
Interesting indeed. I've always wonderd why they keep speaking about the two towers and not a word about the Pentagon since. I mean, 3 years ago, we all could see Pentagon was touched too, but I didn't see anything after. Maybe our channels were not interested very much about. Who knows ? Anyway, I found it bizarre.
What was it? That conspiracy that it was a truck bomb or something? I think snopes has a page on that.

Other theories:

Remote controlled jets, mini-nuclear bombs, vibrating earthquake machine, space aliens...

Anything except 19 Moslems.

What was that line from Richard III? Say that I slew them not.

Then say they were not slain: But dead they are, and devilish slave, by thee
The Flash animation makes for a nice perspective, but doesn't seem sure of what it's saying at various points - it claims it was a commuter jet - then a missile - then a military plane. One suggestion, please.

The snopes articles does a good job addressing a lot of the concerns, though. What's lacking is the coup de grace of an actual photo of the place around the time of impact.
does it really matter what it was? lol

i think the important thing was it obviously wasnt done by who and what they told us, which were key to bushes anti terrorism campaign
No, that's the point - you have confused witness statements, but if there's a conspiracy then the witness statements would agree that events x occured instead of events y. What we're shown is that people saw a plane, and heard a loud jet noise accompanying. That's what the offical government position is.

And Bush's anti-terrorism campaign doesn't rest on the Pentagon being hit - it rests on the fact that the world was able to see those 2 passenger jets fly into the WTC, then the twin towers collapse. That's the only emotive material anyone needs for any campaign, whatever the message. The Pentagon strike is superfluous to that, as is the 4th plane that crashed. People will always remember the towers because that's what they saw with their own eyes. Heck, a lot of people will even read this and have to think twice - "Fourth plane? What did that hit?"
Mus Zibii said:
What was it? That conspiracy that it was a truck bomb or something? I think snopes has a page on that.

Other theories:

Remote controlled jets, mini-nuclear bombs, vibrating earthquake machine, space aliens...

Anything except 19 Moslems.

What was that line from Richard III? Say that I slew them not.

Then say they were not slain: But dead they are, and devilish slave, by thee
what is these americans obssession with the muslims? oh man, george guy there has really did a great job, as pavlov dogs as soon as they hear the word muslim... they went crazy, yelling an shouting nooooo he'll kill us. F8cing moslims etcetera.
Come'n Mus even you? Or you are one of the top flag holder?
Hatred can not solve anything, you are the ones that are pumping terrorism around the world by your ongoing international politics around the globe. STOP it or GOD'll stop your country! This is a warning, and storms are only a warm up...

no kidding... oh man sounds kiddy though ) stop hailing in front of oil ;
ok, brian look im not a crazy conspirator or anything i just found this on a shaolin forum

"What we're shown is that people saw a plane, and heard a loud jet noise accompanying. That's what the offical government position is."

lol..naa, that isnt the official position bro, the official position is that some muslim HIJACKED a boeing 757 and flew it into the pentagon,

the fact of the matter is the video just exploits the whole situation as a fallacy, the aircraft and its manueverability, the non damaged lawn and cable spools, the precision hit and piloting of an incompetent pilot, lack of evidence, no jetwash or turbulence to offset the traffic on 1-395 even though the plane was ground level going 350 mph..heheh, lol umm thats just what i can gather from watching the video a couple times, maybe you didnt pick up on all of that

but , no the "official position" is not so vague as, a loud aircraft

the pentagon and the 4th plane are just the icing on the cake, there are alot of holes and missing pieces to the whole day, this just points out some obvious ones about that particular time and place, regardless its still the past, but like they understand our future, we have to understand the past, and how many people really know the whats, hows, whys of 9/11? very few
Okay, I meant the witness reports seem to agree with the official position. :)

But the whole conspiracy idea - I have trouble finding any real arguments. That actually makes myself feel somewhat unimaginative. After all, apparently a plane can fly into the Twin Towers - and apparently be hidden from view. But if a plane flies into the Pentagon, we expect the wreckage to all bounce out onto the lawn. Somehow there's a real lack of coherence in the conspiracy argument - there's nothing wrong with questioning, and if someone is going to point out actual evidence of some kind that the official position is a blatant lie, then I'm all for reading it. But so far, all the conspiracy regarding the Pentagon strike just looks like people asking questions - but without being able to deliver any kind of answer or proper response as to why the official position is so completely wrong as claimed.

Like I said, it does make myself feel somewhat unimaginative, though, that I don't see the big gaping holes that others are seeing.
enuff of 9/11 stuff im going to puke

Guys and gals, September members of the site: (not August :p)

Clinton about 6 years ago, pretty sure it was november 1999, came to visit turkey for OSCE Summit. After the routine meetings, during his visit, he went to visit the ones whose houses were demolished by the earthquake. He wasnt followed by hundreds of security, tens of armoured mechanized cars, and ones (?) of jets. He could go in public without any FEAR, he hugged this orphan baby (6 months old) and the baby looked at him respectively (that pic was on our newspapers for 3 days) yeah i know how cliche that scene is but we loved america on behalf of clinton couple.

Then bush (i cant even write his name feeling too much disgust towards) came... he tried to came actually as his afro-american secretary tried to go to athens for olympics, actually this guy succeed to came. Man i have never ever seen so much security in my whole life, roads blocked, nearly all the residences in Ciragan Hotels neighbouring area (included mine) were investigated (not physically), because of the vast numbers of streets that are blocked as people couldnt go to their work most companies declared they wont work in those days.
Both presidents of the same BIG country, both visiting a secular muslim country, see the irony?

No one is envying your greatness guys, no one is ****ing care if you are the number 1 strong, powerful, richest country in the world. People always, i dont know instinctively or not, needs someone to lean on, and they accept your power but only we wanted to know that you are not the evil side, allright?

A BIG BUT(t) goes here...
We, as humans all around the world, i guess i can speak in the name of them, felt our deepest sorrow when we have watched that planes crushing the most notiable buildings (and richest) of the world. All the world leaders regardless their belief systems, remembering their gratitude towards USA, sent their most humble letter of condolences.. and this grief my friend wasnt feeling towards the f8ckin' ugly concrete blocks, it was of course towards the PEOPLE

SO, 2 years passed after this horrible event, and DUDE im asking you, yeah you american you.. wtf you have done to world? Do you still think that WE are feeling the same grief towards to the people that have lost their souls? Do you really believe that your government is trying to stop terrorism?

Revenge, arrogancey, greed, anger-wrath, pride, oh man you really are following Satan now.

Ironically enough im working for an all-american company here ))
PNGrata )