Sage Lifestyle


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Hello All!!!

I am interested in the enlightenment lifestyle of a Sage. I am also interested in symbols of the Sage as well as anything related to it. If anyone knows anything about it please forward. I am interested in devoting my life to knowledge.

Please help!!!

Hi JP0325, and welcome to CR. :)

I'm a little confused as to what you are asking - could you possible narrow it down to a particular cultural group? Apologies - it's just that "Sage" by my understanding means "wise" (cf. Sagacious) therefore you are asking what is the lifestyle of someone...who is wise??
Its an ancient practice of being a sage. Jesus Christ was a Sage and many others from other religions were as well. A friend of mine told me that you desire a life of learning and strict practice. He told me to come to this site and ask about symbols and the spirituality side of a Sage. "Wise in the ways of knowledge."

I said:
Hi JP0325, and welcome to CR. :)

I'm a little confused as to what you are asking - could you possible narrow it down to a particular cultural group? Apologies - it's just that "Sage" by my understanding means "wise" (cf. Sagacious) therefore you are asking what is the lifestyle of someone...who is wise??
Namaste JP0325,

welcome to the forum!

JP0325 said:
Its an ancient practice of being a sage. Jesus Christ was a Sage and many others from other religions were as well. A friend of mine told me that you desire a life of learning and strict practice. He told me to come to this site and ask about symbols and the spirituality side of a Sage. "Wise in the ways of knowledge."
i'm not sure that i understand this sentence of yours:

"A friend of mine told me that you desire a life of learning and strict practice"

are you indicating that your friend told you that, a sage is characterized by a life of learning and strict practice?

realize that this site is going to deal with sages from all different manner of cultural perceptions, so if you have one in mind, i.e. the Semitic Sage, let us know and we'll be more able to properly respond to your query.

however... let me say this about that... i would offer this bit of adivce from a fellow named Basho:

"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought."

Yes you are correct. He was telling me what he thought a sage is. He was not recommending to me to be one. I am desiring to find out what a sage lifestyle is. Any information would be helpful. He said that a sage is someone who desires a lifestyle of knowledge but he is unsure of the specifics of it. He told me to ask this website. Thanks for the welcome!!!

I don't know anything about them. I was just interested in the general knowledge and information of a "Sages lifestyle." It is just something I am curious about!!
Thanks for the link!

MGhandi is simply an incredible man. I have studied him numerous times and now that I read that link he is truly a sage.

Do you know any other examples?

Are there symbols for a sage?
Every religion has a symbol?

Martin Luther King, Jr. might be worth a read. I have a biography on my shelves that I've failed to properly start.
JP0325 said:
Thanks for the link!

MGhandi is simply an incredible man. I have studied him numerous times and now that I read that link he is truly a sage.

Do you know any other examples?

Are there symbols for a sage?
Every religion has a symbol?

Namaste JP,

my pleasure.

you know... have you heard of an author named Joseph Campbell? he wrote a book called "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" which i think that you might find very interesting... as it, essentially, traces the "sage" throughout the various cultures in the world and compares and contrasts them.

the religious symbol of Buddhism is the 8 spoked Wheel. in terms of Buddhism/Hinduism and Jainism, there are definite marks that the "sage" will be born with. Therer are 32 major marks and 84 minor marks, depending :) for instance, one of the 32 major marks is that the being has skin with a golden hue.... go figure :)

I just got a copy of the novel "Hero with a thousand faces" at the library. I am beginning to read it as I write.
Should be an interesting read definately!!

Thanks again,
Hello All!!!

I am interested in the enlightenment lifestyle of a Sage. I am also interested in symbols of the Sage as well as anything related to it. If anyone knows anything about it please forward. I am interested in devoting my life to knowledge.

Please help!!!


Live your life to better the life of others, realises you and I and he, and she are one... Look after all your brothers and sisters... Grow a long white beard and side burns to boot.... The symbol of most sages, is kept under their robes... If you look it is a red diamond with yellow backing and a red 'S' in centre, sometimes the background on the 'outside' of the diamond can be bloo...

One thing though Sages work on wisdom... That isn't knowledge, you knew that right? Knowledge is proud that she knows so much; Wisdom is humble, that she knows no more - Cowper.

[this is in regards to the Lounge thread, BUMP A THREAD]