
AntiVirus Delta-9

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My mind has been working on this topic a lot lately.

Christianity preaches that when we die if we accept Jesus as our savior we go to heaven and live in peace for eternity. Muslims believe that if you follow the five pillars and live a respectable life you go to paradise and live in peace for eternity.

To me, this is the basis for almost all religion. Lead a respectable life and care for others and you shall be rewarded.

If a Buddhist leads his life with good intent always mindful of the morals he holds dear does he too not deserve his shot at everlasting peace?

Christianity preaches acceptance and tolerance, this is the word of god.

My question to you, is from a Christian perspective what happens to non-Christians in the afterlife?

I thank you for your answers in advance, as I am grateful for any responses I may get.

My question to you, is from a Christian perspective what happens to non-Christians in the afterlife?

I thank you for your answers in advance, as I am grateful for any responses I may get.


The bible does not teach, THE IMMORTALITY OF THE HUMAN SOUL that teaching is manmade.

so for true christianity , which would be sticking to true bible teachings there is no AFTERLIFE.

the bible teaches something completly differant to the

the teaching of the immortality of the human soul, is not in the bible.

so good and bad people go to dust.

but in the bible it informs us that 144,000 will be resurrected to go to heaven with Jesus . they are known as a LITTLE FLOCK luke 12;32.
and the bible also informs us that Jesus will have OTHER SHEEP who will also listen to his voiceJOHN 10;16

the bible does not teach an AFTERLIFE like the many religions are teaching, that teaching comes from manmade doctrine .

THE IMMORTALITY OF THE HUMAN SOUL is derived only from Greek philosophy, and look how many have been misled by it :eek:

Jehovah’s Witnesses do not share Christendom’s belief of inherent immortality.

They believe that the human soul is mortal, that the dead experience no sensations at all.
Why? Because they accept the Bible as God’s revelation of truth to mankind. :)

The glorious hope that the Bible holds out for future life is by means of a resurrection.

My mind has been working on this topic a lot lately.

Christianity preaches that when we die if we accept Jesus as our savior we go to heaven and live in peace for eternity. Muslims believe that if you follow the five pillars and live a respectable life you go to paradise and live in peace for eternity.

To me, this is the basis for almost all religion. Lead a respectable life and care for others and you shall be rewarded.

If a Buddhist leads his life with good intent always mindful of the morals he holds dear does he too not deserve his shot at everlasting peace?

Christianity preaches acceptance and tolerance, this is the word of god.

My question to you, is from a Christian perspective what happens to non-Christians in the afterlife?

I thank you for your answers in advance, as I am grateful for any responses I may get.


Well antivirus if one believes in mainstream christiandom then they believe when one dies the soul of that person goes to heaven or hell. I however do not believe as mainstream christiandom teaches. There beliefs are based on unscriptual falsehoods. Jesus never taught that a person's soul goes to heaven or hell at death. The prophets of the Old Testament never taught this either. It is only man's deceptions and traditions that teaches this myth. The deciples asked Jesus what happens when one dies and Jesus said that the dead know not anything, Jesus said that NO ONE has asended into heaven except the one who came from heaven (Jesus). Jesus said Moses, abraham, Jaboc are asleep in there graves. No one has risen to heaven. As for hell being a place of torture is another unscriptual falsehood that has been taugh by man and their traditions. Jesus never taught it and nither did the prophets of the old Testament. the word hell is a mistranslation from the word hades and sheol which were used in the orginal manuscripts, and hades and sheol never ment a place of torture. When one dies one's spirit goes back to where it came from (God). The soul (body) is in the grave awaiting resurrection.

Well antivirus if one believes in mainstream christiandom then they believe when one dies the soul of that person goes to heaven or hell. I however do not believe as mainstream christiandom teaches. There beliefs are based on unscriptual falsehoods. Jesus never taught that a person's soul goes to heaven or hell at death. The prophets of the Old Testament never taught this either. It is only man's deceptions and traditions that teaches this myth. The deciples asked Jesus what happens when one dies and Jesus said that the dead know not anything, Jesus said that NO ONE has asended into heaven except the one who came from heaven (Jesus). Jesus said Moses, abraham, Jaboc are asleep in there graves. No one has risen to heaven. As for hell being a place of torture is another unscriptual falsehood that has been taugh by man and their traditions. Jesus never taught it and nither did the prophets of the old Testament. the word hell is a mistranslation from the word hades and sheol which were used in the orginal manuscripts, and hades and sheol never ment a place of torture. When one dies one's spirit goes back to where it came from (God). The soul (body) is in the grave awaiting resurrection.

nice one thats the way to do it :)

And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if YOU do not want to share with her in her sins, and if YOU do not want to receive part of her plagues. For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind.
revelation 18;4-5

its good to be free of manmade doctrines which are not inline with the bible .

and that command from Jesus is saying GET OUT OF HER .
That symbolic woman who is a harlot in the book of revelation, is the
And there are many religions around the world that are very involved with manmade doctrines .

So you are doing very well to not take them on board ,or even to cast them away from you

But one of the most important things to also be thinking about ,is to allow the true God JEHOVAH to take you in

Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’”; “‘and I will take YOU in.’” 2 corinthians 6;17

Thank you, I appreciate the responses.

I do not consider myself a Christian. The thought of a power which creates all is to much for me to fathom. However, I do not object to those who believe for I cannot prove them wrong and they cannot prove themselves right. No one will know for sure until they pass.

To be quite honest, I was expecting much more closed minded responses here. Perhaps this is my ignorance speaking, but I was pleasantly surprised. It is good to see that there are people in this world who practice spirituality, instead of religion by the book.

Anyone else?
Thank you, I appreciate the responses.

I do not consider myself a Christian. The thought of a power which creates all is to much for me to fathom. However, I do not object to those who believe for I cannot prove them wrong and they cannot prove themselves right. No one will know for sure until they pass.

To be quite honest, I was expecting much more closed minded responses here. Perhaps this is my ignorance speaking, but I was pleasantly surprised. It is good to see that there are people in this world who practice spirituality, instead of religion by the book.

Anyone else?

Antivirus Delta-9 man thats a mouth full. Yes I do not believe in what mainstream chistiandom teaches. But wait, I sure you will get their opionion soon. you will get the traditional views of heaven and hell, the immortal soul. It is unscriptural. souls are not aalive after death. God gives His living spirit to the soul and the soul become alive. You said there is no prof. but there is if one believes the scripture is the word of "God and one believes in God and His word in scripture. Then there is ones prof.

Antivirus Delta-9 man thats a mouth full. Yes I do not believe in what mainstream chistiandom teaches. But wait, I sure you will get their opionion soon. you will get the traditional views of heaven and hell, the immortal soul. It is unscriptural. souls are not aalive after death. God gives His living spirit to the soul and the soul become alive. You said there is no prof. but there is if one believes the scripture is the word of "God and one believes in God and His word in scripture. Then there is ones prof.


They should install a "Thank's" mod on these boards. If they had one, I would have thanked you twice.