God Is Republican


Obtuse Kineticist
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march onward now wealthy christian soldiers
we have to join together today to again defeat
the liberals are forever coming out of the closet
always trying to steal the right's majority seat

we still have that contract with america binding
we still have many more jobs to move overseas
if we can keep the middle class flipping burgers
then we can move the legislation as we please


god is republican
god is republican
god is republican
god is re-pub-li-can

we can't let these bleeding hearts prevail
we can't hold back defending what is right
if all else fails we can create a sex scandal
the media is always willing to take a bite

our contractor contributors need their fix
peace is bad but war is good for our plight
there are always enough puppet dictators
we have propped up to create a global fight

god is republican
god is republican
god is republican
god is re-pub-li-can

each election we must preserve our nation
protect it from those who would do us harm
we must convince minorities who serve us
get them voting then back tending the farm

we need to create a judeo-christian mandate
to silence gays, tree huggers and hollywood
we are this country's righteous moral majority
and must protect and consume all that is good

god is republican
god is republican
god is republican
god is re-pub-li-can

©2004 DC Vision

Australian or Californian or, perhaps....Ugandan? :)
Brrr, I broke the 11th commandment. I read something from The Democratic Underground. I feel so dirty... and slightly dumber. Supply-side Jesus was funny, though. He *did* say, pick up your bed and go.
Mus Zibii said:
Brrr, I broke the 11th commandment. I read something from The Democratic Underground.
mus zibii,

i started writing this song about 10 years ago, but could never connect my dotted lines. trust me, there is a derisive democrat song in me too...i find both parties vapid and posers. so sorry, the dems may like the song, but it does not come from someone affiliated with either party or ideology. just my quirky sense of humor surfacing...

pseudonymous said:
mus zibii,

i started writing this song about 10 years ago, but could never connect my dotted lines. trust me, there is a derisive democrat song in me too...i find both parties vapid and posers. so sorry, the dems may like the song, but it does not come from someone affiliated with either party or ideology. just my quirky sense of humor surfacing...

Oh, no, it was a great song. I was just goofing around. I always liked the schtick about 'what car would Jesus drive?' considering he rode into Jerusalem on a jackass he didn't own.