Magic(k) in YOUR Religion?

Etu Malku

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Does magic figure into your religion/beliefs?
Do you call it by another name?
How does your religion/beliefs define magic?

I'll let some of you pipe in before I get into my beliefs ;)
well dont think i really have a religion at the moment, but when I did we had prayer which can be considered a form of magic(k).
Whatever you are now :rolleyes: do you incorporate any kind of rituals, practices?

not a lot really i'm not to big on rituals.

occasional mediation, occasional prayer but i have been experimenting with praying in my name rather than somebody else's.

mainly though i try to just just be, although try is probably the wrong word.
My use of magick and ritual is to bring forth the unconsciousness into the consciousness.
Within the unconsciousness lies the archetypes of Jung, these archetypes I tap into and atone with to gain gnosis and to change something in myself and eventually to change something in the objective universe. (also the definition of magick I adhere to).
My use of magick and ritual is to bring forth the unconsciousness into the consciousness.
Within the unconsciousness lies the archetypes of Jung, these archetypes I tap into and atone with to gain gnosis and to change something in myself and eventually to change something in the objective universe. (also the definition of magick I adhere to).

thats interesting during my time as a charismatic christian we had a theology called "Kingdom Now" which basically means to see what the father is doing in heaven and speak it out so that it manifests here on earth. We were also taught how to journey to the heavenly realms under the guidance of the holy spirit sometimes the holy spirit would give us something to release back on earth.

all sounds similar to what you are doing.
Wasn't born into or raised in any religious group/organization, so I have no "native tongue/vocabulary" framework or ritual background to start from. However, I do agree that it is an interactive universe, so making a change within yourself can also affect a change outside of yourself.
do you incorporate any kind of rituals, practices?

I'm very interested in the Native American cultures and their concept of the Great Spirit/Wankan Tanka. I personally try to live with the seasons in mind as much as possible. As you alluded to: sleep more in the winter, less in the summer. Long hair/beard in winter for warmth; shaved face & head in summer to stay cool. Hunt/trap in the fall, plant in the spring.

I only eat meat that I harvest myself (deer, wild turkey, rabbit, squirrel, pheasant, etc), gather as much from the wild as I can (mushrooms, greens, fruits, etc), eat as much as possible from my half-acre garden, put away lots of food in the cellar and freezer for the winter months. Also make homemade wine/mead.

10 day solo retreat in the spring, 10 day solo retreat in the fall; just as many Natives went on periodic "vision quests".

What I seek from these practices is a deeper harmony with nature; a better understanding of the Great Spirit & my place in the circle of life; and to embrace death as part of life.
certain aspects of magic can be affirmation to the existence of the Divine Providence. At least for me, this is the main impetus to do magic. I am resigned to do it for others as it is easier for me that way. I practice this every single day at work. I am blessed to work in an environment where I can do it without much fuss - in an Indian Casino where luck is the household word. While I firmly believe that luck does not exist.
Having said this - I despise "religion" but I have beliefs...
Does magic figure into your religion/beliefs?
Do you call it by another name?
How does your religion/beliefs define magic?

I'll let some of you pipe in before I get into my beliefs ;)