Enjoy your vacantion !


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Hello everybody,

This year I have finally 3 weeks vacantion, but I cannot take them. :mad: I'm stuck at work since my collegue gave his demission's letter when he found a another company. We have found quickly another person to remplace him, but she has also found another company and gave her demission this week. I suppose we cannot say no to a company who offers you at least $ 10 000 more.

I hope you are luckier than me and I would like to offer you a virtual tour in Canada :

Enter on the site : http://travelcanada.sympatico.msn.ca/Home/

You have 4 choices : wildlife viewing, historic sites, fishing and festival &events. Once you have made your choice, click on it and go below in Oh Canada - Take a virtual tour. Enjoy it !

If you can offer me a virtual tour in another country, I'll be happy to see it.

Thank you very much,

Sorry to hear about your lost vacation days. :-( I lost many myself before my days of being a with-the-kids mom. Now I never get vacation. Just kidding--I appreciate it that I can be home while my children are young.

When I was a kid we vacationed in Canada, in Onterio mostly. Then I went to college at Plattsburgh, NY, and visited Montreal (usually combined with beer runs as the alcohol content in Canadian beer was higher than in American beers--oh foolish days of youth). My husband was a Canadian studies minor and the biggest benefit (for some) to that particular study was a field trip to Quebec City with a stop at the Molsens Beer plant.

Anyway, hope you get a break soon.

PS--It is one of our goals to visit QC together some day, and visit BC. For our honeymoon we went to Nova Scotia and PEI.
Hi lunamoth,

If you'll pass again in Montreal, just let me know and I'll see what I can do about those Canadian beer. :D

I'm not worried about my lost holidays. My boss has been working hard lateley just to be sure I won't let him down, too. So, I think my salary has good chances to change a little . :D


Heh, can't wait to explore Canada at some point. :)

When you are ready for the travel, I'll give you my phone number and address.

I'll be happy to have you as my guest. :)

I'll be happy simply to travel! Never been outside the UK. Not yet. :)
Unfortunately we dont have a virtual tour as like Canada, though i can provide you with http://english.istanbul.com/ Seems quite easy to surf and updated.

You all are welcome to Istanbul/Constantinopole, id be more then happy to host you here, nize place to know, chill out and do some religious searches trust me..

'One who will conqure Constantinopole, shall rest in heaven forever' said someone (a holly person as far i could remember) someday. :)
PersonaNonGrata said:
Unfortunately we dont have a virtual tour as like Canada, though i can provide you with http://english.istanbul.com/ Seems quite easy to surf and updated.
Thanks a lot, PersonaNonGrata ! I have really enjoyed the site. Bosphorus seems a very nice place to be visited.

This year, I have no chance to take a real holiday I'm stuck at work. :mad: If I have the chance to go to Istambul or Constatinopole, I'll let you know.

Oh, Constantinople is definitely on my "places to visit" list. :)

One day I'll be inside the Hagia Sofia - though I'll also need to visit some of Russia's big Orthodox churches to appreciate how it would have been decorated.
alexa said:
Thanks a lot, PersonaNonGrata ! I have really enjoyed the site. Bosphorus seems a very nice place to be visited.

This year, I have no chance to take a real holiday I'm stuck at work. :mad: If I have the chance to go to Istambul or Constatinopole, I'll let you know.


Perfect ) Really, on behalf of you, any guy/gal that is a member of this site, would like to come can accomadate, so that you'll have more money to spend on other goods, or sightseeings )

Raining today...
Here's where a friend of mine is from: http://www.greece-athens.com

I can understand the problems concerning travel/vacation. I received three offers to study abroad from former professors (one to Ireland, one to Sweden and one to Russia) and an offer from my Greek friend to see Athens before, during and after the Olympics (he's working as a translator/interpreter during the Olympic Games) but, as soon as I start making plans to get the stuff I need to go somewhere, the manure hits the fan big time. (I won't get into the list.)

I wish that you had better luck, too, vacation-wise. *a beautiful Russian Blue :kitty: enters stage right with a @~~ in her mouth, followed by an equally beautiful Siberian Forest :kitty: with another @~~. They present them to alexa with a flourish only felines can give*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
I wish that you had better luck, too, vacation-wise. *a beautiful Russian Blue :kitty: enters stage right with a @~~ in her mouth, followed by an equally beautiful Siberian Forest :kitty: with another @~~. They present them to alexa with a flourish only felines can give.
Thank you from all my heart to you, gentle and beautiful kitty ! :)
