Andalusian-Moroccan Fair 9th -22nd of Aug04 Norwich (UK)


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Islam in Europe Andalusian-Moroccan Fair 2004 9th to the 22nd of August 2004 - to be held in Norwich (UK) at the Forum Norwich Forum Norwich
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In cooperation with the Comunidad Islámica en España.

The Open Trade Network is a non-profit making voluntary organisation 69 Bethel St., Norwich NR2 1NR.

Tel: 0870-733 4455 Contact: Rashid Luqman (Managing Director for the Andalusian-Moroccan Fair)

Timetable of the ‘Islam in Europe – Andalusian-Moroccan Fayre’ 2004
Thursday the 19th August: 10.00am - 8.00pm Trading commences

8.00pm Official launch with various guests, including Abu Bakr Rieger, President of the Muslim Lawyers' Association, Abdalhasib Castiñeira, Director of the Granada Mosque, and others to be confirmed
8.30pm concert of Andalusian music from Morocco
Friday the 20th August: 10.00am - 8.00pm Trading

8.00pm Showing of film “Andalusian Encounters” on a Norwich woman's journey to Islam and acceptance of it in Granada. Preceded by a presentation by the director Bin Salem.
Saturday the 21st August: 10.00am - 8.00pm Trading

8.00pm An evening of Sufic song, followed by a discourse, in the Ihsan Mosque, Norwich
Sunday the 22nd of August: 10.00am - 8.00pm Trading

The Open Trade Network is a non-profit making voluntary organisation
69 Bethel St., Norwich NR2 1NR. Tel: 0870-733 4455
Contact: Rashid Luqman (Managing Director for the Andalusian-Moroccan Fair)

In association with the Norwich Mosque,(Directions-Map) 13-17 Chapelfield East, Norwich NR2 1SF. Tel: 0870-739 4959

Muhammad Sajad Ali - co-ordinator
I really should set up some form of press releases section for stuff like this - which otherwise looks like forum spam, when in this instance, I don't believe is the intention.