


What are the siddhis? How does one attain them? Is this a buddhism or hindu belief?
Siddhis, according to a Ram Dass book i'm reading translates to power. It comes up in this book in his recollection of his story of moving to India to a buddhist monestary. He had prepared a number of special batchs of lsd, etc. Just to keep, in case he wanted them. For the journey was to find a person who posessed the wisdom that one attains when under the influence of shrooms and/or lsd etc. His guru, or maharaji, as he calls him, knows his intentions, and his repressed self pity/fears. So one day he asks him.
Have you got a question?
And hes very impatient with all of this nonsense, and he says, 'Wheres the medicine?'

I (Ram Dass) got a transaltion of this. He said medicine. I said, 'Medicine?' I never thought of lsd as medicine! And somebody said, he must mean the lsd. 'LSD?'
'Ah-Ch---Bring the lsd,' he said.

He shows him, to be asked. 'Gives you siddhis?'

I had never heard the word 'siddhi' before, so i asked for a translation and siddhi was translated as 'power.' From where I was in relation to these concepts, I thought he was like an little old man, asking for power. Perhaps he was losing his vitality and wanted vitamin b12. That one thing I didnt have and I felt terrible apologetic because i would have given him anything. And I said, 'Oh no, Im sorry.' I really felt bad I didnt have any and put it back in the bottle.
He looked at me and extended his hand. So I put into his hand what's called a 'White Lightning.' Each pill was 305 micrograms, and very pure. Very good acid. Usually you start a man over 60 with maybe 50 to 75 micrograms, very gently, so you wont upset him. 300 of pure acid is a very solid dose.
He looks at the pill and extends his hand further. So i put a second pill--- Thats 610 micrograms--- then a third pill--- Thats 915 micrograms--- into his palm.
That is sizeable for a first dose for anyone!
And he swallows them! I see them go down. Theres no doubt. And that little scientist in me says, 'This is going to be very interesting!'
All day long I'm there, and every now and then he twinkles at me and nothing-- nothing happens! That was his answer to my question. Now you have the data that I have.
As far as I know they include all that we can do with our physical senses, perceptions or accomplishments or acts done with the power beyond our physical reality, with non-physical instruments and in a more perfect manner, not restricted by time, condition and place.
It occurs by itself (see D.R. Hawkins) when what we are is ready for it. Part of the spiritual path at an advanced level.
(There are people who have this power by other means. But I know less about this).
there are siddhas, and there are mahasiddhas...

siddha means power, or superknowledge, or even "magic powers", depending on the translators' whim...

there are six mahasiddhas, or "great powers", and they are...

1) awareness of the siddhas and how to cultivate them, (pretty simple to understand, you have to know what they are and some basic steps to cultivate them...)
2) divine sight (like clairvoyance),
3) divine hearing (like clairaudience),
4) knowledge of the minds of all living beings (like telepathy),
5) knowledge of all forms of previous existences of self and others (knowledge of your own previous briths and rebirths and those of others), and
6) power to appear at will at any place (a bit like astral travel or remote viewing)...

how does this relate to buddhism and hinduism..?

well... there is a bodhisattva, a (kind of) buddhist deity, called mahasiddha... he you will encounter if you look into buddhist tantra... in buddhism, the siddhas are related to tantra, and you should look there for answers... In hinduism, the God who is best placed to ask about siddhas is Siva and his consort Shakti, and the siddhas are there in yantra...

the shakti is the source of the power, you see, she is the goddess within you... when you read the bit below about yogi heat, you can also think of Shakti...

buddha himself was supposedly in possession of these siddhas, and his birth name was Siddhartha, or, my translation- (he who) asks about the meaning of (artha) siddha (the superknowledges)...

personally, I prefer the term superknowledges, to power, as there are better sanskrit words for power...

erm... the siddhas are mentioned in the 37 factors to enlightenment too, and are referred to as the pancha-balas, or five (panca) strengths (bala), and while all the siddhas there are just siddhas, there are still only six mahasiddhas...

the siddhas are fruit of the path- they are not the goal of the path, but succulent fruit which ripens along the way, treats to tempt you into maintaining your practise, showing you just what's available to a superior functioning consciousness...

the best way to cultivate the siddhas... maybe taking a LSD taxi will get you there, but once the acid wears off so do the powers...

if the powers wear off like that, can you really say you own them? I don't think so... the most usual starting point is meditation, samatha meditation, cessation meditation, not-thinking meditation...

you sit, you think of nothing... you do this for as long as possible... only when you can do this at will should you start messing about with questing for powers...

as well as being able to concentrate... you need yogi heat... without either of these things you will never have the mahasiddhas...

only when you can enter meditative equipoise and generate the yogi heat should you practise tantra, otherwise all you're doing is fantasising and wasting time.

what is the yogi heat? It's bizzare. It's like... energy, coursing through your body... it's healing, powerful, protective, warming, blissful. Once you stagger upon this heat, you have to learn how to generate it within yourself.

You can find things that feel like it in music, love, beauty, that little tingling sensation when you open your heart to someone or something, that feeling you get when you look at your babies, or your dog... that's like the heat...

you have to be able then, to enter meditative equipoise, and generate the yogi heat... when you can do this, the mahasiddhas will come...
I trust that you weren't copy and pasting, therefore I believe you must be an exceptionally enlightened mind. Good post.

PM me, about this.
I am sure that was a copy/paste :p . I remember I've read 16 siddhis somewhere, Yoga Sutra or Hatha Yoga Pradipika (Dont remember exactly)
no, wasn't cutting and pasting, don't have an exceptionally enlightened mind, either. why would you like me to pm you?

I don't mean to, erm, publicly disrespect you in saying that, it's just that you haven't been around here long (I don't think)...

I should also point out that if you ask me questions, I will answer them to the best of my abilities, but don't be perplexed if you don't get the text book answer. Most of the people who talk about these things and write books about them know absolutely naff all about such things.

or at least, that is my humble opinion. Yet, I am open to debate and here to inspire your interest in such to the best of my abilities should that be what you require.

if you would like to similarly further my knowledge I am equally happy about that, and shall look forward to your later posts.
I had edited the above post to include more, but it said 20 minutes had elapsed and I had to contact a mod, to do so, and lost it all...hahaha...

I'll try and remember what I said and put it here, instead...

If you do a basic search on wiki, for mahasiddha, in the buddhist sense, it will give you a list of 84, all of which are more akin to deities than powers, all of which have retinues and their own rituals and sadhanas. Most of these rituals are tantric...

if you take a step sideways, and end up in hinduism, these beings become the goddesses of yantra, of which there are as many as there are petals of the cakras, each corresponding to such...

None of these beings are mahasiddhas as I would define them. A mahasiddha is not a being...

When I refer to the 37 factors of enlightenment, this is a buddhist text, but still, the pancabala are still there...

in hinduism, if you look at wiki for siddhi and siddha you will get a little knowledge about the traditions and their origins, and you will also find lots of lists of siddhas, ranging in number from 5, 8, 9, 12, 32, etc. I believe that most of these lists are wrong, and that there are but six mahasiddhas.

Some organisations list every little mundane activity a human can perform, and say these are siddhas, but they are not mahasiddhas...

divine sight (like clairvoyance),
divine hearing (like clairaudience),
knowledge of the minds of all living beings (like telepathy),
knowledge of all forms of previous existences of self and others
knowledge of your own previous briths and rebirths and those of others), and
power to appear at will at any place (a bit like astral travel or remote viewing)...

these are the siddhas. If you want to believe that you will meditate for years and one day have the power to walk through walls, go ahead, but it's not true. By all means tell yourself that holy men have the power to raise the dead. They do not. Even holy men die.

these mahasiddhas are the result of years of practise, or pure luck, or natural ability. These mahasiddhas are not mundane, but neither are they extraordinary. They do not deny the laws of psychics. They are all generated by a superior functioning consciousness, one which controls it's own mind, or one which unites with the supreme being, and becomes like the supreme being, expanding their consciousness accordingly.

of course, this is just my opinion.