Franz Bardon


eclectic Wiccan
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Novelty OH USA
Has anyone else here read any of Franz Bardon's work? He is often compared to Crowley in his importance.

I find Bardon's work is much easier to grasp than Crowley's. It's too bad he didn't write more than he did.
From what I've read of him, he makes more sense than Crowley, and his magic is better. Crowley was far more talk than action, and was more of a legend in his own mind than most people realize.
I've read "Initiation into Hermetics". It's a practical book meant to help initiate the neophyte, but I found the exercises not so easy in practice. I bought the book several years ago and have yet to move past the exercises in chapter 3. I suppose I'm not disciplined enough to complete the entire work.

Bardon's works are far less complicated than Crowly's and much more practical as far as I can tell. I've read some of Crowly's works years ago and they had my head spinning. At least Bardon takes the reader by the hand and guides them step by step.

I'm actually selling my copy of "Initiation into Hermetics" as I don't foresee me moving past chapter three. If anyone is interested, I have the first edition of the second English translation published by Merkur publishing in 1999. The book is in near fine condition with a dust jacket in very good condition. The value of the book is $95.00 + dollars. There's one copy of this edition posted on Amazon for $219.00, however.

PM me if interested :)

James is right just look at the price of Crowley's books and Bardon's - the marketplace(Amazon) tells us who is worth more :)
I am a Bardonist and to sum it up; Bardon is practical and mostly mental while Crowley was into everything mainly rituals and writing. Crowley's books show a pure genius but very convoluted and hard to follow. Bardon writes with a crisp German Teutonic, practical style. He demands your flesh and blood (believe me there are very few people who actually follow and practice his rigorous training). If you wish a quick and magical self-transformation read and follow (i.e. practice) Bardon - but it won't be easy. Rawn Clark has books and an excellent free resource site to deepen you understanding of Bardon and provide certain shortcuts in to Quabbalistic magic such is the magic of IHVH-ADNI)
Has anyone else here read any of Franz Bardon's work? He is often compared to Crowley in his importance.

I find Bardon's work is much easier to grasp than Crowley's. It's too bad he didn't write more than he did.
I have dipped into Bardon's writings and find him a worthy teacher of sacred magic.

Merkur still publishes his works, so there is no need to pay a lot for any of his titles:

Franz Bardon