Dissention in the West?


Disagreeable By Nature
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Not in the Kingdom... yet.
I read an article in the paper today about Jacques Chirac's push to end the EU's arms embargo on China. Germany and France both support this measure. At the very same time, America is trying to pressure Taiwan to push a massive arms deal though their government. Thus, France and Germany seem to be looking to arm China, while America is arming Taiwan at the same time.

Also in the news is the American veto of a UN security council resolution to stop the current Israeli campaign in the Gaza strip. Aside from the traditional American foreign policy support for Israel, it seems like revenge for the way France and Russia vetoed the resolution that would have sanctioned the war in Iraq.

Is it just me or is a growing split developing in the West? Personally I am beginning to see one, specifically between Britain, Australia and North America on one hand, and the European Union on the other. What do you think?
Marsh said:
Is it just me or is a growing split developing in the West? Personally I am beginning to see one, specifically between Britain, Australia and North America on one hand, and the European Union on the other. What do you think?
Maybe you want to say USA instead of North America ? Canada do not support war. Actuallly, our army is a very small one.

I believe USA wants to sell the overstock and re-new with more sophisticated arms.

France and Germany's mouvement can be a strategical one.
The US veto is pretty common - there's a good 100 or so UN Resolutions against Israel, and the US vetos anything that looks for implementation. It's normal at the UN.

As for the China deal - heh, Europe likes to pretend it's the moral alternative to the USA, but erally our governments are just as greedy and corrupted - they're just not so open about it. The arms dealing is pretty much a norm. The US simply continues to ensure that Taiwan is not vulernable to attack - though, really, it's all posturing - if China had really wanted to attack, they would have long ago. China simply wants some recognition of authority there. IMO.
I said:
The US veto is pretty common - there's a good 100 or so UN Resolutions against Israel, and the US vetos anything that looks for implementation. It's normal at the UN.

As for the China deal - heh, Europe likes to pretend it's the moral alternative to the USA, but erally our governments are just as greedy and corrupted - they're just not so open about it. The arms dealing is pretty much a norm. The US simply continues to ensure that Taiwan is not vulernable to attack - though, really, it's all posturing - if China had really wanted to attack, they would have long ago. China simply wants some recognition of authority there. IMO.
i wonder if europe's army power will change after we join the eu? You know they -USA- want very much for us to be a part of eu. though i think this might back fire on them, with the 19,828,702* manpower, we have quite a force here?
so eu will not pretend for only the moral alternative in the future but also the errrmm force alternative, i know it still can not compate with them but a slight difference will happen, dont you think?
