Ali Karehndiujo Mohmid


Karehndiujo Mohmid


My name is Ali Karehndiujo Mohmid. My friends have called me "A.K." for short and for nearly 10 years now. (I don't think it quite so funny as they, however.) I am 33 years old, male and a Muslim, by faith.

I am with one woman whom I will, most likely, remain so forever. Just she & I -- I am not a polygamist but I am not an anti-polygamist either. I am pro-choice. I am pro-nukes. I would like to be a vegetarian but cannot afford to do so and have problems with my immunity if I cease to eat meat. My complexion becomes ruddy and blotchy if I do not consume dairy products; so, I compromise by eating meat conscientiously and with good taste.

I live in a very small town in a very isolated region of North America where there is no official Mosque to speak of. I am a US citizen by birth and feel very blessed to be here, regardless of 9/11. I am not affiliated with Al Qaeda in any way whatsoever and will fight to the death for the safety of my friends and family. My bones will, most likely, find their rest here, in the US.

I have a small black kitten named Fester. :)
Hi Karehndiujo Mohmid and welcome to CR. :)

Fester, eh? Addams Family?
I said:
Hi Karehndiujo Mohmid and welcome to CR. :)

Fester, eh? Addams Family?
Thank you, very much. Glad to be here.

My sources tell me that the kitten (one of two, of whose birth I had the personal honour of being present for) simply looked like a Fester. Fester Addams is the only Fester I've ever known of, save a certain stubbly-chinned local pee-on (cast in the Gunsmoke television series).

Well, Fester needed a place to crash and I just happened to have an extra bed, so to speak. It would seem we're an inseparable pair now. :rolleyes:

Rockin forum ya got here, Mate. Thanks for the lift.
Kittens have a funny habit of picking up people. :)
I said:
Kittens have a funny habit of picking up people. :)

He just looked at the sun dead in the eye two days ago, for the first time since he's been born (about 4 months). He poised himself like an idol, shrugged...and it took to hiding behind a cloud. Then I set him on the ground for the first time.

(I have a variety of names for the little rodent, to be sure.)

Zdrastvuitsye, hola, shalom, salaam, Dia dhuit, namastar ji, hej, konbanwa, squeak, meow, :wave: Karehndiujo Mohmid (from one owned by :kitty:s to another.) :cool:

As long as you're civil, my furred purrson shall be, too. ;) (Not that I'm saying that you won't be, but *shrug*.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
Zdrastvuitsye, hola, shalom, salaam, Dia dhuit, namastar ji, hej, konbanwa, squeak, meow, :wave: Karehndiujo Mohmid (from one owned by :kitty:s to another.) :cool:

As long as you're civil, my furred purrson shall be, too. ;) (Not that I'm saying that you won't be, but *shrug*.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Peace, eh. :cool: