Some Ideas on Magical Thinking



New Thought and the Secret has much merit but both fall short on practical advice and cautionary warnings.
The magick community also has its problems and misunderstandings with the true nature of phenomena. Let me post some ideas of mine.

  • Ceremonial magick while important facet is not as important as they make you believe. Ceremonies, costumes etc are like are crutch to place the practicionair into an altered states, a trance that can be achieved without any costume or hocus pocus.
  • true magic is not obvious yet consistent. That is the beauty of it. You operate under the radar and everybody thinks you are just lucky or blessed, while you are making everything happen. This way you avoid attention and negative consequences or unwarranted animosity or envy.
    People come to you for a good show if you want to show off. True magic is not like that. You do not want to show off and do not want attention. You do things for others and a little for yourself.
  • Magical thinking is only partial, the vibration of letters, colors and sounds can and will work with your mental effort on tandem.
  • Lastly, your invisible selves must be in harmony in order to work with the elemental forces. Your physical is only ONE aspect of it. The invisible is ALWAYS more important.
additional food for thought;

On a certain, mental level time and space does not exist, in addition all possible events are not only possible but actual and probable. Nothing is yet sequential.

Also, in our so called "reality" much of that we think as actual and final event is in reality, just a perception based possibility of one in the trillion of permutations of the whole.
What finally "happens" is based on individual and collective visualization, ideas, current and old thoughts and karmic balance of positive and negative individual or group Karma. Nothing is by chance or happenstance, at least not the way most people think of it. Akasha, the fabric of the Universe has traces of the karmic information. Everything is choreographed to perfection. but to a certain extent you (the initiated magician) can alter and change it. You can also create! Conjour up things from nothing. I fact that is easier than altering karmically defined future events. In the old days the rainmaker or the soothsayer was often killed when his/hers prediction or effort was not realized, but many times the desired outcome - rain was karmically not possible that time.
For example, a shuffled deck of cards, on the mental level where there is no sequence of time based events, any possibility of the shuffled deck is probable so a true magician can "invoke" any cards, to the low level thinker(neophyte) who is stuck in the trap of time/space fabric of this Universe cannot see that as a probability but as hard as it is to believe this - ANYTHING is possible when imagined and acted out on the mental body, which then automatically gets pushed(propagated) to the physical realm and becomes, final and "REAL".
This is the true philosopher's stone, the true empowerment.
  • Ceremonial magick while important facet is not as important as they make you believe. Ceremonies, costumes etc are like are crutch to place the practicionair into an altered states, a trance that can be achieved without any costume or hocus pocus.
  • Whereas I agree that ceremony or ritual is not needed to create magick, there are very few magi that get to the stage where it is not needed.

    It provides the necessary psychodrama needed to wake up the psyche/unconsciousness and to tear the fabric separating the objective and subjective universe.

    I have been practicing ritual magick for 35 years and find just the opposite of what your saying to be in effect. My most recent ritual lasted the entire month of October and consisted of extreme sensory deprivation, other times sensory overload, many forms of trans induction, and neuro linguistic programming of my thoughts and daily activities. The outcome was more than I had anticipated and almost became detrimanetal to my mind.

  • true magic is not obvious yet consistent.
    I agree, I fail way more times than succeed.
  • Lastly, your invisible selves must be in harmony in order to work with the elemental forces. Your physical is only ONE aspect of it. The invisible is ALWAYS more important.
    I find there is a delicate balance of the cycle of Order, Transformation, and Chaos that is essential to Elemental Ritual.

    Good thread . . . thanks!
Dhammapada 1:1-8

1. Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with an impure mind a person speaks or acts suffering follows him like the wheel that follows the foot of the ox.
2. Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts happiness follows him like his never-departing shadow.
3. "He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me." Those who harbor such thoughts do not still their hatred.
4. "He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me." Those who do not harbor such thoughts still their hatred.
5. Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.
6. There are those who do not realize that one day we all must die. But those who do realize this settle their quarrels.
7. Just as a storm throws down a weak tree, so does Mara overpower the man who lives for the pursuit of pleasures, who is uncontrolled in his senses, immoderate in eating, indolent, and dissipated. [1]
8. Just as a storm cannot prevail against a rocky mountain, so Mara can never overpower the man who lives meditating on the impurities, who is controlled in his senses, moderate in eating, and filled with faith and earnest effort.​

Picture "Mara" as "that which is detrimental to the mind." ;)
One last thing I forgot to add ...
It is not emphasized strongly enough. Doing simple magic is natural whether you know it or not. We all think, believe, strive and create - good and bad. Life is magic.
However, ones magical effectiveness is commensurate to his/her spiritual purity and heart. You simply cannot do advanced magic without being advanced spiritually. That is the first and foremost fact to follow. Look inside and ask why? What motivates me? When ready your centers open gradually and that will propel you like a rocket to the moon. You however should NEVER, ever try to force or work on your centers. Work on your purity of heart, compassion and character.....never your chakras.
If you wish to do magic for selfish reasons your abilities will not advance. You can injure yourself and/or go mad! This happens quite often.
Doing simple magic is natural whether you know it or not. We all think, believe, strive and create - good and bad. Life is magic.
Nicely put, yes Life is Majiq ;)

If you wish to do magic for selfish reasons your abilities will not advance. You can injure yourself and/or go mad! This happens quite often.
Though here I tend to disagree with you. I am of the LHP, we are Selfish people :D so to speak, we do not surrender our ego to anything, and all Ritual is intended to either make a change in One's Self, and/or indulge in hidden knowledge. I don't believe for a moment that anyone partakes of Ritual for any other reasons than for their own spiritual evolution. I'm not saying that ceremony and ritual cannot be beneficial for others, but I am saying that it begins with your Self first, then others reap the rewards of your Kheperu / transformation.
I'm gonna have to agree with Etu Malku here: you make the change within yourself, and then the objective world will also change. Wei wu wei.

Here's a Buddhist teaching along this line:

The third dhyana Buddha represents the purification and
elimination of the disturbing emotion of attachment or desire.

Desire causes much suffering by being quite distracting and
keeping the mind restless and busy. Why? When one is attached
to things, one is never satisfied and always craves for more and
better things. One is continuously engaged in achieving and
acquiring the mind’s desires and only experiences loss and
dissatisfaction in one’s life. By understanding this negative
emotion and by eliminating it, the third discerning wisdom
shines forth. By realizing discerning wisdom, the enlightened
mind is experienced and one becomes one with the Buddha
Amitabha. It is with this wisdom that one understands and has
empathy with each and every living being and appreciates
others’ qualities. The Buddha Amitabha’s nature is the absence
of attachment and desire and his activity is magnetizing. As
already said, attachment and desire lead to the suffering of
dissatisfaction, a state in which one always wants and strives for
more and better things. Desire determines one’s behavior and
not attaining what one desires leads to frustration and
dissatisfaction. With the discerning wisdom and the realization
of Buddha Amitabha, there is no attachment and desire and thus
no dissatisfaction, or craving for more and better things. This
realization is so powerful that all things are naturally magnetized
as one’s own. There is no energy and force involved as in a state of desire.​
I also agree with Hermes that you can damage your mind/sanity if you don't work on positively transforming yourself--you wind up fortifying your mental hang-ups, rather than transforming them, leading to more dukkha...
Nothing is all black or white, we all have some ego and individualistic motivation - we are human. But I know from experience that my power of WILL, spirituality and insight is has been sped up when I offered myself to the common good of men - to the spiritual Hierarchy (yes I am a lightworker, I admit it now :)
Once you do that - it is like a government job - your needs will be taken care, not your WANTS, mind you....this allows you to be more altruistic and creative. But harder you work at self-advancement harder it gets for some people. Why, because they tend to forget that co-operation is always better than competition.
Nicely put, yes Life is Majiq ;)

Though here I tend to disagree with you. I am of the LHP, we are Selfish people :D so to speak, we do not surrender our ego to anything, and all Ritual is intended to either make a change in One's Self, and/or indulge in hidden knowledge. I don't believe for a moment that anyone partakes of Ritual for any other reasons than for their own spiritual evolution. I'm not saying that ceremony and ritual cannot be beneficial for others, but I am saying that it begins with your Self first, then others reap the rewards of your Kheperu / transformation.
Nothing is all black or white, we all have some ego and individualistic motivation - we are human. But I know from experience that my power of WILL, spirituality and insight is has been sped up when I offered myself to the common good of men - to the spiritual Hierarchy (yes I am a lightworker, I admit it now :)
Once you do that - it is like a government job - your needs will be taken care, not your WANTS, mind you....this allows you to be more altruistic and creative. But harder you work at self-advancement harder it gets for some people. Why, because they tend to forget that co-operation is always better than competition.
your needs will be taken care
By who?
Whereas for the most part I can agree with what we are saying here, I am reminded of the many rituals I have performed over 20 years and the many trips to the Underworld I have (and still do) made in order to bring back something not meant for me to have, along with its trade off (you never get something for nothing).

Sirius (pun) Ritual Work is not for everyone, the veil between sanity and madness is at its thinnest.
By who?
Whereas for the most part I can agree with what we are saying here, I am reminded of the many rituals I have performed over 20 years and the many trips to the Underworld I have (and still do) made in order to bring back something not meant for me to have, along with its trade off (you never get something for nothing).

Sirius (pun) Ritual Work is not for everyone, the veil between sanity and madness is at its thinnest.

“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.”
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.”
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Goethe rocks!

I have an interesting ritual coming up this Solstice, I will be summoning an ancient Sumerian god and creating a Servitor/Djinn then releasing it into the objective universe to work my Will!

Now who's crazy? Muwhahahahaha!!! :eek:
Goethe rocks!

I have an interesting ritual coming up this Solstice, I will be summoning an ancient Sumerian god and creating a Servitor/Djinn then releasing it into the objective universe to work my Will!

Now who's crazy? Muwhahahahaha!!! :eek:

I'll reserve a rubber padded room for you and a jacket with extra long arms that tie behind the back! :eek:
you can speak sumerian?
My name is Sumerian ;)

Ni Oabu Wasu Salmat Qaqqadi
"I speak a little Sumerian"

As an Occult Adept years ago I needed to learn a dead language as well as write backwards and other odd things . . . LOL!
After some time and reflection I would like to add something. Some people think the "Secret", "positive thinking" is all there is to magic. That is not true.
We project our future by our thoughts. What we believe that becomes true.
But that is not all there is in the realm of magic. Out of body Experience at will is getting "warmer", but a few can do that. (We all do it while we sleep, or at times involuntarily)