Happy Vesak Day


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Seattle, WA
Namaste all,

i just want to wish you all a happy Vesak Day! :D

Vesak Day is the day where many Buddhists, depending on cultural tradition, celebrate the arising, awakening and parinirvana of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni, from which our religion takes it's name.

Vesak Day is celebrated on the full moon day of May. Vesak means "May" in Sanskrit. by and large, the east Asian Buddhist calendar is based on a lunar cycle as this is a leap year in the solar cycle, which is how things are tracked in the west, the day that we celebrate is moved back one month, to June.

have a wonderful week!
Happy Vesak Day!

Happy Vesak Day, Vaj!

For some reason I really like Holy/Festival Days that follow the lunar cycle. Also the Equinoxes and Solstices. Must be the (neo)pagan in me. :)

Thank you all for the kind wishes!

it was a wonderful holiday this year... it was very fulfilling for my practice as well.. which, in the end, is what i tend to weigh as more important.

i hope that everyone else had a wonderful Vesak Day as well!
Zenda71 said:
Welcome back! :cool: I hope your retreat was fruitful.

With metta,
Namaste Zenda,

thank you for the well wishes!

yes, it was a very fruitful retreat, in my opinion, though quite different from what i had thought was going to occur. i suppose that we you are using temporary shelters... you have to be rather flexible in your plans :)

though i know that you couldn't go to the retreat that you were looking to attend, i hope that your practice on that day was as fruitful if not moreso, than my own.
Vajradhara said:
i suppose that we you are using temporary shelters... you have to be rather flexible in your plans :)
Is this a play on words, perhaps? Given the rain we had in the Philadelphia area, I can imagine that you had some where you were too ...

My practice has been average ... I'm tempted to say it's hit a plateau. But I don't mind really. My son is at a stage where he wants to be with me all the time, so it's difficult to get into a deep meditative state. I try to enjoy these moments when I can. One day he'll be a teenager and won't necessarily want to hang out with Mom. :)
Zenda71 said:
Is this a play on words, perhaps? Given the rain we had in the Philadelphia area, I can imagine that you had some where you were too ...

My practice has been average ... I'm tempted to say it's hit a plateau. But I don't mind really. My son is at a stage where he wants to be with me all the time, so it's difficult to get into a deep meditative state. I try to enjoy these moments when I can. One day he'll be a teenager and won't necessarily want to hang out with Mom. :)
oh.. it was unintentional alright :)

i'm rather a slopy typer on occassion :)

what i meant to say was... i suppose that when you are using temporary shelters, you have to be flexible in your plans...

yes.. it did rain.. we got a great deal of it in fact! i recall setting up the area for the morning session and wondering if the rain would be able to make it underneath the shelter... well... i didn't have to wait for long.. the wind picked up and we all got a lovely shower... though it does tend to make the buckwheat hull cushions pretty heavy.

i understand your issue.. though not in the same fashion as you are experiencing it now. my cat is like this as well... whenever i sit, he'll manage to open the door to the room... perhaps i'm not closing it all the way.. and then come and and start head-butting my knees. all in all.. it's pretty darned sweet and makes me all warm and fuzzy.. though it's not helping the practice too much ;)
But maybe that's a good thing. No one should practice in a vaccuum right? Maybe your cat and my son are just reminding us not to forget that we don't practice to escape ... :p

Be well,
Vajradhara said:
Vesak Day is the day where many Buddhists, depending on cultural tradition, celebrate the arising, awakening and parinirvana of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni, from which our religion takes it's name.

Vesak Day is celebrated on the full moon day of May. Vesak means "May" in Sanskrit. by and large, the east Asian Buddhist calendar is based on a lunar cycle as this is a leap year in the solar cycle, which is how things are tracked in the west, the day that we celebrate is moved back one month, to June.


By chance Shrii Krishna and the founder of my own path Shrii Shrii Anandamurti were also born on the full moon in May. So we also celebrate this day and call it Ananda Purnima (the "full moon of bliss").
Zenda71 said:
But maybe that's a good thing. No one should practice in a vaccuum right? Maybe your cat and my son are just reminding us not to forget that we don't practice to escape ... :p

Be well,

Avinash said:

By chance Shrii Krishna and the founder of my own path Shrii Shrii Anandamurti were also born on the full moon in May. So we also celebrate this day and call it Ananda Purnima (the "full moon of bliss").

very interesting...

i wonder how many other prominent religious figures from the eastern traditions have been born on the full moon day in May... perhaps... i'll take some time to try and investigate that... though it may be fruitless with the tools currently at my disposal....
happy vesak day to you all as well. i hope that everyone has a peaceful day full of mindfulness and great practice.

be well in peace.
May your holiday be just as you wish (if not better.)

I wished the Theraveda Buddhist lady a Happy Vesak Day and it made her day (she planned to have a barbecue for her Lao class but the weather didn't cooperate [rain, high of only 55 F. {and that was roughly 7 am}, high winds on occasion...])

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine