Jinn influence and sin


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I have a question. If a person is under the influence of the jinn (demon) is he/she responsible for their actions? For instance, what if sihr (black magic to have jinn take control of a person) is used to make someone's marriage miserable and the two people fight all the time, are they responsible what is happening to them (including physical fighting, verbal abuse, etc)? What if they are unable to realize that it is sihr? Just a question.

remember sister black magic compromises your position on allah having all power..
Good reminder. However, I understand that both good and evil are creations of Allah Almighty. No good or evil can be done without His allowing it to happen. After all, when the angels pbut were surprised that Allah Almighty wants to creat the humans, even if we are to shed our blood on Earth, Allah Almighty told that that He knows that which they do not.
Both good and evil are created by Allah Almighty for a purpose, regardless of how much we may understand about why the latter exists at all.

Allah Almighty created the jinn, the evil, the good, the people. Magic, we are told in the Holy Qur'an, exists and is forbidden because it causes people to sin and hurt others. My question is simple: does a person under the influence of magic have any responsibility of his/her action? Is s/he considered like mentally ill/unable to be in control of their behaviors?
Yes that is very true sister..

but be very carefull i know of bad muslims who have used that as an excuse.. my ex wife being one of them.. do dua for the person, that is all you can do.. if a person is bad to you for no real reason then it is proabably jinn if what their doing benifits them in the short term.. proabably not..
If there is a lot of fighting in a relationship it means you are not compatible or that the stresses in your lives are being allowed to interfere in your happiness together. There is no such thing as evil spirits. They are superstitions or foolish nonsense often invoked as an excuse for offsetting real responsibility. Violence in a relationship is someone trying to exert power when they feel they have no other way to control situations. These are all clearly understood in the west and are the real reason for our high divorce rates. It is not a need for immorality as many Islamic preachers would have you believe, it is an understanding that you do not have to put up with unacceptable or violent tyranny within a relationship for the rest of your life.
I have a question. If a person is under the influence of the jinn (demon) is he/she responsible for their actions? For instance, what if sihr (black magic to have jinn take control of a person) is used to make someone's marriage miserable and the two people fight all the time, are they responsible what is happening to them (including physical fighting, verbal abuse, etc)? What if they are unable to realize that it is sihr? Just a question.



I pray to allah to protect you sister and all people

In this verse of Quran num 102 from Surat albaqra you can read the influence of what you mention about .

" They followed what the evil ones gave out (falsely) against the power of Solomon: the blasphemers Were, not Solomon, but the evil ones, teaching men Magic, and such things as came down at babylon to the angels Harut and Marut. But neither of these taught anyone (Such things) without saying: "We are only for trial; so do not blaspheme." They learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife. But they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah.s permission. And they learned what harmed them, not what profited them. And they knew that the buyers of (magic) would have no share in the happiness of the Hereafter. And vile was the price for which they did sell their souls, if they but knew! "

In Islam the person is not punished for his actions that are outside his control .. And the actions are evaluate according to intentions.

Read the Koran and be sure about the ability of Allah ( God ) to resolve the problems ,,,are the real way to solve it.

best wishes

:) Thank you all for your replies. The ayat from the Holy Qur'an clarifies a lot!
I personally have never used black magic/sihr and do not intend to. People I know, including my parents and me, were its victims.

My question stems from my thinking about how much black magic, if Allah SWT allows it to influence a victim of it, impacts the person's intentions, behaviors, reasoning. What if the victim behaves in a sinnful manner because he/she is a victim of sihr?
For example, a saheer decides to create discord among a married couple--and Allah SWT allows the saheer to do so (for various reasons known to Allah SWT only). The discord created causes husband to severely beat his wife, causes him to use drugs or such, and do other evil stuff. Now, since he is under the influence of evil magic, is he responsible for his actions? To what extent is sihr responsible? Is it only playing on the person's already dormant, evil tendencies?
What do you think?