Dualism and the concepts of spiritual awareness


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Consider reality. Now, for a moment if you will, consider the concept of dualism. Consider the possibility of two spiritual realities. One of them is God. The Holy Spirit. The very force and essence of creation. The very definition of pure love. Power. Undefineable except through the character of the man, Jesus Christ. For whatever reason, God allowed evil to exist. His first creation was angels. God never actually created an evil angel. He created angels who had will apart from Him. It appears that God actually only created the possibility of will apart from Him. Call it Spirit apart from Him. This is why there are currently two spiritual realities. We sense the two realities because we have both spirits in our awareness. He did not place two spirits within our awareness. He did originally allow for the possibility of another spirit besides Himself. I do not know why He did this. I do believe that were it not for my ancestors choosing to disobey, I would never know more than one spirit.
If the very real alternate reality of evil was created by God, it only became an alternate reality for humans by humans accepting it.
One can argue that God knew that we would choose this option, but why question the rationale of it? I believe that God chooses to allow us the opportunity to eradicate evil by once again choosing Him. The fact that He allows evil to exist is irrelevant. We live with it.
If He knew that we would choose it the first time, perhaps a different outcome will occur the second time with a more fully mature and aware human race. Or perhaps not. In any case, it is arrogant and ludicrous for us mere humans to grouse about why God does not or can not eliminate evil. Perhaps He is awaiting our decision as to whether we choose to surrender our dualistic spirit nature that is in us and to consciously revert back to allowing His Spirit to consume us, thus eliminating evil from within us eventually.
If I created a robot and the robot looked at me and declared that I had to come from somewhere and that I was not all powerful, I wager that this robot is overstepping its programming and its programmer.
We do not have all of the facts about the origin of anything. We can only choose to declare ourselves the prime origin of thoughts and solutions or we can choose to believe in an originator of all time, logic, matter, and reality.
Some declare that God is a myth. They are using their belief that they and their fellow humans are the originators of all defineable belief through observable reality.
Others have a belief in God. Christians believe in a personal character rather than an undefineable one. This character transcends mere man, however. At least, thats how I believe.
I think that God is not finnished making us. We are still a crude example of what we will become.

If evil didn't exist, we would have no refrance point.Without down, there is no up. We learn much from evil, mostly that we don't want to go in that direction.

That's the way I see it.
Dear Phatboy

"There is a new dawn on the horizon and out of the darkness comes the light, the more the dark shadows draw close to you, the larger your Christ light becomes." Mother Mary

I feel many of our perceptions and realities are changing as our consciousness is evolving and so it will also be with duality. But yet everything in the Kosmos has an important reason for being. For instance negativity is an opportunity for breakthroughs and assist evolving consciousness.

"For whatever reason, God allowed evil to exist"

For me GOD just IS and evil is a lack of light

"His first creation was angels"

What proof is there that this was his first creation?

"God never actually created an evil angel."


"He created angels who had will apart from Him."

What proof is there?

"It appears that God actually only created the possibility of will apart from Him. Call it Spirit apart from Him."

That is separation and duality

"He did not place two spirits within our awareness."

The Dead Sea Scrolls disagree with this, it clearly states that we were given two spirits one of truth and one of falshehood. I have also been told that we were given two keys of truth one that leads to the black hole and one that leads to wholeness. Which is probably a better metaphor then two spirits. The great gift of free will was given due so that we could choose.

"He did originally allow for the possibility of another spirit besides Himself."

What proof ?

"I do believe that were it not for my ancestors choosing to disobey, I would never know more than one spirit"

Well you obviously believe in he who must be obeyed! I don't buy this one because it is contradiction with free will and also against GOD's own natural laws of the universe.

"If the very real alternate reality of evil was created by God, it only became an alternate reality for humans by humans accepting it."

All is energy so what do we choose to do with that the energy? We all have a conscience do we listen to it?

"I believe that God chooses to allow us the opportunity to eradicate evil by once again choosing Him."

Agree allowing us to choose what we do with our energy.

'The fact that He allows evil to exist is irrelevant. We live with it."

Yes agreed, we use our free will to choose it

"In any case, it is arrogant and ludicrous for us mere humans to grouse about why God does not or can not eliminate evil."

True its all abotu free will

"Perhaps He is awaiting our decision as to whether we choose to surrender our dualistic spirit nature that is in us and to consciously revert back to allowing His Spirit to consume us, thus eliminating evil from within us eventually."

Well yes from my humble experience it is about aligning our feminine and masculine energies and this then determines the value of the third and our relationship with GOD.

"If I created a robot and the robot looked at me and declared that I had to come from somewhere and that I was not all powerful, I wager that this robot is overstepping its programming and its programmer."

We are both the player and the referee in our own game of life.

"We do not have all of the facts about the origin of anything."

Looking at nature is a good starting point.......

"This character transcends mere man, however. At least, thats how I believe."

Does energy have a character I ask myself!!!???

Food for thought !

Dear gardentoad

How does this feel:

Humans are only just becoming human beings.

Through our own evolvement of consciousness we are allowing ourselves to be spiritual beings having a human experience.

Love beyond measure

First of all, don't despise myth. Myth is the treasure-house of all our most sacred truths. Second, we as a species make judgements about what is good and bad. This rise from blissful ignorance and the resulting ability to choose good is the lesson of the Genesis myth, . But what is good? I maintain that all of the following are essentially the same thing: love, good, creation. creativity, truth. And the origin - the source of all - is what we call God. So creation springs from the loving nature of God. God is not a white-bearded man on a cloud, but perhaps that is how we have to imagine him for now.