Concept of belief in 'archaeology of cult'


Petra Pakkanen

[FONT=&quot]I have been wondering the validity of our conception of belief when studying ancient religions. It is true that our understanding of belief is largely formed through the developments of the monotheistic Judaeo-Christian basis in the conceptualisation of the term itself. It is shaped by Western history beginning with the rise of Christianity into its contemporary understandings. I can see that we can make distinction between belief and faith in order to avoid difficulties of potentially imposing alien values on ancient religious/cultural systems. Yet it still puzzles me that particularly in recent studies of Graeco-Roman religions the trend seems to be to avoid ‘belief’ almost altogether and concentrate on studying cult practice, rituals etc. Do you have opinions on why this is, and can anyone give me hints whether the situation is the same in the studies other ancient religions particularly through material remains (the so-called ‘archaeology of cult’)?[/FONT]
... It is true that our understanding of belief is largely formed through the developments of the monotheistic Judaeo-Christian basis in the conceptualisation of the term itself.
Mmm ... I'm not so sure on that point ... I would also factor in the Western Philosophical Tradition ... ?

I can see that we can make distinction between belief and faith in order to avoid difficulties of potentially imposing alien values on ancient religious/cultural systems.
Yes. But I think you ... or we ... would have to come to an agreed definition of both before answering the question you pose?

Yet it still puzzles me that particularly in recent studies of Graeco-Roman religions the trend seems to be to avoid ‘belief’ almost altogether and concentrate on studying cult practice, rituals etc. Do you have opinions on why this is, and can anyone give me hints whether the situation is the same in the studies other ancient religions particularly through material remains (the so-called ‘archaeology of cult’)?
My opinion would be, without details, that the 'problem' is that the investigator has no belief or faith (or experience) in the system that he or she's investigating, nor any means of determining its inherent value.

So they'll always be outside, looking in, and making assumptions?
