the concept of luck


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Does "luck" exist? Or does everything happen for a reason? What do you think about blessings, karma, etc? Can you believe in luck and fate simultaneously?

**Quick note on how I am using the term:
I would define "good luck" to be receiving significant benefits from events that lie beyond your control, "bad luck" would be receiving adverse effects from events beyond your control. I attribute the causality of these events to general factors of randomness or from intricate physics that is either entirely unpredictable or beyond realistic calculations. Let me know if you think differently.

If you don't mind, please note your religious background when you reply to this thread.
I have no idea. Fate and anti-fate are both impossible concepts to reason. Totally chicken and egg. Luck however deals with odds, and actions. So on that level luck definity exists, but is it fair to call it luck by then?
Interesting question - though the simplest answer would be that state of mind has a lot to do with it. :)
Brien said:
Does "luck" exist? Or does everything happen for a reason? What do you think about blessings, karma, etc? Can you believe in luck and fate simultaneously?
If you don't mind, please note your religious background when you reply to this thread.


As an Ananda Margi, I have to say that there is no such thing as an accident. So everything is incident and happens for a reason (whether known or unknown).