Hey, Alexa...


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Heh, I was just looking at your little profile thinga-ma-bobber and saw your birthday was July 22...That's my birthday! :D Weird, I've never met anyone (in real life or on the internet) with the same birthday as me...

Which makes me wonder...there are billions of people in the world, and only 360-something days in a year - how have I never met anyone with the same birthday before?! That's crazy...
Hello KnightoftheRose,

Glad to meet you, too !

I suppose I was luckier. I know another 4 having the same date and one of them was born in the same year. Actually, because of me, her mother had to find another hospital, as my mother took the last free place ! :D I had a collegue in college and presently I have two work with me, same departement !:D One of them is younger and the other one is older, so here I am the middle one.

That's crazy, isn't it ?:)
Actually, because of me, her mother had to find another hospital, as my mother took the last free place !
Heh, actually, that reminds me of a story my mother told me - she had been born at exactly the same time, in the same hospital, as another woman named Teresa Martin. Funny thing was, my mom's name is also Teresa Martin :)

Heh, its funny how coincidental some things can be...
As long as they are the good one type, the coincidences don't bother me.

Anyway, welcome to CR and enjoy your stay !:)