What's the Bahai message in one word?

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Of all the Christians I meet, the most common one word that they use to describe Jesus' message is "grace".
I've asked a couple of Baha'i friends to do the same but they couldn't put it into a word. So, I will ask it here.....what one word would describe the message of Baha'u'llah that we are to pass on to others? I've seen the faith change over the last 25 years so I'd be interested to see what you all have to say.

thanks for the feedback. its a pretty broad concept, I'd say that too but needs some thought (unity others in grace, compassion, with God)

my day: no better or worse than others. sounds like it means a lot to you

oh...its Stephen, not Steven, like in the Bible. :)


How was your Holy day?

For me the word would by "unity" that best describes the Faith... :)

- Art
So Stephen,

Was there anything special going on for your Holy Day? Just thought I'd ask. I just like to hear what other communities are doing.

We met some friends we hadn't seen for a long time and stood up for the Tablet of Visitation facing Bahji..something I had read about but hadn't done before this last Holy Day.:)

- Art
what one word would describe the message of Baha'u'llah that we are to pass on to others? I've seen the faith change over the last 25 years so I'd be interested to see what you all have to say.


Personally it would be "understanding!"

The one word "understanding" sums up the message of Baha'u'llah to me, and he spread understanding all over the world. People of different faiths associate in unity through understanding. I choose understanding, because "understanding is the source of love," as Thich Nhat Hanh would say. I love that quote!

The message is we don't have all the answers! No one knows the essence of God. Truth is progressive. I choose understanding because it implies we do not have the absolute truth since we can't directly know the Absolute, so the Baha'i path is a life long journey of understanding, of "wrestling with God." I might have to throw out old concepts I'm holding in order to receive the new in my hands.

Starrfyre, warm Baha'i greetings!
Ahanu, thanks for the greeting. I like it here. :)

I also liked your one word. I guess you could say that understanding leads to unity.

Just a thought.
