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1. Zen[font=&#26032]在中國是佛教的一個流派,因而稱之為〝禪宗〞。[/font]

2. Zen[font=&#26032],是一種修持的方法。因而稱之為〝禪修〞。[/font]

3. Zen[font=&#26032],是一種精神的修養,因而稱之為〝禪道〞。[/font]

4. Zen[font=&#26032],祂發源於印度(史稱〝印度禪〞),傳進中國(稱為〝中國禪〞),然後通過日本等其它國家,流傳到全世界。[/font][font=&#26032]這個時候的就稱之為〝世界禪〞。[/font]

5. Zen[font=&#26032],它由菩提達摩傳進中國。根據中國可靠的官方歷史和中國佛教歷史的記載,菩提達摩由公元[/font]520[font=&#26032]年進入中國,公元[/font]529[font=&#26032]年圓寂。圓寂於中國河南省,登封縣,嵩山少林寺[/font](Mountain Sung, the highest and central peak of the Five Sacred Mountains, situated in Honan Province)[font=&#26032]。[/font]

6. Zen[font=&#26032],是佛祖傳授祂的學生,以心傳心的最簡單的、直接的,証得宇宙真實的方法。因此,[/font]

7. Zen[font=&#26032],是佛教最高的修持法門。[/font]

8. Zen[font=&#26032],在中國的發展,一花五葉,流播千年,傳承不絕。[/font]

9. Zen[font=&#26032],可以解釋無量[/font]





The above is the original Chinese text. Below is my translation. Whether the original Chinese text or the translation, if there are any mistakes, I welcome all teachers to criticize and point out the mistakes for correction. The translated text will be posted below)


(Note: The ‘Zen’ here is the same meaning as the Chinese ‘Chan’)

1. Zen, is a Buddhist sect in China, therefore, it is called ‘Chan school’.

2. Zen, is a method of meditation, therefore, it is called ‘meditation of Chan’.

3. Zen, is a kind of spiritual training, therefore, it is called ‘path of Chan’.

4. Zen, originated from India (history named it as ‘Indian Chan’), it was spread into China (called ‘Chinese Chan’), and through Japan and other countries, it spread worldwide. At this point of time, it was called ‘the World of Chan’.

5. Zen, was disseminated into China through Bodhidharma. According to reliable sources from the recordings of Chinese official history and Chinese Buddhism history, Bodhidharma entered China in 520AD, and passed away in 529AD, at Mountain Sung Shaolin Temple, Deng Feng County, Honan Province, China (Mountain Sung, the highest and central peak of the Five Sacred Mountains, situated in Honan Province)[font=&#26032]。[/font].

6. Zen, was passed down from Buddha to His students. It was a heart to heart transmission, and was the most simple, most direct meditation to verify the truth of the universe. Therefore,

7. Zen, is the highest meditative approach of Buddhism.

8. Zen which developed in China, is a flower with five petals. Zen has been flowed for thousands of years with ceaseless transmission.

9. Zen, may have infinite and countless explanations.


The above nine points introduced Zen, but also limited Zen. For this reason, according to the spirit of Zen, we should all deny anything that limits the spirit of Zen. The spirit of Zen should never be limited. Hence, Zen becomes ‘formless’.

Zen, is Zen.

Humbly welcome all Friends and Teachers for your kind criticism !
Namaste multi-dimension,

thank you for the post.

this is, perhaps, my favorite description of Zen...

"If people ask me what Zen is like, I will say that it is like learning the art of burglary. The son of a burglar saw his father growing older and thought: "if he is unable to carry out his profession, who will be the breadwinner of this family? I must learn the trade." One night the father took the son to a big house, broke through the fence, entered the house, and opening one of the large chests, told the son to go in and pick out the clothing. As soon as he got into it, the lid was dropped and the lock securely applied. The father now came out to the courtyard, and loudly knocking at the door woke up the whole family, whereas he himself quietly slipped away. The residents got up and lighted candles, but found that the burglars had already gone. The whole time, the son remained in the chest, and thought of his cruel father. Then a fine idea flashed upon him. He made a noise like the gnawing of a rat. When the lid was unlocked, out came the prisoner and fled. Noticing a well by the road, he picked up a large stone and threw it into the water. The pursuers gathered around the well trying to find the burglar drowning himself. By then, he was safely back in the house with his father, whom he blamed for his narrow escape. When the son told him of his adventures, the father remarked, "There, you have learned the art!"

D.T. Suzuki

we have a thread that's discussing this very subject, which you can read here:
