"Freedom" as "God"


Peace, Love and Unity
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Haven't the words "Freedom" and "Democracy" simply become secular forms of "God" and "Righteousness"?

Every time I see a politician justifying some action or other on the grounds of "freedom" or "democracy" I see a Machiavellian figure who has simply learned to swap older religious terms such as "God" and "Righteousness".

Sometimes people will fail to separate politics from religion, and therefore when action is justified in religious terms, they therefore assume that that the religions in question santifies, promotes, and lauds such action.

However, vague secular concepts such as "Freedom" seem to have fast replaced the old religious terminology. Does this therefore mean that Atheism should turn itself against the obvious fallacy that is "Freedom"?

Is Freedom an empty secular replacement for God?

A discussion starter...
I said:
Haven't the words "Freedom" and "Democracy" simply become secular forms of "God" and "Righteousness"?

Every time I see a politician justifying some action or other on the grounds of "freedom" or "democracy" I see a Machiavellian figure who has simply learned to swap older religious terms such as "God" and "Righteousness".

I think the key word there is "politician" - they'll use ANYTHING as an excuse. Right now, the buzzwords are Freedom, and Democracy. Several centuries ago it was "God and the Right"...., and the terms for the enemy are just as vague - "Terrorism" is current, "Communism" from the 50s/60s, "Totalitarianism" off and on, "Infidels" perpetually...

Yes, it's a scam on the people who they're trying to convince to do whatever (let's bash that group of people because they're against... [insert keyword of choice]). It's that tendency to appeal to the emotions rather than give reasons for doing something. Part of human nature, I fear.... It's right because it's for [God/Freedom/Democracy/National Security]... never mind that it doesn't help that cause, we have to go fight to preserve [insert razzle of choice]....

Bruce Schneier's book "Beyond Fear" is quite interesting on the effectiveness of the "security" precautions implemented recently in the name of "National Security". He also points out that raising the cry of "it's needed for Freedom/Security" is a really effective way to make politicans look like they're doing something while actually doing nothing useful.

... Bruce