by qualified physicians as part of a medical


Concerning the so-called "spiritual" virtues of the hallucinogens, ... spiritual stimulation should come from turning one's heart to Bahá'u'lláh, and not through physical means such as drugs and agents.

From the description given in your letter it appears that hallucinogenic agents are a form of intoxicant. As the friends, including the youth, are required strictly to abstain from all forms of intoxicants, and are further expected conscientiously to obey the civil law of their country, it is obvious that they should refrain from using these drugs.

A very great responsibility for the future peace and well- being of the world is borne by the youth of today. Let the Bahá'í youth by the power of the Cause they espouse be the shining example for their companions.

(From a letter dated 15 April 1965 written by the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States)

(Compilations, The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 55)


Abdu'l-Bahá explains that the Aqdas prohibits "both light
and strong drinks", and He states that the reason for
prohibiting the use of alcoholic drinks is because "alcohol
leadeth the mind astray and causeth the weakening of the body".
Shoghi Effendi, in letters written on his behalf, states
that this prohibition includes not only the consumption of
wine but of "everything that deranges the mind", and he
clarifies that the use of alcohol is permitted only when it
constitutes part of a medical treatment which is implemented
"under the advice of a competent and conscientious
physician, who may have to prescribe it for the cure of some
special ailment".

(Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 227)


The Báb, at the outset of His mission, explicitly prohibited tobacco, and the friends one and all abandoned its use. But since those were times when dissimulation was permitted, and every individual who abstained from smoking was exposed to harassment, abuse and even death -- the friends, in order not to advertise their beliefs, would smoke.

Later on, the Book of Aqdas was revealed, and since smoking tobacco was not specifically forbidden there, the believers did not give it up. The Blessed Beauty, however, always expressed repugnance for it, and although, in the early days, there were reasons why He would smoke a little tobacco, in time He completely renounced it, and those sanctified souls who followed Him in all things also abandoned its use.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 147)