Shooting stars and the color of the stars


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The annual Perseid meteor shower promises a lot of shooting stars this summer. The peak should be around August, 11 and 12 and if you are on vacation, in a camping, be ready to see around 50 and 100 meteors per hour.

If you have a telescope, you have the opportunity to check the color of stars in the same time.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]By the way, there is an interesting rule about the colors of telescopic double stars. If the stars of the pair are equally bright, they have the same color. If they are unequal in brightness, they have different colors. If the brighter star is the redder of the two, as in the case of Albireo, it must be a giant star; if it is the bluer, then it is what astronomers call a main sequence star, like our Sun.[/font]

If you have the opportunity to take pictures, I'll be interested to see them.
It's always somewhat magical to see shooting stars - you can really understand why they could hold so much power for ancient peoples.

Darn it, though, my telescope is broken - you have to hold it still manually. Not much good in the city, anyway, but the thought of taking it out would have been nice. :)
I don't have a telescope, but I hope I'll have one in the future.

However, the shooting stars can be seen even without a telescope. The magic is still there into the Universe.

I would like to go in Alaska only to have the occasion to see "une auréole boréale". Sorry, I don't know it's name in English. :D
Aurora Borealis. :)

Seen it once a few years back, even over the east coast of England. Quite something. :)

Shall watch for shooting stars with the eye, but for binary stars I may need a new telescope - also, a decent location. Alaska sounds good. :D
Thanks, Brian ! :)

It seems it's difficult to make up my mind about the language when I am tired. Most of the time I speak French, than Romanian, than English. I can speak a little Italian, too, when I have the occasion. Most of the time I speak French, so don't be surprised when I'll do a funny translation. :)

Seen it once a few years back, even over the east coast of England. Quite something. :)
You know, this is really funny. This Monday, my collegue at work told me her husband woke her up to show her the sky. They saw quite a show of lights and we are far away from Alaska.

I should be ashamed. :p I was sleeping like a wood (do you have this expression in English ?) and I didn't see anything.

Anyway, it seems Alaska is worth to be visited.
Sleeping like a log would the English form. :)

As for Alaska - simply travelling would be a good. Maybe in a few more years. :)

I've found a better article about the shooting stars :

We should expect an extra surge of meteors on August 11th at 5 p.m EDT caused by a filament of dust from the comet Swift-Turtle. There is a New Moon and around 200 meteors are expected. Do you think you have the time to see them ? The best view is from Europe and Asia.

The traditional Perseides can be watched before dawn, on Wednesday August 12th.

Thanks again and enjoy the show, :)

Traditionally it's clouding in the UK. :)

I will try and watch, though. :)
I hope there will be no clouds on Aug. 11 and 12. Anyway, with a rate of 200 meteors/hour I think you have a great chance to see them. :)