Welcome to Alexandria!

  • Thread starter Karehndiujo Mohmid
  • Start date
Kindest Regards, Karehndiujo Mohmid!

Thank you for the link!

It is great to see that some of the artifacts are being preserved and made available for viewing!
I have always wondered why there are only 7 wonders of the world. I know it depends on the source, still I found it strange.

Cleopatra was for sure, an amazing woman !

Concerning the new library in Alexandria, I would like to search between its shelves for a little while.

I'm afraid I cannot dive, as I don't know to swim. Worse, I'm afraid of water. :eek:
Amazing, to say the least. Makes me shudder to look at Her sculpture.
The Virgin Isis Incarnate....or Sara, if you prefer.

Apparently, Jesus Christ was the Son of Cleopatra VII & Julius Caesar...Marc Antony, whatever you want to call Him.
(Looks like the same guy to me on either coin.)

Ptolemy Caesarion XV....... "King Of Kings", the Last Pharaoh of Egypt.

The Romans lied or something, I guess.

Breech of contract. Who cares, right?

Smoke THAT, Brian.
A Dios
Karehndiujo Mohmid said:
Apparently, Jesus Christ was the Son of Cleopatra VII & Julius Caesar...Marc Antony, whatever you want to call Him.
Ptolemy Caesarion XV....... "King Of Kings", the Last Pharaoh of Egypt.
Hi Karehndiujo,

Some people placed Jesus in India, so I'm not surprise if others think he was a Roman or an Egyptian.

Pesonnally, I don't think it's true. In 44 BC Marc Antony was co-consul, when Cesar took for himself the title of dictator perpetuus (February 15). Cesar had a daughter, Julia from his first marriage with Cornelia.

Ptolemy XV Caesar or Caesarion (nick name), the son of Cleopatra and Cesar was born in 47 BC. Cesar could not recognise him as his son, as he was married with Calpurnia. In 45 BC he adopted his great-nephew, Octavian as his son. As I know, Octavian killed Caesarion pour take his place in Egypt, as a Pharaoh. Cesar was killed on March 15, 44 BC.

So, Jesus could not be the son of Cesar. He was born later. As you know, his birthday was considerd so important for the entire humanity, that presently we use BC and AC, as refference.
