How to recover your avatar


Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
Reaction score
Moving the avatars from the file system to the database - for some reason - appears to have left some avatars in the file system unused, resulting in some people not having their avatar show.

In which case, I've temporarily opened up the original custom avatars folder, so that if your avatar is missing, or the most recent is not showing, then at least you can recover it directly:

Index of /forum/customavatars

Look through the listed images for your missing avatar, then save and download as you would with any normal image online. Then go to your user panel and re-upload it - that should work.

Am afraid you'll have to sort through the list to find your own - I have no way of finding which avatar belonged to which individual, but hopefully this will help.

Please note I will close the above folder after a week for security purposes.
Hm, unfortunately it looks as though a number of avatars are no longer there - really not sure what's happened in that regard.

MY apologies - I don't know how to recover any missing avatars (including my own), as I can no longer find a record of them on the server.
I had to shut the folder down, on account that the missing avatars were simply missing, unfortunately.
I was lucky enough to be able to find mine.

It took several hours of searching, but it was the computer that did most of the work. I did something else while my computer looked for all the image files on my computer. I then scanned over the search results.
Nevermind :) Acceptable losses I feel, also perhaps encouragement for people to "freshen" up their look :)

Quite right Alex. And as long as we are on the subject...oh what the heck I'm just gonna ask: whats up with the "Danger Mouse" outfit? :p
I had to shut the folder down, on account that the missing avatars were simply missing, unfortunately.

I think it still would have been nice to see the empty folder, just to make sure . . . that it was really . . . you know . . . empty.:D
Quite right Alex. And as long as we are on the subject...oh what the heck I'm just gonna ask: whats up with the "Danger Mouse" outfit? :p

Last Saturday we had a ho down!!! A hoot nanny! A barn boogie! My sister had a birthday and we did it in the style of 80's so there was a giant white mouse running around off his head lol.
Last Saturday we had a ho down!!! A hoot nanny! A barn boogie! My sister had a birthday and we did it in the style of 80's so there was a giant white mouse running around off his head lol.

That sounds like a real blast! Wish I could have seen it :)