

Veteran Member
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Yorkshire, UK
I just thought this was funny - from The Duggleby NoticeBoard

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Received from :The Duggleby Advertiser

Subject : Excitement
Nothing exciting ever happens in Duggleby, there are only 6 or 7 private houses, the locals spend their days going on one or two walks (one is known as "gannin roun't town" and the other as "roun't rattpits".

The most excitement Duggleby people have is the postman delivering, although standing watching crops grow runs a very close second............

There really is little point having a noticeboard on the web for Duggleby......cos the average age of population must be 60+ and no-one has a computer..........there isn't even a noticeboard in the village.........anyway must go now and mend a wheel on me cart and feed hoss so I can go for a ride out on Sunday !!


Received from :J.Sawdon

Subject : Duggleby is Great
I think Duggleby is great. In respect to the comments made, I actually have to work, and dont just spend all day walking around rat pits. Also there is a wide age range in duggleby, and a noticboard on the website would be appropiate.

What more could a person ask for in such a peacful and calm village


Received from :The Duggleby Advertiser

Subject : Apologies
My first message was written purely tongue in cheek but nevertheless it appears to have hit a raw nerve with a resident, so here I am posting sincere apologies. Anyway I must have been wrong cos I heard today (via smoke signal of course!) of one life long resident who left to live in Australia but couldn't stay away and has returned to live in Duggleby..........what more can one say....left me speechless.....Bondai Beach or Duggleby......no contest....

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Anyone for gannin round ratpits? ;)