Past Life/Reincarnation Question?


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Hi everyone,

By nature, I am very curious person. Hence, my interest in many things. Although my religion does not teach the belief in reincarnation, I have an open mind. Recently, I purchased Dr. Weiss' book "Mirrors of Time" and tried the CD for my anxiety issues. I had two brief visions (?):

1) A woman, short with dark complexion and very dark, long hair. She wore a white toga. I thought she had a horse/camel/donkey next to her but did not pay a close attention to the animal. The woman kept looking behind her, as if she was afraid of something. It was a sunny day, sky crystal blue. In a distance, it looked like a mountain.
2) The same woman was sitting somewhere, and I was looking at her as if in front of her. She did not speak. This time she was combing her black, long hair. She looked anxious.

Later in the day, I did google search to find the name of the dress the woman had. I settled for toga because that is what it looked like. Three cultures used toga as dress: Greeks, Etruscuns and Romans. It is interesting that I have always felt aversion toward Greeks and Romans (histories), and wonder if the woman was Etruscun?

I must say that I am intrigued. I have not had a chance to listen to the CD again, but so badly want to find out what happened to the woman.
One book I read is that hypnosis regression may not always be accurate, as some people have "remembered lives" that they actually read about in books or movies.

Does anyone have experience with past life regression? How can one go back to the same "past life" to investigate it. The CD is a bit too fast for me, I wish I could have stayed longer with the visions.

I have memories from more than one past life, so I definitely think it is possible to do past-life regressions.

I think there is a chance this was a past-life regression for you, but it is hard to tell from what you have said. You should go check out the past-life forum. I am sure someone there can point you in the right direction.

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Not necessarily about past lives....


There are MANY different things what you experienced could mean....
It is important that YOU decide what it means to you...

But i will share with you that "bumping into" the record ( Akashic Record ) DOES happen- as some folks have developed that skill over lifetimes..... but there is a much more likely possibility...

and what you need right now is possibilities - so that YOU might construct the necessary questions to answer this....

My suggestion would be that one of your "guides" has chosen to make itself know - for whatever reason....
only YOU can answer this kind of question with any satisfaction - because no one else has your personal experiences behind you...

it may help to realize that the True Mind knows no language...
it must communicate with you through symbols and intuitive knowledge...
most folks are not comfortable with that until they have learned to USE their mind, instead of it using them....

I have memories from more than one past life, so I definitely think it is possible to do past-life regressions.

I think there is a chance this was a past-life regression for you, but it is hard to tell from what you have said. You should go check out the past-life forum. I am sure someone there can point you in the right direction.

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after all these years, i still haven't the foggiest idea whether we ACTUALLY have sequential past lives - or if they are drawn from a "Field" of awareness....

I'm glad so many folks out there on the internet have so many answers....
because from where I am standing - I don't see ANYONE who has the right QUESTIONS - much less answers.... ( and i'm including myself in that... )
If the cd was not regressing you to a past life , the vision may not of been of a past life . You might get a self hypnosis past life regression cd . Some let go to a life of your chose . Lets say to see if a problem of some kind is from a past life , or you want to go back to that vision and see if it was a past life of yours . desert rat
Instead of supporting your belief, I'm gonna pour on some cold water.

It is... noble of you to attempt to address your anxiety issue, but I feel you have chosen the wrong shade of "self-help" here. I am concerned that by believing in this past life situation you will give your anxiety more importance in your life than it needs. Instead of ridding yourself of it, you will instead become dependent on it, consider it ... destiny... give the formless, free floating anxiety more body and life. You will then never be able to give up the anixety behaviours and cognitions you say you want to be rid of, because you will give the anxiety-feelings more weight.

Does that make sense, to you?

You are using trance states to regress. This auto-suggestion method works; but you have to remember it is what it is: you're "programming" yourself to have an experience you want to have. But that doesn't make it "real". It's an illusion. You're brainwashing yourself, in effect.

That's okay if you just want to... play around. But, that's not what you said you wanted. You wanted to fix your anxiety issues.

The problem is, though....

You might see this "vision" (hallucination/delusion) as real. You will discover that the exotic woman was murdered, or squashed by a camel, and you will use this delusion as an excuse to keep the anxiety-feelings that you say you want to be rid of. And, even worse; you will make the anxiety MORE of a feature by embroidering a fantasy around the "vision".

If you really want to address anxiety issues via "self-help" -- stay away from the fringe stuff; the cranky, wierd stuff, and investigate CBT specifically for addressing anxiety issues instead. It really does work.
Not specifically but since I have embarked on my spiritual journey, gradually I have acknowledged certain things. I was "around" during the second world war (I was actually born in 1956). I was part of the war and I have done something that greatly lifted my karmic burden. This was the reason that right after my reincarnation (1956), I had earned the right for my spiritual re-awakening. There are some facts that we must understand.
1) when we have an epiphany/awakening/aha moment in a given life. It is usually not the first one.
2) we spend a certain amount of time between incarnation - a gap in the other side is meant to cleanse us from certain attachments and hangups.
The only people who are reincarnated right away are high beings(above my pay grade) to serve a specific task or purpose.
3) pushing regression does work however doing it too much is useless and can lead you ashtray.
One way to do regression is with mirrors and a candle. Meditate that way for a while, you will be amazed. Set the candle behind you and set up the mirror in front so you can see, yourself and let go.
Hi everyone,

By nature, I am very curious person. Hence, my interest in many things. Although my religion does not teach the belief in reincarnation, I have an open mind. Recently, I purchased Dr. Weiss' book "Mirrors of Time" and tried the CD for my anxiety issues. I had two brief visions (?):

1) A woman, short with dark complexion and very dark, long hair. She wore a white toga. I thought she had a horse/camel/donkey next to her but did not pay a close attention to the animal. The woman kept looking behind her, as if she was afraid of something. It was a sunny day, sky crystal blue. In a distance, it looked like a mountain.
2) The same woman was sitting somewhere, and I was looking at her as if in front of her. She did not speak. This time she was combing her black, long hair. She looked anxious.

Later in the day, I did google search to find the name of the dress the woman had. I settled for toga because that is what it looked like. Three cultures used toga as dress: Greeks, Etruscuns and Romans. It is interesting that I have always felt aversion toward Greeks and Romans (histories), and wonder if the woman was Etruscun?

I must say that I am intrigued. I have not had a chance to listen to the CD again, but so badly want to find out what happened to the woman.
One book I read is that hypnosis regression may not always be accurate, as some people have "remembered lives" that they actually read about in books or movies.

Does anyone have experience with past life regression? How can one go back to the same "past life" to investigate it. The CD is a bit too fast for me, I wish I could have stayed longer with the visions.