what do you



SPELL: In a place that you consider sacred, or a place that you have purified for spells (try to make this an outdoor place near a river, stream or ocean. You will need 8 pieces of writing paper four sheets of carbon paper. (if you can re-use the carbon, one sheet will work.) You will need some sort of board or writing surface, and a pen. You will also need some paper to make a paper boat.
While you are doing this, KNOW that what you are doing will result in a response.
1. For the first person, write a letter and ask for a reply. Since most people are disinclined today to send snail mail, get an envelope, put a stamp on it, and your address for them.
2. Get the sheets of paper. On the first, compose the letter that will be going to the person sending the snail mail. Use the carbon paper to make a copy.
3. On the second, third and fourth piece of paper, compose the emails that you will send to those people - again using the carbon paper to make a copy. (You don't have to put any personal information in these ... just the words you want to say.)
4. Safely store away the originals so that you can take them home.
5. with the larger paper, construct a paper boat. You can find instructions on how to do this on the web. Here is one example Paper boat
6. Fold the copies of the letters you are sending and put them in the boat. Place the boat in the sea or stream or river and turn your back on it. Walk away and don't look back to see where it went. Just KNOW that it will be effective. This is you letting go of the idea that you won't get a response. The copies you have are the words that will not go unheeded.
7. Send the snail mail letter with the return envelope. Send each of the emails to the people you expect an email response from.
8. Wait for the response.

I need the following:
I need one person to snail me "Yes you are thin and size 4 to 8"
I need one person to email me "Yes you are thin"
I need one person to email me "You are welcome"
I need one person to email me a confirmation "You were always thin, but thinner"
It is really important. I know you dont like to do spells against someones free will, but this is not really against their will this is just getting them to write down what they told me verbally - I need it written so I can get closure. I DONT USE CANDLES - TERRIFIED OF THEM. Thanks
hi lover,


well.... no, i wouldn't use a spell like that at all actually.

my style of majick is quite a bit different than the hermetic, ceremonial stuff which you've been asking and talking about on the forums for awhile.

you have to use a style which suits you and works so i'm not advocating that you change styles or anything like that.

that said, i just don't see the potential in this spell to do anything...there is no power to it....nothing fueling it. it is difficult to effect even sympathetic magicians let alone those that do not practice.

all of that said...it sounds to me like you're having a bit of a self esteem issue and that, alone, will make the majick fail.


I agree the spell sounded really dumb. How do you do spells? What is your way?

Can you explain this: "all of that said...it sounds to me like you're having a bit of a self esteem issue and that, alone, will make the majick fail." In what way can it make the spell fail if someone has a self-esteem issue.
I agree the spell sounded really dumb. How do you do spells? What is your way?

Can you explain this: "all of that said...it sounds to me like you're having a bit of a self esteem issue and that, alone, will make the majick fail." In what way can it make the spell fail if someone has a self-esteem issue.

hi lover,

i don't mean to say that the spell sounds dumb :)

i practice sex majick thus the way in which i do The Work is far different than what you'd normally see presented in any of the hermetic texts that you may read.

the self esteem thing is tricky since majick is, in many respects, a act of focusing the Will upon a desired outcome and effecting that outcome through Will. by and large, beings with self esteem issues lack a sufficiently determined Will to cause anything more than a localized effect, i.e. something which would effect only you.

the majick which you are talking about would require a phenomenal amount of Will to accomplish given that (correct me if i'm mistaken please) those that you wish to effect are not majicians and may not have any affinity for the Work.

in my own style of things, it takes many dedicated majicians working in concert to effect non-majicians, irrespective of the individual Will of the majicians involved.


I dont have self-esteem issues, why would you say that I do. I dont understand. And what is sex majick?

Can you explain what you wrote in normal language.
I dont have self-esteem issues, why would you say that I do. I dont understand. And what is sex majick?

Can you explain what you wrote in normal language.

you may not however it seems like you do given the desired outcome of the spell which you have written. affirmations of being thin and that you've always been thin and the like.

i am using normal language :) however the lexicon of majick is somewhat different than what one finds in typical discourse.

as for what sex majick is... well... is majick that uses sex energy to effect it's Work.

if you are really interested in that subject i would suggest Kraig's "Modern Sex Magick" as a very good primer.


How is self-esteem related to doing spells? Isnt it the belief in the spell that makes it work. I didnt write this spell someone on another site created this for me but to me it doesnt make sense.

Also can you explain this: " i just don't see the potential in this spell to do anything...there is no power to it....nothing fueling it. it is difficult to effect even sympathetic magicians let alone those that do not practice"

I have tons of self-esteem I just want what they told me in writing. Got any ideas on what type of spell I should do get what I want. I dont use candles ever.

Also any ideas on spells to get a few stores to close their current location and move? I dont use candles ever.

Also dont you think that the alter of someone doing magic spells could be their computer and the cabinet the computer sits on? I do.

To me props can be anything.
How is self-esteem related to doing spells? Isnt it the belief in the spell that makes it work. I didnt write this spell someone on another site created this for me but to me it doesnt make sense.

belief is some of it however there is, in my estimation, a far greater emphasis on Will rather than belief for majick to be effective in the various traditions which i've studied.

Also can you explain this: " i just don't see the potential in this spell to do anything...there is no power to it....nothing fueling it. it is difficult to effect even sympathetic magicians let alone those that do not practice"

what part of that would you like for me to expound upon?

I have tons of self-esteem I just want what they told me in writing. Got any ideas on what type of spell I should do get what I want. I dont use candles ever.

Also any ideas on spells to get a few stores to close their current location and move? I dont use candles ever.

candles are just another environmental object, a prop, and nothing more. i can't imagine using majick to bring into being what you are asking for in regards to the writing. *i* would simply ask them to write it down for me and, if they refused to do so, you could have an avenue for your majick to change things...but they might just do it because you asked.

i can't imagine any sort of majick that would compel a store to close or move unless the majick directly effected the physical properties of the store, i.e. cause the mortar to crumble in the bricks or something like that. short of that, i would suggest organizing a boycott of the store every day and using majick to strengthen your own Will and resolve.

Also dont you think that the alter of someone doing magic spells could be their computer and the cabinet the computer sits on? I do.

To me props can be anything.

it depends on your style. in my style the alter is the physical body.


(1) Can you explain what you mean: "emphasis on Will rather than belief for majick to be effective in the various traditions which i've studied.". In other words in what way is the emphasis on Will? And how does will effect various traditions.

(2) In what way do you not see the potential in that spell you saw on getting those people to write it down for me? Explain in what way there isnt any power and nothing fueling it? "i just don't see the potential in this spell to do anything...there is no power to it....nothing fueling it. it is difficult to effect even sympathetic magicians let alone those that do not practice"

(3) I dont want to boycott these stores I know the cashiers and managers. I want them to close and move and hour away. Here is why. I have tons of clothes (all in great shape and organized) but I have no more room for storage so I cannot buy any more. It is too tempting to have these stores near my home or close to my home. I drive to all of them - they are to far to walk. But if they close I wont be tempted to go and see what they have. So if they close and move far away then temptation is no longer there.
hi lover,

(1) Can you explain what you mean: "emphasis on Will rather than belief for majick to be effective in the various traditions which i've studied.". In other words in what way is the emphasis on Will? And how does will effect various traditions.

well... hmm... in *all* ways the emphasis is on Will. when a spell is prepared our minds are focused on the prep, infusing the objects (which are completely inanimate) with a potential energy and this potential energy arises from an act of Will. the act of releasing the energy of the spell into the multiverse is, also, an act of Will. indeed the very practice of majick is a practice of Will, of recognizing it and strengthening it.

as you allude to later in this post what needs strengthening is your Will so that you won't spend your money on more clothes which you cannot store.

(2) In what way do you not see the potential in that spell you saw on getting those people to write it down for me? Explain in what way there isnt any power and nothing fueling it? "i just don't see the potential in this spell to do anything...there is no power to it....nothing fueling it. it is difficult to effect even sympathetic magicians let alone those that do not practice"

given that majick is a practice of Will i do not see how using a spell which someone else creates can generate the necessary Will to be successful. which is why, for instance, the tomes all say that the spells within are guides for the creation of your own. the act of creating a spell is an exercise of Will and it is this, and this alone, which gives a spell it's power.

(3) I dont want to boycott these stores I know the cashiers and managers. I want them to close and move and hour away. Here is why. I have tons of clothes (all in great shape and organized) but I have no more room for storage so I cannot buy any more. It is too tempting to have these stores near my home or close to my home. I drive to all of them - they are to far to walk. But if they close I wont be tempted to go and see what they have. So if they close and move far away then temptation is no longer there.

perhaps those cashiers and managers would no longer be able to work there due to the distance which they would have to travel?

nevertheless, what you indicate here is mostly an issue of Will. IF you were not tempted to buy more clothing would you still want the stores to move? it doesn't seem like it. thus using majick to strengthen your Will should be the beginnings of your practice, imo.

How can I use magic to strengthen my Will? I thought you dont use objects in your spells. Do you have to use props? And how do you get your WIll out to the universe?

EXPLAIN THIS: "the tomes all say that the spells within are guides for the creation of your own. the act of creating a spell is an exercise of Will and it is this, and this alone, which gives a spell it's power" hOW IS THE ACT OF CREATING A SPELL AN EXERCISE OF WILL, AND HOW DOES IT GIVE THE SPELL POWER?

The cashiers would not care they would just go somewhere else. And I still want them to close even if I had WILL - it would still be too tempting.

Do you have any idea how I can do a spell to close these stores?

How do you use Will in your spells? Give an example.

Do you have any idea how I can do a spell to get those things in writing?

Can my mind WIll these stores to close and get those things in writing?
How can I use magic to strengthen my Will? I thought you dont use objects in your spells. Do you have to use props? And how do you get your WIll out to the universe?

hmm... lover.. let me ask you, have you read any of the majickal texts out there like The Golden Dawn or any of Crowley's writings?

majick strengthens the Will in the same manner that exercise strengthens the muscles in the body. think of the practice of majick as just that, a practice to strengthen Will and i suspect that you will start to see greater effects from your Work.

the only props that i use are related to the physical body, so maybe pillows or a cushion or candles or incense...the props are pretty insignificant in the Work which i do though they are useful for creating the right state of mind for the Work to be successful.

as for Will and the universe, i would suggest that it's not your Will going out to the universe rather it's the universe coming into your Will. As Below, So Above is a very common expression related to this idea.

EXPLAIN THIS: "the tomes all say that the spells within are guides for the creation of your own. the act of creating a spell is an exercise of Will and it is this, and this alone, which gives a spell it's power" hOW IS THE ACT OF CREATING A SPELL AN EXERCISE OF WILL, AND HOW DOES IT GIVE THE SPELL POWER?

spells are powered by Will so the more Will that we can imbue a spell with the more power that spell will have. creating a spell is an act of Will by it's very nature; an intentional action to generate a specific and intentional result.

The cashiers would not care they would just go somewhere else. And I still want them to close even if I had WILL - it would still be too tempting.

this is what i'm saying to you. WHEN your Will is sufficiently developed THEN you would not have the temptation any longer in much the same way that when you are hungry you eat and then you are no longer hungry. until your Will is sufficiently strong the temptation will exist even if the stores moved further away.

that said, i'm a size 8 so if you have some extra clothes which are hip and funky, let me know and i'll send you my address ;)

Do you have any idea how I can do a spell to close these stores?

as i mentioned, i think your spell would have to effect the physical structure to make it close OR effect the business so that it was no longer profitable to operate in that location. as for actual techniques that is something that i cannot divulge to you though the information is contained within the books that i mentioned earlier.

your style of majick and mine are very different and what works for me may not work for you.

How do you use Will in your spells? Give an example.

hmm... well... you just do...it's the "how" of how majick works. my Work uses Will since it is very physically oriented and it is unethical to do the Work with someone that is not aware of it. as a consequence one must develop the Will sufficiently to engage in solo practice, secondary majician practice and group practice.

Do you have any idea how I can do a spell to get those things in writing?

i really don't think you need to, you can just ask. the only time majick could even be helpful there is if someone refused to write it down for you. think of majick as a tool, sometimes there are better tools for the job and one of the hallmarks of being a successful majician is knowing which tool to use and when.

Can my mind WIll these stores to close and get those things in writing?

yes. whether or not you will be successful has a great deal to do with your Will (the amount of power) that you are able to generate and use. usually doing the Work with a group will have greater success since the amount of Will which is generated typically far exceeds that which a single majician can generate.


What is your procedure to casting spells? In other words lets say you want to cast a spell what do you from start to finish.

This is going to sound stupid but what is your definition "Will"?

These people refuse to write it down so can I use my Will to make them do this?

And when I use my mind to make the stores close how do I do that? I mean do I keep thinking "Stores close" or do I think "Stores close because of rotting wood", until this happens?

I do many of my spells on the computer as you know. I assume you read my post on how I do the spells on the computer. The ones I did on the computer are coming true. I think it is because I really concentrate on doing the spells making them strong.

I am just asking out of curiousity: How do you feel if someone would say to you "Oh the only way to do a spell is this way and not your way?" I know resent it.
hi lover,

What is your procedure to casting spells? In other words lets say you want to cast a spell what do you from start to finish.

i am not permitted to divulge that information however since i practice sex majick you can be pretty sure that sex plays a large role in what is happening.

This is going to sound stupid but what is your definition "Will"?

not stupid at all, imo :) Will = Will power.

These people refuse to write it down so can I use my Will to make them do this?

well... yes and no... yes that you can use your Will to effect this outcome and no that you cannot force them to do so. your majickal work can create the right conditions and setting for what you would like to occur and then the rest flows from them.

And when I use my mind to make the stores close how do I do that? I mean do I keep thinking "Stores close" or do I think "Stores close because of rotting wood", until this happens?

in my experience the more specific you can be the better the results so "stores close" isn't going to be too helpful whereas "close because of rotting wood" would be more helpful. yes, keeping ones' mind focused on the outcome of the spell is important. it need not be on your mind all the time however the more that you can concentrate your Will and focus it on the desired outcome the more successful you will be.

I do many of my spells on the computer as you know. I assume you read my post on how I do the spells on the computer. The ones I did on the computer are coming true. I think it is because I really concentrate on doing the spells making them strong.

yes, the concentrating on them is focusing your Will upon them and that gives spells their power.

I am just asking out of curiousity: How do you feel if someone would say to you "Oh the only way to do a spell is this way and not your way?" I know resent it.

oh believe me i get that kind of thing frequently. fortunately, my school of majick puts a far greater emphasis on the outcome rather than the process, still, there are some that i know that will totally disagree with the methods that i use and will, helpfully, explain how i'm doing it all wrong. in the final analysis if it works then you did it properly. :)

good luck in your Work!


I meant to tell you I dont dress funky. And I dont give away my clothes. I have tons of clothes all in great shape and I love them all and plan on keeping all of them forever.

With that being said. Will Power in what way? How do you use Will Power in majick spells?

Also with sex majick do you have actual sex or do you masturbate? How does sex help majick spells work?

How does the majickal work create the right conditions and setting for what you would like to occur?

Do I just keep thinking "close because of rotting wood" over and over again for each store I want closed. Do I think of all the stores at once or over a period of time think of this for each store individually?

Do you think because I concentrate on my spells via the computer really hard that is the reason why those spells are working? And when I do the other spells not on the computer they dont work because I just do them without concentrating?