Nefertiti mummy found?


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Yorkshire, UK
Here's some very interesting news about Egypt:

Nefertiti mummy found?

The whole Nefertiti thing has been an interesting mystery for some time, and even still, this article still shows there's a way to go before there's any conclusive proof as to whether it really is Nefertiti's mummy or not.

For those who don;t know who Nefertiti was - she just happened to be the primary wife of Amenotep IV - more famously known as Akenaten (US = Akhenaton). This was a pharoah who dismissed the polytheism of thousands of years of Egytian mythology and try to instill Monotheism - the worship of a single divnity, upon the Egyptians.

Of course it was only partly successful - temporarily as well. As soon as he died - through whatever means - his record was chipped out from the momuments of Egypt to deny him any existence. But his capital city - El Amarna - which was abandoned not long after his death - has provided a massive background to this enigmatic Egyptian Pharaoh.

In theological terms it's expected that Akhenaten's policies would have had an important effect on the peripheral states, and it has long been conjectured that the Jews were very influenced by this Egyptian teaching.

Unfortunately, we're not quite sure in what Biblical period this may have been. It could have been during the reign of Moses, or even in the reign of Solomon. It entirely depends upon the path of Biblical Arhcaeology being followed.

I actually sympathise greatly with David Rohl's chronology, not least because he does illustraet some silly errors in the traditional Egyptian chronology, which apparently has changed very little over the past couple of years.

There's a tentative connection through one of the Psalms - you can get more information here:

Akhenaten and the Hymn to the Aten

Oh - and one last thing - as a superb historical twist, the memory of Ancient History's greatest Heretic was especially preserved through the finding of the tomb of his first son - which happens to have been the most famously complete Pharonic tomb ever excavated. Yup, you guessed it - Akhenaten was the dad of Tutankamun. :)
Opinions on Smenkhkare, Tut, their roles after Akhnaten's death, and the decline of Atenism?

It's an area where I have far more opinions than facts to guide me, and I'm looking forward to learning more.
LOL! I'm sure I've got a book on "Who murdered Tutankamun?" somewhere, but I've always been far more fixated on Akhenaten and Nerfertiti. :)

Seems there's a possible overlap in our interest there, though. :)

Wasn't Smenkare a possible name taken on by Nefertiti after her busband's death? An enigma, that one.
It would be wonderful if we knew more about the connection here between Egypt under Akhenaten and the Holy Land. Are there any specific references I can use to look at this more closely for my own personal study?
Smenkhkare was the Pharaoh next after Akhnaten, who died only a few years later, and was succeeded by Tutankhaten/-amon. Some of the Amarna stuff indicates a romantic relationship between Smenkh. and Akhn., a story dealt with in Allen Drury's novelization of the time, A God Against the Gods. The idea that Smenkh. might be a surviving Nefertiti, pulling what's in essence a second Hapshetsut routine (woman representing herself in the role of man to claim the throne), is one that had not occurred to me.

Smenkh., by the way, seems to have tried to continue Atenism, but Tut., young and inexperienced, allowed the Amon priesthood to try to obliterate it.
I just checked some of my books on the topic – and although it has been suggested that Smenkhare is Nefertiti under a different name, it appears that Nefertiti actually disappears by name from the Amarna
Records around year 11 of Akenaten's reign. The simplest explanation therefore being that Nefertiti died about that period.

As for Smenkhare – it seems that the general view is that Smenkhare is an elder son of Akhenaten – from which wife I do not know – and that he was married to a fairly well documented daughter to Akhenaten and Nefertiti named Meriaten. In fact, if I remember right, Akhenaten and Nefertiti only appear with daughters on their pics – the absence of sons is distinctive (though I could be quite wrong here).

Anyway, Smenkhare only appears to have lasted a couple of years, and then it's the turn of Tutanhkamun, who I believe whose mother is specifically named as Queen Tiy and apparently gets plenty of press in her son's famous tomb.

So, although maybe Akhenaten and Nefertiti are the darling couple of the Third Dynasty, it seems it didn’t last very long. True, Pharaohs with multiple wives is hardly unexpected, but its noteworthy that Nefertiti disappears early from the records.

There seems to be a general confusion about the whole latter period of Akhenaten's reign and dynasty – for example, in some texts Ay succeeds Tutanhkamun for only a few years before Horemheb appears – but in other texts both figures become one as Ay-Horemheb.

I really am going to have to read the Tutankhamun book to see this part through in more detail. Although the actual Akhenaten reign is what I'm more focussed on, the issues of Smenkhare and Ay both serve as important latter chapters to the conclusion of the Amrana period.
I read today some claims that X-Ray studies showed the mummy was almost certainly Nefertiti. However, there seems to be a lot of certainty being offered on a subject that can allow no real degree of certainty.

I couldn't find an online version of the latest claims on this issue, but I did find an interesting site that comments on this subject far more in-depth, and covers some major objections - as well as support, for the theory. Worth a read if you're interested in this subject:

Queen Nefertiti's Mummy Finally Identified--Maybe!

DUELING MUMMY MASTERS: Will the Real Mummy of Queen Nefertiti Please Stand Up?