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Namaste everyone,

I don't know if this is the appropriate forum in which to post this, but here goes. A friend of mine thinks that his house is haunted, since he hears noises in the house when nobody's around. A while ago, he woke up and found crosses on the walls that were made out of blood. A priest came by, and performed an exorcism, and the crosses haven't appeared since, but the noises continue.

I would think that this is a lost soul that needs to find its way back to the light. Your thoughts? What should a person do when they're faced with such bizarre hauntings?
Ryuuko said:
Namaste everyone,

What should a person do when they're faced with such bizarre hauntings?
who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS! sorry, but i could not resist. when you have a plumbing problem, you call a plumber. when you have a spirit problem, you seek out an experienced person who has dealt with driving them out, and to the light. i have done it successfully many times, but cannot offer a how-to. beware of charlatans, and price tags that are exorbinant. try the local spiritual shop for names of people to contact.

I would be suspicious of anyone who offers to clear up a haunting for a fee.

Try looking at the listings (stores, groups, etc.) for your area at the excellent networking site http://www.witchvox.com/xvn.html and ask around about people who can deal with hauntings.
Namaste Pseudonymous,

Yeah, the song you began your post with is appropriate--no need to apologize!!!

I also agree that someone experienced should deal with hauntings. I guess my question is, what would possess such a spirit to make crosses out of blood on the walls? That sounds like something more than a ghost.
I actually read a nice little haunting story elsewhere - this thread has reminded me to post it:


I dont know of any NB Lighthouse Ghost stories but here is one from the US. The restless spirit of Florida's Carysfort Reef Lighthouse was blamed on a grouchy old keeper named Captain Johnson, who died at the lighthouse soon after it went into service in the 1840s. Johnson was said to have been a great sinner who cussed and drank and abused his companions. Only a few weeks after his death, an unseasonable hot spell settled in, and the ghost made its presence known. About sundown the keepers of the light were greeted by shrieks and groans and moans unlike anything they had ever heard. The noise continued until well after midnight, then subsided. But the next evening it started again and raged on until nearly dawn. The men on the lighthouse, a spidery-legged iron tower standing in the warm waters of the Florida Reef, were convinced Captain Johnson had returned to torment them. No one attempted to find a reasonable explanation for the nightly clamor until 1927 when a fisherman named Charles Brookfield was invited to spend the night in the lighthouse after his boat broke down. When darkness came and the distressing sounds began, Brookfield bolted from his bed to find the cause. He was told the lighthouse was haunted, but he refused to accept this simple explanation. The next day he examined the lighthouse, particularly the connections between the huge iron plates, and decided the noises had something to do with the structure of the tower. That night, his theory was confirmed when the screeches and groans began shortly after sunset. Brookfield told the lightkeepers that a rapid contraction of the metal tower occurred when evening brought a sudden drop in temperature. This created stress at the joints, which caused the noises. Shortly after midnight, when temperatures moderated, the tower returned to normal. So much for Captain Johnson's ghost.
Ryuuko said:
Namaste Pseudonymous,

I guess my question is, what would possess such a spirit to make crosses out of blood on the walls? That sounds like something more than a ghost.
the motives of spirits are as varied as the motives of people. it is nothing more than a spirit - any disembodied entity is a spirit, no matter what they may like to be referred to as. as it seems a fear inspiring action, i would guess it has the present occupants moving out of "its" home as its motive. again, they are fairly easy to remove by an experienced person.

i would be curious as to whether an analysis was done on the "blood". it likely was not blood at all, and if it were, was it animal or human? the idea with spirits is to not give them more respect or fear than they deserve. most are barkers, but don't have the ability to bite.

Thank you for your posts, Brian and Pseudonymous,

It does seem like the spirit's intention is to scare people off. It's never attacked my friend, so yes, they would be fear-inspiring actions.

No analysis was done on the blood, but I was told that it was very obvious that it was.

I understand that most spirits are barkers but don't bite... but how do you know if the ghost is one that will bite or not?
Ryuuko said:
I understand that most spirits are barkers but don't bite... but how do you know if the ghost is one that will bite or not?
if they can bite, they don't bother with barking.
Some thoughts:

1) The noise & the crosses could have had two different origins. From the sound of it, the exorcism may have solved that side of the problem (which makes sense, since the cross is a Christian symbol, so something doing it should be susceptable to Christian ritual).

2) Houses make noises - some of them quite startling. Air in pipes can cause banging (sometimes spectacular thumps). Heat expansion/contraction of structural components can cause creaking and other interesting sounds. Might just be an odd sound effect - although since you don't describe the noises, who knows? ( I like Brian's story above).

3) Watch out for folks who claim they can take care of it for you. Some are pure charlatans who are out to grab money, some may be able to do it, and some may think they can but could do more damage, as they inadvertently end up attracting rather than dispelling.

I have seen a haunting in a house of a friend of mine - a benign one, thankfully, but have no doubt they can occur.
Anyone who ever moves to a new house knows exactly about different houses having different noises. :)

For a couple of nights you'll tend to spend a lot of time awake, startled by the different noises - often wondering if someone's trying to break in! Then slowly you become so accustomed to the natural noises of the house that you don't notice them. :)
Okay, you all can laugh at me if you want to, but I used to live in a house that I am convinced was haunted.

For the four and a half years I lived there, I was constantly hearing someone call my name when no one was home, no radio or tv were on, and all the doors and windows were shut and no one was around outside. Also, I would often feel someone tapping me on the shoulder when no one was there to do so. I have had similar experiences once or twice since then, but they happened all the time in that house.

Also, the sliding closet doors in my bedroom and in my mom and dad's bedroom were covered with mirrors. One night while my dad was out of town on business, my mom woke up in the middle of the night and saw someone in the mirror bending over as if putting a towel around wet hair. She thought I'd gotten the insane idea to get up in the middle of the night and wash my hair. She turned over to tell me to go back to bed, but there was no one in the room. Then she turned back toward the mirror, and the figure was still in the mirror.

A third experience. I used the spare bedroom sometimes to do homework in. I had a folding table set up in the middle of the floor. I was sitting there studying one night when a piece of blank, unlined paper that was sitting on the back corner of the table started to slip off the table. I reached out to catch it, but it was off the table before I could get to it. So, I bent down to pick up the sheet of paper. Not there. I looked all over the room, everywhere it could have fallen, and everywhere it could not have fallen. There was not one sheet of blank, unlined paper in that entire room. Apparently, somewhere between the tabletop and the floor, it dematerialized.

I know, that all sounds ridiculous. I'd think so too, if I hadn't experienced the first and third things. And my mother is not the type to make up stories like the second incident. If she says it happened, that's good enough for me.

Oh, just one other detail. That house was right around the block from an old cemetery. Do I think that had something to do with it? Maybe not. But then again, maybe. I don't know if the place was haunted or not. I don't even know if I believe in haunted houses. But I know without a doubt that the things that I have described in this post happened.
Actually, in our house, there was often a sense of presence - of being watched - benign but somehow there. The one night a drunk came knocking on our door - said he used to live here, and that his daughter had died in the back bedroom. He wanted to go see the room, but with a pregnant partner in the house, I quite declined. Whether there was any truth in his words, it certainly made us think. But...I'm always open to the various possibilities. :)
Hello, when I think of possible hauntings I think of a house in my hometown of Durban, before we moved away from that city.

It was a large house that used to be a hotel situated on top of a hill. in the country, not in a suburb, funny things used to happen there, like toy cars with batteries working without being switched on , the sound of dishes being washed in the kitchen sink and finding dishes unwashed the next day, the sound and lights of a car riding right up to the front door, when the door is opened there is no car.

Anyhow whatever was there never bothered us though.
I've never really bought into the whole 'spooky ghost' thing. For one, I've never encountered a ghost. Whenever I've asked somebody who believes in hauntings why I, in all the time I've searched supposedly haunted areas, alone, and with an open mind, have never directly encountered a spirit, I am told it is simply because only 'certain' people can come in contact with ghosts. Right :rolleyes:, sounds like an ego trip to me... and secondly, whenever I have been startled by something which appears supernatural, I've been sleepy, and have been engaging in creative activity, like writing...coincidence? I think not.

Anyways, I don't deny the possibility of spirits coming into the mortal realm - I mean, heck, Paul of Tarsus saw the spirit of Christ, an event which certainly affects my beliefs - but spirits *haunting* our world? I mean, what, dead people don't have anything better to do than to raise the hairs on our necks? I don't know...when I'm dead, I think I'll find something more engaging than freaking out individuals here and there...

Also, with my own firm belief in Heaven and Hell, I find it impossible to believe that someone would escape their final destination just to play pranks and spook out people...in my view, hauntings cannot exist...

Anyways, that's just my take on ghosts and hauntings - I don't mean to be offensive to anyone who believes in hauntings; this is just my opinion...
Well I used to be Christian, and I can tell you that a ghost is not someone who either escapes heaven or hell, put simply it is someone who just refuses to leave a place behind and move on, for example a person always went to a bar, and that place was to them like a form of a heaven, when they die they may not want to leave that place, they may cause problems because he/she cannot enjoy the place they love but they are stuck to that place regardless.

A good example was in the movie: Ghost, that tramp at the railway station.

Some people are more susceptible, but that does not mean only certain people can see spirits, and what does a spirit look like?

it usually looks like a shadow, someone you think you see on the periphary of your vision for a second but when you look again there is no-one there.
That still isn't very convincing...who really says whether the soul has the *choice* not to move on? And a ghost finding Heaven in an earthly place? Heh, I dunno, all those descriptions of eternal bliss seem alot more appealing than remaining forever in a decrepit (sp?) old home...

Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone could share the Eastern perspective on haunting? I've always been curious as to whether one with belief in rebirth can accept the idea of ghosts and spirits...
Some theories I've read about hauntings suggest that they are essentially psychic recordings of strong emotions attached to a particular place. Some think that it might have something to do with there being an abundance in that location of mystical energies which make it easier for those psychic recordings to linger and get noticed by people who are sensitive.

That explanation means that the ghosts are not souls at all but impressions or shells of strong emotions.
bgruagach said:
Some theories I've read about hauntings suggest that they are essentially psychic recordings of strong emotions attached to a particular place. Some think that it might have something to do with there being an abundance in that location of mystical energies which make it easier for those psychic recordings to linger and get noticed by people who are sensitive.

That explanation means that the ghosts are not souls at all but impressions or shells of strong emotions.
I'm with that one. :)