What About Historical Parallels



There are some surprising historical correspondences between the 2000 years before Jesus and the 2000 after his coming. What do you think ?

400 years: Slavery in Egypt <-> 400 years persecution in the Roman Empire (392 AD Christianity becomes state religion of the Roman Empire)

400 years: Period of the judges <-> Period of the Patriarchs (392-800 feudal system)

120 years: United Kingdom <-> Christian Kingdom (800 Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne->919)

400 years: Divided Kingdom N&S <-> Divided Kingdom E&W (919-1309)

210 years: Jewish Captivity & return <-> Papal Captivity in Avignon (70 years), return to Rome & confused period (140 years)

400 years: Preparation for the Messiah (Malachi to Jesus) <-> Reformation 1517-> ?