Children born believing in God

Please tell me that I missed the link to the main story, because all I read was a short news item about one man's theory without any supporting scientific evidence.

• How many children were interviewed?

• How old were the children?

• What questions were asked, and how were they asked?

• Where can we find this study published?

The notion that the children weren't influenced by family or society is ludicrous. By the age a four, most children will speak, isn't it "amazing" that in Germany the children speak German and in France they speak French?

The amount information absorbed by a young child can't be underestimated.

But this theory, according to the story, is just one side of a debate. It probably never was intended to be presented as science.

But who's with me for sending children off to desert islands? Show of hands.
Children tend to be also born believing in Barney the Dinosaur.... Santa Clause..... Toothfairy.... And innocence.... Those belifes change with time. from my observational stand point.

quite true children will get influenced by just about anything but if i remember the article correctly I think the studies found that children were beliving in God even when there families didn't..
Please tell me that I missed the link to the main story, because all I read was a short news item about one man's theory without any supporting scientific evidence.

• How many children were interviewed?

• How old were the children?

• What questions were asked, and how were they asked?

• Where can we find this study published?

The notion that the children weren't influenced by family or society is ludicrous. By the age a four, most children will speak, isn't it "amazing" that in Germany the children speak German and in France they speak French?

The amount information absorbed by a young child can't be underestimated.

But this theory, according to the story, is just one side of a debate. It probably never was intended to be presented as science.

But who's with me for sending children off to desert islands? Show of hands.

I think I also remember something ages ago of studies about people in general having some kind of natural mental capacity for God. Its most likely that if you send children to a desert island they won't start believing in God. They would probably start to resemble undomesticated animals over a period of time. But in our circumstances where everything that happens to us in life is very much significant and part of our overall life experience that shapes us and possibly our afterlife we still continue to accpet God. People have a choice to accept or refuse God and if people acted on reason alone they most likely wouldn't, yet we see that even in the face of reason people still insist in believing in God even when they come from families that dont.
We sorta discussed this at length back in November. A forum search will tell you where, but I remember it was in Belief and Spirituality section