"...The axis round which its institutions revolve..."



Christian church meetings are essentially nothing more than social events now. Some congregations display exuberance and outward enthusiasm, even with some individuals jumping and hopping about like kangaroos. I attended one such group called the El Shaddai which is a large congregation. They had about four cheerleaders at the front of the worship hall facing the congregation and they were twirling and jumping and shouting praises to the Lord, stirring the congregation up to enthusiasm just like basketball or football cheerleaders. Their meetings last four hours. I attended that congregation 3 1/2 times. I sat through the entire four hours three times and after each meeting I tried to find individuals who would like to examine some specific Holy Prophecies spoken by His Holiness the Christ. Not any hint or trace of interest could I find. It was just a secular concert with some religious overtones. Nobody there cared about the Words of His Holiness the Christ. At an evangelical Full Gospel church, after the service I approached a baptized member and asked her also to explain for me her understanding of a specific Prophecy spoken by the Lord Christ. She looked at the Prophecy in the Bible and said that it was not important for Christians to understand that, that it is not significant. There was a baptized member of an evangelical Christian church telling someone who does not belong to a Christian church that the Words spoken by the Lord Christ are insignificant. And that is not the exception. In the 300 different Christian churches of all denominations which I have visited I have not yet found any single Christian who has displayed sincere interest to understand and examine the Holy Prophetic Words spoken by their own Founder.

A spiritual darkness has enveloped the Earth and unfortunately it has encompassed the majority of Baha'i's also. Baha'is have also plummeted into the depths of spiritual complacency and darkness. They also have fallen into the snare of abandoning the independent investigation of Truth, trusting their leadership to provide them all of the spiritual nutrition that they need, in the same manner that Christians are practicing faith by proxy.

Baha'is have totally lost sight of the significance of the words written and spoken by Shoghi Effendi related to the establishment of the Administration of the New World Order, the Kingdom of God on Earth. Baha'is cannot share in the accomplishment of the Cause of God related to His Kingdom on Earth when they fail to understand the very basic elements which comprise the foundation of that administration. As Baha'is, we have the unspeakably great privilege to hold in our hands the very Constitution of that New World Order, which Shoghi Effendi called "The Charter of the New World Order" and he discussed its immutability and sacredness. That Holy immutable Document, of course, is the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha', the merits of which Document and the reasons why it is essential for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, he discusses in great detail in his "spiritual testament" The Dispensation of Baha'u'llah.

Yet, if you were to interview a hundred declared Baha'is, how many would you find who even possess a copy of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha'? How many of those hundred would you discover had even read that sacred and immutable Document? Shoghi Effendi called it The Child of the Covenant, and discussed its inspiration by Baha'u'llah and that the application of the Instructions which it contains is inseparable from the Teachings of Baha'u'llah. Shoghi Effendi wrote:

"Let no one, while this System is still in its infancy, misconceive its character, belittle its significance or misrepresent its purpose. The bedrock on which this Administrative Order is founded is God's immutable Purpose for mankind in this day.

"...The axis round which its institutions revolve are the authentic provisions of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha'." (quoted from The Dispensation of Baha'u'llah')

Imagine that! The very "axis" around which the Institutions of the Administration of the New World Order, the Kingdom of God on Earth revolve, are the "authentic provisions" of the Master's Will and Testament! No Baha'i can participate and share in the triumph of our Lord's Holy Covenant without understanding the "authentic provisions" in the Will and Testament of the Center of His Covenant. 'Abdu'l-Baha' is the Center of His Covenant.

The ignorance of Baha'is today concerning the essential components of the Baha'i Administrative Order is appalling.

Namaste Vermilion Forks,

thank you for the post.

VermilionForks said:
. In the 300 different Christian churches of all denominations which I have visited I have not yet found any single Christian who has displayed sincere interest to understand and examine the Holy Prophetic Words spoken by their own Founder.

well.. fortunately for you, there are over 3,000 denominatons of Christians in North America alone and nearly 33,600 world wide... so... you have plenty of exploring and hope that one of these denominations has interest in Biblical prophecy still ahead of you :)

welcome to CR, by the way :)
VermilionForks said:
The ignorance of Baha'is today concerning the essential components of the Baha'i Administrative Order is appalling.
Hi Vermillion

i disagree with you. I think Baha'i's are actively deepening on the Administrative Order and all it's complexities. At least the Baha'i's I know are enthusiastically involved and eager to forge ahead. Independent investigation is still a very integral part of my own journey.

If you spend your time worrying about what everyone else is doing, you are wasting precious time. Each of our focus should be on improving our own character and encouraging others.

Have a great day!

Loving Greetings, Amy
VermilionForks said:
Shoghi Effendi wrote:

"Let no one, while this System is still in its infancy, misconceive its character, belittle its significance or misrepresent its purpose. The bedrock on which this Administrative Order is founded is God's immutable Purpose for mankind in this day.

"...The axis round which its institutions revolve are the authentic provisions of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha'." (quoted from The Dispensation of Baha'u'llah')

Imagine that! The very "axis" around which the Institutions of the Administration of the New World Order, the Kingdom of God on Earth revolve, are the "authentic provisions" of the Master's Will and Testament! No Baha'i can participate and share in the triumph of our Lord's Holy Covenant without understanding the "authentic provisions" in the Will and Testament of the Center of His Covenant. 'Abdu'l-Baha' is the Center of His Covenant.

The ignorance of Baha'is today concerning the essential components of the Baha'i Administrative Order is appalling.

And yet surrounded by this incomparable denseness 'Abdu'l-Baha circulated among all people through desperate prisons and public speeches and everyday life with such a forthright and honest love of each and every person he met that at his funeral tens of thousands of followers from other religions came and bore open testimony to his graciousness and overwhelming love.

Would that we might constantly be so happy with eachother as to overlook eachothers faults and limits, thus not having to wrestle with other's opinions of us, so that we might forgive ourselves and turn with thankfulness to God's forgiveness. Such is the purpose of the Exempler that he is to all time our guide and refuge in living upto the divine standard.

Alas only God doesn't test us beyond our limits. Indeed it seems to me far too often we are so hard on eachother and ourselves that God has no room left in our lives to educate us.
Small problem...

Sorry for your time.... Why i can't see images on this resource?My Browser is: Opera.Thank you.
Vermillion, hello!

I fear you greatly overgeneralize, and therefore have to agree with what Amy said.

Nor, as was pointed out, is somebody else's spiritual station anyone's primary concern.

So I would suggest that you not only be aware of your own spiritual situation (I trust you already are), but that you do what you can to promote knowledge and understanding among those around you! For example, if you're concerned that Baha'is may not be familiar enough with the Covenant, have you arranged a deepening on the subject with a person competent to lead it (be that yourself or someone else)?

I humbly suggest that "less talk and more action" remains the watchword of the day. . . .


Hello green monkey...

Green_Monkey23 said:
Sorry for your time.... Why i can't see images on this resource?My Browser is: Opera.Thank you.

Welcome Green monkey!

I'm unsure how we can help you see the "images" you seek after...

Is there are question you might have?

- Art