God Wishes to Receive a Perfect Love



We always want to receive Love from God but most often forget what kind of Love, God likes to receive as a perfect Being. Like for A&E Divine love had certain requirements. Do you agree ?

Adam and Eve had to grow to perfect their love. When God said “do not eat the fruit”, they had to overcome a challenge on their path by overcoming a desire to eat of it.

Centering on faith in God’s word, A&E should have been able to exert authority over the desire of their body, thus rising above the realm of creature, natural law and instinct.

In this way, they would have moved toward the divine realm with God where divine love, the same love as God, dwells.

God’s aspiration for love is not just to be a God that can give perfect love, but to be a God that can also receive a perfect love.

This is why Jesus implored us to “love God with our whole heart.”

Thus Adam and Eve where not able to enter in the divine realm to partner with God and fulfill this deeply held aspiration and ideal of love.
We always want to receive Love from God but most often forget what kind of Love, God likes to receive as a perfect Being. Like for A&E Divine love had certain requirements. Do you agree ?

God is love.

Can water become more wet?
Does pure water like to be contaminated by polutant.

That the point of the post ?

I doubt water cares what it's mixed with.

And you should know by now...

that there are no points to my posts.