Aura's launch tomorrow, July 12

For a moment I thought Aura was an X Prize contender. :)
I said:
For a moment I thought Aura was an X Prize contender. :)
Not exactly. X Prize teams (23 teams from 7 countries) have been formed in Argentina, Romania (and I am proud as I was born in Romania), Russia, the U.K, Israel and 2 teams from Canada and the headquartered in U.S.A.

Aura satellite has the mission to check the Earth' s Atmosphere and not to fly with passangers.
Aura's launch has been postponed, again to July 13.

Sorry, I'll keep you informed. :)
The launch of NASA's Aura spacecraft was postponed after a routine control. An inspector realised that the shild that surrounds the satellite was not aligned properly.

Aura costs NASA $785 millions. Its mission is to help scientists to understand better the changes in our climate, the air quality and the ozone layer that protects life from harmful solar radiation.

As you know, the first thing an astronaut will try to find on other planets is the water. The protection of ozone layer means protection of life on Earth.

alexa :)
Heh, it's a conspiracy! The Whitehouse is trying to scupper the launch! After all, Bush already "knows" that humanity dumping huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere doesn't affect it - and that all these climatologists who say it has and does are just limp-wristed commie pinko liberals. :)
I said:
Heh, it's a conspiracy! The Whitehouse is trying to scupper the launch! After all, Bush already "knows" that humanity dumping huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere doesn't affect it - and that all these climatologists who say it has and does are just limp-wristed commie pinko liberals. :)
Wow ! Minute là ! (a québecoise expression LOL !) :)

Why do you thing it's a conspiracy ?

I don't have a very good opinion about some people at the W. (I sincerely hope Americans would be smart enough not to re-elect the moron), but I belive a true scientist will do all his/her best for the science.

And I believe also the environment needs protection. I'm sure you have realised the climate has beeing changing. In Canada, 30-40 years ago, the winter was for 6 months/year and the snow was more than enough. Presently, we do not have much snow and you can feel it's not much of a winter. At least, not as it used to be. On the contrary, the winter in Europe seems to have more snow than usual.

If this satellite can help us to understand better what really happens with our climate, than I think it's a good cause to defend.

Unfortunately, the launch was postponed again, this time without a date. The reason is, this time,the harware doesn't work properly. A 3th delay. I don't like how it looks like till now.

It's alright, I was just joking. :)

Delayed launches are a pretty common hazard.
I said:
Heh, it's a conspiracy! The Whitehouse is trying to scupper the launch! After all, Bush already "knows" that humanity dumping huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere doesn't affect it - and that all these climatologists who say it has and does are just limp-wristed commie pinko liberals. :)
Aura has finally rejoined Aqua and Terra into the orbit, early this morning, July 15 2004.:)

Equiped with instruments capable of studying the air quality we breath, the global affects of pollution, to track climate change due to minute amounts of trace gases and aerosols in the atmosphere and finally if the stratospheric ozone layer is recovering, Aura is planned to orbit around us for 6 years.

It's a really large spacecraft we're bringing up there in Earth orbit
(the size of a school bus), said Michael Tanner, Aura's lead engineer and program executive at NASA headquarters in Washington D.C.

see Aura design on :