What if you were in space?


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Northern Indiana
I don't mean for this to be taken as an insult by anyone, but I've been dieing to know. Let's say you where on a space shuttle that was orbiting directly above Mecca. What direction would you pray? I've always wanted to know this so I thought I would ask any of the Muslim members here to answer.
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Re: What if you where is space?

Salaam JJM,

i tried to correct your opening from "where" to "were", but it didn't work very well, sorry about that.

just a little typo :)
Re: What if you where is space?

Vajradhara said:
Salaam JJM,

i tried to correct your opening from "where" to "were", but it didn't work very well, sorry about that.

just a little typo :)
Yeah I always do that. I have to read papers I right just to find all of the wheres that should be weres
Re: What if you where is space?


leaving that aside :)

i think it's a valid question, i'm interested to hear the answer.

of course, my understanding of Islam is not what you might call thorough or from any particular sect, Sunni, Shiite or whathave you.

in any case... it would seem to me, though i'm often wrong about how folks with Gods go about doing things, that God wouldn't really care so much about the direction in which we are facing when we pray. it really seems quite absurd to me that facing a particular point on a sphere is somehow related to the divine.

don't get me wrong... we Buddhists have our sacred sites as well.... they just don't happen to be the place where God has directed us to turn our worshipful attention :)
Re: What if you where is space?

It is an interesting question - especially if you imagine all the complexities involved if humans inhabited other planets. The concept of direction to a specific point on earth would be just a little complicated, methinks.
Re: What if you where is space?

Namaste Brian,

a little? LOL... i really do appreciate the British talent for understatement :)

I said:
It is an interesting question - especially if you imagine all the complexities involved if humans inhabited other planets. The concept of direction to a specific point on earth would be just a little complicated, methinks.
Re: What if you where is space?

.. Well i am not a good muslim...and don't know much....But in the beggining...muslims use to pray... facing jeresuleum....and then ...they were
ordered to change it to Mecca.... and this order came during a Namaz...and Prophet Mohammen (MPUH) changed his direction during Namaz... from Jerusulum to Mecca....
then when some people ...Objected to this change.... God revelaed an ayat...
..... the essense of which is .." god is the God of East as well as West... .."
which is then interpreted as.... It really does not matter in which direction you pray.

... on the basis of this principle Muslim pray... facing an approximation to Mecca...while travelleing....and It Ok....since Like while in Flight....the Plane may
change directions....But still it will be alright...
So I guess..... While in Space... Facing Earth will provide sufficent approximtion to

>>> But I will still Like to hear some One knowledgeable to give us a proper prespective....on it...
Re: What if you where is space?

aquaris said:
So I guess..... While in Space... Facing Earth will provide sufficent approximtion to

>>> But I will still Like to hear some One knowledgeable to give us a proper prespective....on it...

Well what if earth was up? Would you face up? I realize that a shuttle is weight less so you could just position yourself that way. And like you said I guess to Muslims it doesn't really matter. But let’s say you where on the dark side of the moon. And you would have to face the ground to face earth. Would you pray facing down some how or would it truly not matter?

JJM said:
I don't mean for this to be taken as an insult by anyone, but I've been dieing to know. Let's say you where on a space shuttle that was orbiting directly above Mecca. What direction would you pray? I've always wanted to know this so I thought I would ask any of the Muslim members here to answer.
As a Muslim when you are traveling in lets say a car, plane, train, bus and yes even space shuttle, facing Mecca is not a priority. You just pray the way you are facing. In a car when you are traveling, you would pray where you sit and face forward. Same idea with space shuttle.

isnt there any muslims on this site.. oh man..
So it's not the exact direction and degrees of a person's facing - simply the intention to be humble before God, and mindful of this?
aquaris said:
yes exactly......
actually when you are travelling yes exactly.
and please do not 'try' to exaggerate the issue; its not about the angles or the degrees, its simply facing to kaaba while praying.

- where should i face in this house?
- this way aunt.
common question and answer along muslims..
You do the best you can. The kabah is considered at the centre of each of the dimensions, so all paths lead to it eventually. Having a set direction on earth is useful for self-control and praying in congregation, it helps build unity.