Looking for Defoe book...

Mus Zibii

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Anybody know where I can find--either on the net or via internet bookstore--the Daniel Defoe essay The Political History of the Devil? Since his work is public domain I thought I could easily find it on the net. Not so.

Where-ever God erects a House of Prayer,
The Devil always builds a Chapel there:
And 'twill be found upon Examination,
The latter has the largest Congregation:

Yeah, its from The True-Born Englishman. I just felt this thread of query was a bit thin.
I just bought a new scanner. I'll make m'rounds to the local libraries this weekend.
I was talking to John Hare at Sacred Texts the other day - he was heartily recommending that CR try and develop it's own unique content, by scanning older works in. This may well be a much needed first step in that direction. :)
Hey, yeah, John Hare is cool. He found Pseudo-Philo for me. If I had a credit card I'd donate something to sacred-texts. Its a brilliant site. I offered to send 50 bucks in a Christmas card, but he wasn't keen on the idea. LOL

But anyway, if I find it at the library I'll scan it or transcribe it. I'd say more, but its a big 'if'. I have no idea why its so rare. I was re-reading Rushdie's the Satan Verses the other day and he quotes it in his introduction. I have a large collection of Defoe's work, but for some reason I'd never thought to look for the History of the Devil before.
Don;t worry too much - the whole scanning issue is something I really need to look into. After all, it's not just the scanning, but the reformating into text. I have absolutely no resources for this at the moment - I don't even have a scanner - but I'm sure there must be a way to move forward on the issue of creating our own unique library of scanned texts. Still got lots of other material pending anyway. :)
I said:
Don;t worry too much - the whole scanning issue is something I really need to look into. After all, it's not just the scanning, but the reformating into text. I have absolutely no resources for this at the moment - I don't even have a scanner - but I'm sure there must be a way to move forward on the issue of creating our own unique library of scanned texts. Still got lots of other material pending anyway. :)

Been there done that. I'm on my 4th scanner now. Mostly I scan for archival purposes (legal documents, that sort of stuff), but I've used OCR a fair bit too to flip it over to text. That usually makes more work than retyping, though :)

A library of texts that are past copyright would be nice (at least past UK copyright - I think the US is trying for the life of the author plus the heat death of the universe for the limits)
LOL Yeah, when I found Canadian e-libraries, I was amazed. Couldn't get anything from James Joyce free from an American database. Its not like anybody could possibly read it, anyway. Joyce and Faulkner come with their own encryption.

If I find the friggin' book/essay, I'll pull a Fahrenheit 451 and memorize the damn thing.
btw where's Mus Zibii
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