Some Baha'i Questions


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Roseville, Ca
I recently read over the World Center's instructions on Pilgrimage and I have a few questions about this.

I know that Baha'is are supposed to make a Pilgrimage at some point in their lives, but the World Center has it very regimented. I understand that it's an attempt to make Pilgrimage run more smoothly for everyone involved. And I think I understand the injunction that Baha'is should inform the World Center Administration of plans to visit Israel.

However, what I'm wondering is this; IF a Baha'i doesn't contact the World Center, but makes plans to make a Pilgrimage on their own, does this count as the required Pilgrimage?

Why does the World Center advise Baha'is to only stay in the Haifa area for 3 days, if not on Pilgrimage?

These seem rather restrictive in my opinion.

Allah'u'Abha & thanks in advance.

P.S. I'll be posting more Baha'i questions as they pop into my head. There are lots of them, but this one stuck out in my head. :)
Another Baha'i question: how do we pray for the soul of a deceased person?

I know the prayers reveled by The Bab, Baha'u'llah, and Abdul' Baha have special potency, and I know there are prayers for the dead (I think), but is there another way?

Can these forums be considered a source of (informal) deepening one's Faith, if, in fact, ones understanding of the Faith IS deepened?

If you read Baha'i history you find that when Baha'is go on pilrimage that ask for permission... So someone would write a letter to say Abdul-Baha and request permission to go on pilgrimage.. Today the Center of the Faith is the Universal House of Justice and so we apply to the House before travelling to the Holy Land.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Places at the Bahá'í World Center is a precious bounty, clearly a highlight of one's life. The Universal House of Justice wrote that while on pilgrimage Bahá'ís have the opportunity "to pray in the Shrines of the Central Figures of their Faith, to visit the places hallowed by the footsteps, sufferings and triumphs of Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá, and to meditate in the tranquillity of these sacred precincts, beautified with so much loving care by our beloved Guardian."

Bahá'ís may apply for pilgrimage by contacting the Pilgrimage Office at the Bahá'í World Center.

(Compilations, NSA USA - Developing Distinctive Baha'i Communities)

When you go on pilgrimage you can rest assured that provision for you is being made in advance and loving care is provided so you will have a wonderful and meaningful this is worth the wait and trouble it takes to go through the process of applying and being accepted.

Also you probably are aware of this that the House of Baha'u'llah in Bagdad and the House of the Bab in Shiraz are pilgrimage sites for Baha'is if they are able to go there.. Of course for this time they are not open places for pilgriamge and Abdul-Baha allowed us to experience pilgrimage by applying to go to the Holy Land.

Recently two Baha'is in the past week winged their flight to the Abha kingdom in our area and so we had memorial services and prayers for their souls and for their families.. Baha'i Burial is the topic of a compilation of the Writings at

Baha'i Burial

This forum in my view is primarily here to respond to seekers and inform people about the Faith.... I usually post say an excerpt from the Writings or share information about cultural contributions by Baha'is or how we as Baha'is are being deprived of civil liberties and practicing our Faith on this forum.:)
Thanks Art for the information on the Pilgrimage. I didn't know that particular portion of the history. And yes, I knew the UHJ is the Center of the Faith now, I just didn't understand the president.

As for the prayers for the dead, I reread recently that we can pray for the journey of the deceased's soul. I don't think I was specific enough when I asked the question. I was thinking of a person who has been dead for many years, and isn't a Baha'i. I read over the link, so this is what made me realize I was too vague. I'm not seeing anything that would refer to that.

As far as this forum goes; I think I've read more the past week or so about the Faith in general than I have in a very long time, so I guess I'm feeling a bit more connected to it, and have actually felt deepened by it. Obviously, it's not the end all, be all, but for me, for now it's a good place to start.

Thanks & Allah'u'Abha!