Mercy to the whole world

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The prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was sent as a mercy to the whole world as God declares in the Holy Quran: .[21:107] We have sent you out of mercy from us towards the whole world. Also, God assures that the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is of good morals: [68:4] You are blessed with a great moral character.

My intention in this thread is to shed light upon the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as a person. In this thread, I am going to talk about different aspects of the prophet character.

My purpose through this is to present the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him to many of those who don’t know him, or have false prejudices about him.

The thread will be presented in many parts, each part is going to be devouted to a certain aspect of the prophet's characteristics.

This thread is not for discussion, but rather for informing, so that I amy avoid the risk of getting away from the topic. If you have anything to discuss, you may open another thread. Thank you


The prophet Muhamed peace be upon him as a Husband

May be the topic of the prophet Muhamed's wives is the most tackled topic that has been taken a lot of debates, prejudice and distortions.

Yes, the prophet Muhamed peace be upon him had many wives. Yet, he was not a man of lust. That wasn’t his purpose behind his marriages. Every story of the prophet's marriage reveals a different purpose far from being lust and sexual derives. For further learning, read the books of biography of the prophet Muhamed peace be upon him.

My intention in this part is to shed light on how the prophet Muhamed peace be upon him was dealing with his wives: Was he really cruel in dealing with them? Was he considering them inferior? Is there anything to be learnt from him as a husband?

The first woman the prophet Muhamed peace be upon him married was Khadija, May God be blessed with her. Kahadija was older than the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him by almost fifteen years, yet he loved her greatly. He never remarried while he was a husband to her . Khadija was a very loyal, loving wife. She supported him with her money, tenderness and kindness. When the first time, the prophet Muhamed peace be upon him received revelation from God and was so afraid, Kahdija was the first to believe in him. She reassured him saying: " "Never! By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you. You keep good relations with your Kith and kin, help the poor and the destitute, serve your guests generously and assist the deserving calamity-afflicted ones."

A long time after her death, one day, the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him was sitting with his wife Aicha, May God be blesses with her. Aicha was so young, and beautiful, eventough she was feeling jealous of KHadija as the prophet Muhammad pbuh never forgot her, and was always remembering her.

Aisha narrates: "The Prophet never left our house unless he reminded well of Khadijah." One day, Aicha got jealous and said "Why do you remember an old woman, dead long ago, while Allah has given you a better one in her stead?" The Prophet (peace be upon him) got very angry and told her that Allah had not given him a better one in her stead as she (Khadijah) was the only person to believe in him when all people disbelieved, the only person to believe him when all people belied him, and the only one to bear him children when all his wives did not bear him children." Aicha decided to never talk badly about Khadija from that day. Another time he remarked: "Never did Allah (SWT) give me a better wife than Khadijah. She hailed my mission at a time when everybody shouted against it. She lent me the support of her conviction when there was hardly a believer. She enlivened my heart when I felt lonely and deserted. Khadijah's love was given to me by Allah (SWT). How could I forget her?"

In his love to her, the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him once said :" God bestowed her love on me". How wonderful. God's prophet considered his love to his wife a great bestow from God. Love is a bounty.

More than that, the prophet Muhammad's love to Khadija transcends Khadija to her friends. The prophet Muhammed pbuh said: " I love those she love". Here is this story that show that :Aisha narrates: "Whenever, Prophet Muhammad (saw) slaughtered a lamb he would say: 'Send this to friends of Khadijah.' Once I asked for the reason of this action and he (saw) replied: 'I like friends of Khadijah as well.'"

And on the day the Prophet conquered Makkah, the whole of Quraish was gathering around the new city master when an old lady came. The Prophet left his companions, took the woman aside, took off his gown and spread it for her to sit on and sat chatting with her for a long time. Aisha asked him who that woman was and he told her she was Khadijah’s friend; she asked what they were chatting about; and the Prophet replied, 'we were remembering the old days of Khadijah..

Another story which shows the deep love God's prophet was still holding to his wife even after years of her death is the following: one day, when the Muslims captured the Prophet’s son in law, Al-Aas ib Al-Rabei, who was not a Muslim and was fighting against him in Badr, his wife Zainab (the Prophet’s daughter) wanted to ransom him. She sent him Khadijah’s necklace and when the Prophet saw it he recognised it and sobbed. Then he said to his companions (in its meaning): 'if you see it fit to give her back her prisoner and her necklace, do.' The companions were moved by the Prophet’s grief and agreed. He gave the necklace back to the man and said (in its meaning) 'take the necklace back to Zainab and tell her to keep Khadijah’s necklace safe…

In fact, Khadija had a deep rooted place in the prophet Muhammed pbuh's heart, and his love to her was so ideal that shows how a true love should be. The prophet Muhamed pbuh said: No woman reached perfection except for four: Mary, the mother of Jesus pbuh, Asia the wife of the Pharaoh, Khadijah bint Khawailid, and Fatima bint Muhammad.

(to be continued with the same part)​
* Was the prophet Muhamed puh helping his wives in the housework?

Many men think that housework is up to women only, and that it is a duty upon women. That's why, they look to those men who do housework inferiorly. Yet, the prophet Muhamed puh teaches us the contrary. He teaches us that husbands should help their wives in the housework. Muhammed puh teaches us this through his actual practice as Aisha May God be blessed with her narrates when she was asked about what the prophet Muhammed pbuh used to do at home.: "He was like any other human being: he would clean his clothes, milk his ewe and serve himself." Also, it was reported that he used to sew his own clothes, mend his own shoes and do whatever other workmen do in their homes..​

These humble behaviour of the prophet Muhmmed puh is a practice of his saying: ''The best person among you is the one who treats his family members well. And I am the best person for my family.''

*Was the prophet Muhammed pbuh consulting his wives in his matters?

May be the most important thing that the prophet Muhammed pbuh came to change is: The women rights.

At that time, in the Arabic peninsula, the women were mistreated and considered as inferior creatures: they were mainly exploited for pleasure, and they haven’t the right to disagree or even discuss. Yet, with the coming of the prophet pbuh, and the spreading of his teachings, the pictures began to take bright colors.

A very wonderful, and funny story comes to my mind at this point: Umar ibn al-Khattab (R.A.A.) said: “We Quraysh used to have control over our women. When we came to Madinah we found a people whose women had control over them, and our women began to learn from their women. I used to live in al-‘Awali, among Banu Umayyah ibn Zayd. One day my wife was angry with me, and was arguing with me. I did not like this, but she told me, ‘Do you not like me arguing with you? By Allah (S.W.T), the wives of the Prophet (S.A.W.) argue with him. They get angry and keep away from him all day, until night falls!’ So I went to see Safîah and asked her, ‘Do you argue with the Prophet (S.A.W)?’ She said, ‘Yes.’ I asked her, ‘Do you get angry and keep away from him all day until night falls?’ She said, ‘Yes.’ I said, ‘The one who does that is doomed to loss! Do you not fear the anger of Allah (S.W.T.) on the account of the anger of His Prophet? Soon you will be condemned! Do not argue with the Messenger of Allah, and do not ask him for anything. Ask me for whatever you need.’” (Bukhari, Muslim, al-Tirmidhi and al-Nisa’i) ‘Umar came to the Prophet (S.A.W.) and told him about what had happened in his house, and the conversation he had with Safîah, and the Prophet (S.A.W.) smiled.

The prophet Muhammad pbuh was not oppressing his wives. He wasn’t that man that some media tries to spread. He was a kind, loving, understanding person that let his wives disagree with him, and more than that he became patient when they got angry at him. Besides, while his companion Omar May Allah be blessed with him got angry at the behaviours of the wives of the prophet pbuh, the prophet himself smiled. His heart is very big to embrace all with love, understanding, and kindness.​

It was the moral of the prophet Muhammad pbuh to never get angry at something that has to do with self/ ego. He got angry only when there was a deviation/break of God's teachings.​

That smile of the prophet pbuh, and his tolerant treatment to his wives taught Umar Mya Allah be blesses with a new lesson: how to appreciate the wife and be tolerant with her.​

Here is a funny story which shows that: Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) said that a man came to his house to complain about his wife. On reaching the door of his house, he hears 'Umar's wife shouting at him and reviling him.

Seeing this, he was about to go back, thinking that 'Umar himself was in the same position and, therefore, could hardly suggest any solution for his problem.

'Umar (RA) saw the man turn back, so he called him and enquired about the purpose of his visit. He said that he had come with a complaint against his wife, but turned back on seeing the Caliph in the same position.

'Umar (RA) told him that he tolerated the excesses of his wife for she had certain rights against him. He (Umar) said, "Is it not true that she prepares food for me, washes clothes for me and suckles my children, thus saving me the expense of employing a cook, a washerman and a nurse, though she is not legally obliged in any way to do any of these things? Besides, I enjoy peace of mind because of her and am kept away from indecent acts on account of her. I therefore tolerate all her excesses on account of these benefits. It is right that you should also adopt the same attitude."

The prophet Muhammad was also sharing his matters with his wives, asking for their advices, and implementing them.For example, the Prophet consulted with Umm Salamah when he negotiated the treaty of Hudaibiah. Many companions were angry with the weak terms of the treaty. It was Umm Salamah whose counsel helped ease the situation.

Also, the prophet Muhammad pubh worked by Umm Salamah's advice in another situation. After the truce of Hudaybiyah, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered his Companions to sacrifice the animals they brought along for the purpose, and shave their heads. But they all seemed reluctant and did not rise to obey his command. When Umm Salamah saw the situation she suggested that he should not speak about the subject to anyone, but just go out from the tent and offer the sacrifice and shave his head. Then he could see the effect of his action. And what she expected happened - all the Companions followed the prophet pbuh in what he did.

*Did Muhammad pbuh use to express his love to his wives?
*Was he pbuh just and equitable with his wives?
*Did he pbuh use to joke and have fun with his wives?
(We are going to know the answers of these questions in The next post)