Alternative Forum set-up



I'd like to make a few comments of my own about the forum.

I'm not sure where I belong on this forum. The path I follow could belong to "Eastern Thought" (whatever that is) or to "Alternative" if viewed as a modern sect. However, Ananda Marga does not believe in religions, let alone in sects but focusses on Dharma instead. Dharma is a universal concept. Anyone in any tradition can be following their Dharma in a more or less serious way.

I think the whole idea of classifying traditions into distinct religions doesn't work for traditions that focus on Dharma. And as far as "Monotheism" is concerned, I think it is used falsely to separate the traditions with semitic roots from the ones with other roots. There are very few traditions that I know of that are truly polytheistic and mine certainly is not one of them.

But I realize it is necessary to make some kind of classification system. If I could make my own, I would make one section for the Dharmic traditions, another one for the Semitic traditions (including their offspring such as Christianity and Bahai) and a third one for Miscellaneous traditions.

I also think the separation between "Eastern" and "Western" traditions is outdated. The mystic branches of the Semitic traditions are in fact also more Dharmic in nature, so e.g. Sufism, Kabbalah or the teachings of Jesus could possibly also be classified under Dharmic traditions.

Such a Forum set-up is most likely a bridge too far but I'm curious to hear any comments.
But that sounds like almost everything would fall under "Dharmic traditions."

I'm not sure how many traditions are truly polytheistic, either, but I've spoken with a few people who claim their religions are (Traditional Witchcraft--not Wicca--and Wotanism).
StrangeQuark said:
But that sounds like almost everything would fall under "Dharmic traditions."

No, not really. There is a difference with traditions that are more ritualistic and others that are more mystical. The present division in religions is a typical western approach based on the assumption that a tradition is defined by the religious writings that it uses.

The mystic life-style of a Sufi is very close to that of a Christian mystic, a Tantric mystic, a Jewish mystic or a seriously practising Buddhist. I would say they are all folowing their dharma whereas e.g. someone who is into ritualism in whatever religious tradition is doing less so. So I have a problem with how the boundaries are drawn. But as I said, it is most likely a bridge too far to change it in such a way.
I quite agree that the classification system is somewhat arbitrary. In no small part it's so that the forums can harmonise with the way the main website is divided, which is more a reflection of how to subdivide the religious texts of world traditions according to a more "classical" system of indexing.

This does of course create some problems with moving to a forum model. This is further complicated by the fact that it's generally not a good idea to create lots of empty boards, as much as create new boards where there is a specific need. For example, if there were a handful of regular posters with Ananda Marga backgrounds, you would almost certainly see a specific board for specific dialogue regarding that path. :)

Generally the divisions of the boards themselves can perhaps be best thought of as not a division of ideas, as much as a division of the technical languages of these followings. It's possibly not the best model, but as something that can incorporate the dynamic nature of the forum itself with the static nature of the main textual resources, it certainly can work.

However, of course, the forum is open to be shaped by its membership - ultimately it is a self-defining community. And if anyone feels a strong need for certain theme or topic boards, then I am happy to look into the matter. :)

All feedback is welcome. :)
how about...

er... sorry... Namaste all :)

Brian... how about splitting the philosophy and science sections into their own discrete bits?
I certainly could - do you think there's a demand for that?
I said:
I certainly could - do you think there's a demand for that?
well... the disciplines are different and use some similar terminology, which can be confusing, in my opinion.

of course.. the decision is yours :)
I'm not convinced that we'll be up for much in spilling the boards into both disciplines - but with the recent request for a Sikhism board, and recent issues on Hinduism arising, I'm wondering if there isn't room for a few more boards to be created around here. Any suggestions invited :)
I said:
I'm not convinced that we'll be up for much in spilling the boards into both disciplines - but with the recent request for a Sikhism board, and recent issues on Hinduism arising, I'm wondering if there isn't room for a few more boards to be created around here. Any suggestions invited :)

I wasn't aware there had been any issues on so-called Hinduism recently but I do miss things like Sufism and a Mysticism board in which perhaps my own path could eventually find a home. Sufism is technically a part of Islam and Ananda Marga is often seen as "Neo-Hinduism" but is actually Neo-Humanism and so can't be seen as part of any religion.:)