Is this the end of Pakistan ?


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Sharia imposed on northwest Pakistan in deal with Taleban

The Pakistan Government has agreed to impose Islamic law across much of northwest Pakistan in an attempt to pacify a spreading Taleban insurgency.

The decision was announced after talks with a banned pro-Taleban group from the Swat Valley, a former tourist haven in the northwest where extremists have gained sway through beheadings and burning girls' schools.

Sharia imposed on northwest Pakistan in deal with Taleban - Times Online
Western news coverage is always stupid. They don't show tens of thousands marching in support of Sharia. Sharia wasent imposed, it was democratically implemented by Pak Govt. Sooner or later US Govt will do the same in Afghanistan, when they realised their colonial dreams are over.

And then, it wasent even Sharia.
"nor damage human rights in the region." -Amir Haider Khan Hoti

LMFAO......... I'll take a hit of what this guy's taking.... Burning girl schools?.... Why girl schools ask yourself..... And beheading... lol you have taken that poor persons right to keep their freaking head...... bunch of barbarians.....
Western news coverage is always stupid. They don't show tens of thousands marching in support of Sharia. Sharia wasent imposed, it was democratically implemented by Pak Govt. Sooner or later US Govt will do the same in Afghanistan, when they realised their colonial dreams are over.

And then, it wasent even Sharia.

extremists have gained sway through beheadings and burning girls' schools.
beheadings are not a democratic process ! but they are an Islamic Practice.

so are you pro Taliban then ?
beheadings are not a democratic process ! but they are an Islamic Practice.
They kind of ... are. rule of people, not western values !!! thats what democracy is, right?

so are you pro Taliban then ?
I am neither pro-taliban nor pro-western, I am pro-people's-right-to-live-freely.
Here is a non western source of news for for you Farhan,

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Pakistan to allow sharia in Swat

Conservative groups aiming to introduce sharia have been fighting government troops in the region since 2007.
The groups took control there after a 2008 peace deal collapsed within months of being signed.
Much of the violence, which has left hundreds of thousands of people homeless, has been blamed on the Taliban in Swat, headed by Mullah Fazlullah, the son-in-law of Maulana Sufi Muhammad, the leader of Tahrik-e-Nafiz Shariat Muhammadi.

I am of the opinion thats its a sad day for Pakistan when they have to give into the demands of extremists due to violence, fear and intimidation !
come one come all an get your rights....

Allow Sharia is a better word. You see, thats the difference between West & Arabia.

As long as Schools & markets are open, there is nothing wrong with the new laws. As I said before, people wanted it. They wanted quick justice, that was hard to get in Western Pakistani judicial system. And its not Sharia, I am sure these people dont even know what Sharia is.

Pakistan has seen enough sad days. Each week Americans butcher a dozen people in Pakistan. So this isnt something unusual. Taliban themselves were American invention
I suppose so, mob rule ?
not necessarily. Beheading is much humane than electrocution. And death penalty is much wiser than feeding dangerous criminals all their lives with good hardworking people's money.

i dont see any freedom under the taliban :eek:
I dont see freedom in US either.
They kind of ... are. rule of people, not western values !!! thats what democracy is, right?
No, that is populism, pure and simple. Democracy includes respect for minority rights. (Otherwise, there is no point to democracy if the minority ends up dead oppressed or dead.)

I am neither pro-taliban nor pro-western, I am pro-people's-right-to-live-freely.
It would be difficult to live freely if your choice is either death by beheading or to be enslaved by the definition of "freedom" imposed by the beheaders.
nice post

No, that is populism, pure and simple. Democracy includes respect for minority rights. (Otherwise, there is no point to democracy if the minority ends up dead oppressed or dead.)

i always wondered how democracy differed from mob rule, and now I know.

Allow Sharia is a better word. You see, thats the difference between West & Arabia.

As long as Schools & markets are open, there is nothing wrong with the new laws.
Well, it's difficult to keep the schools open if the education of girls has been outlawed, and the girls' schools have been burned.
from the article

Many extremists in northwest Pakistan favour the exceptionally strict brand of Sharia the Taleban imposed in Afghanistan before the US invasion in 2001, where female education and music were banned. The Swat Taleban have declared a ban on girls’ education.​
No, that is populism, pure and simple. Democracy includes respect for minority rights. (Otherwise, there is no point to democracy if the minority ends up dead oppressed or dead.)

It would be difficult to live freely if your choice is either death by beheading or to be enslaved by the definition of "freedom" imposed by the beheaders.
Agreed again. Although it depends upon how a person or culture defines enslavement/freedom.
Actually, not to put too fine a point on this, democracy (where majority rules) does not protect the minority.

An example is in California where Proposition 8 was passed by a majority.

People complain that the courts threaten to turn back the will of the people, but they forget that ANY law, whether enacted through popular vote or through the legislature must pass the test of constitutionality.
Actually, not to put too fine a point on this, democracy (where majority rules) does not protect the minority.

An example is in California where Proposition 8 was passed by a majority.

People complain that the courts threaten to turn back the will of the people, but they forget that ANY law, whether enacted through popular vote or through the legislature must pass the test of constitutionality.
Welcome back, citizenzen. :)

A more proper term for majority rules is populism. Democracy protects the rights of the minority.
Welcome back, citizenzen. :)

A more proper term for majority rules is populism. Democracy protects the rights of the minority.
Populism was the force behind Jesus being crucified. Pilate wanted to do the right thing and spare Jesus, but the crowd called out for his death.
Well, it's difficult to keep the schools open if the education of girls has been outlawed, and the girls' schools have been burned.
from the article

Many extremists in northwest Pakistan favour the exceptionally strict brand of Sharia the Taleban imposed in Afghanistan before the US invasion in 2001, where female education and music were banned. The Swat Taleban have declared a ban on girls’ education.​

Things arnt as single layered as they seem. It seems that Pak Armed forces were using Govt School buildings, so these were blown up. As far as Afghanistan is concerned, nobody exactly knows what was happening there. If taliban had allowed US businesses to operate (loot) in Afghanistn, we would have been told that they are the good guys, just like the mujahideen before them. I have got no idea if schools were blown up in Afghanistan or not, or if they were, then why. I have seen all kinds of news, so dont give me a link.

Music & internet was definitely banned, & thats stupid.